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《never give up》 Summ

Within the High Power Company, Planning Department 3 used to be an existence full of mystery and scenery.But as time went by, the status of this department gradually fell from its peak to its bottom due to repeated unreliable plans.However, in this seemingly bleak department, there is a group of ordinary strivers who use their wisdom and sweat to write their own stories.

Li Tianran is the workplace“black hole” of Planning Department Three.He often confuses people because of his overly straightforward personality and unexpected behavior.But it is he who continues to explore in the workplace and interprets the meaning of struggle in his own way.He understands that only by continuous learning and progress can he find his place in the workplace.

Fan Sisi is a girl who pursues inner peace and indifference.In the fast-paced workplace life, she always maintains a peaceful heart.She believes that only inner peace can keep her head clear and make wise decisions in the workplace.

Wu Yimei is another member of the third planning department. She looks cold on the outside, but is full of enthusiasm on the inside.She knows that in the workplace, true trust and cooperation can only be established by truly feeling the needs of colleagues.Therefore, she always does her best to help others and has become a “intimate elder sister” in the department.

Baima Shuai is another highlight of the third part of the project.He came from a wealthy family, but he chose a different path than his family expected.He firmly believes that only through his own efforts can he win real respect and recognition.Therefore, he worked hard in the workplace and proved his worth with his own strength.

This group of “ordinary strivers” not only showed their talent and charm in the workplace, but also gained precious love and friendship in life.They support and encourage each other and face various challenges in the workplace together.With their joint efforts, the third part of the project gradually got out of the trough and returned to the top.

Faced with the deputy director's deliberate provocation and the competition from Project One, everyone in Project Three did not back down.They used their wisdom and courage to successfully resolve crises time and time again.They know that only by uniting as one and working together can they be invincible in the workplace.

《never give up》Episode 1 Details

mysterious intern

Within Gaofa Group, Planning Department 3 has always been a legendary department.It is not only a thorn in the group's side, but also a gathering place for “weird” that many people avoid.Under the unique leadership of Minister Yu, all kinds of characters gather here: blame dumpers, plastic surgery monsters, fisherman, etc. Their existence seems to only prove one truth-even a group of less optimistic employees canWith a little luck and hard work, you can find your place on the big stage of the group.

Today is the most important day in the career of Li Tianran, who is at the bottom of the biological chain.After a long period of hard work and waiting, he finally won the long-vacant position of team leader in the department.Li Tianran is high-spirited and full of fighting spirit, ready to face new challenges.However, just when he was about to reach a new peak in his life, he suddenly received a blow.

At the company gate, Li Tianran almost knocked down a young man named Bai Ma Shuai.This handsome white horse is none other than the nephew of the chairman of the group. He came to Planning Department 3 this time to accumulate grassroots work experience.Facing this “Golden Branch and Jade Leaf”, Minister Yu was respectful and respectful, and the deputy director even treated him like a brother. Even the chairman, who was rarely seen in normal times, happily took selfies with him.

The appearance of Bai Ma Shuai made Li Tianran feel unprecedented pressure.He was worried that the team leader position he had obtained would fly away, and he might even lose his job as a result.So, he mustered up the courage to try to get close to the handsome guy on a white horse, but was mercilessly hurt again and again.It turns out that some of Bai Ma Shuai's actions towards Li Tianran were not out of malice, but just to test the performance of the front camera of the new mobile phone.His identity is really just an ordinary intern without any privileges or background.

By chance, Li Tianran learned that Bai Ma Shuai was actually a kind and helpful young man.He was not arrogant and rude because of his status. Instead, he took his work very seriously and even completed the tasks assigned by his leader on his first day at work.This made Li Tianran look at him with admiration and made him full of confidence in his future.

Just when Li Tianran was about to let go of his heavy heart, Minister Yu suddenly announced a surprising news - he would be promoted to deputy team leader, and Fan Sisi, the new team leader who was airborne, would join Planning Department Three.Faced with this sudden change, Li Tianran was both surprised and excited.He knew this meant he would have the opportunity to work with the new team leader to grow the department.

《never give up》Episode 2 Details

Enemies from heaven

In busy cities, workplace competition is like a war without smoke.In this war, Li Tianran and Fan Sisi became each other's opponents.Li Tianran originally served as the team leader of the company's planning department, but all this changed after Fan Sisi appeared.

Fan Sisi is a seemingly relaxed and comfortable woman. Her appearance breaks Li Tianran's workplace balance.Not only did she easily take away Li Tianran's position as team leader, she also humiliated him by calling him “小李” in public.Li Tianran couldn't understand why such a person who chatted, ordered takeout, and picked up after get off work during work could overwhelm him.

In order to regain his position as team leader, Li Tianran decided to impress Minister Yu with his intelligence.He thought hard and finally came up with a seemingly innovative plan - to make the mobile phone the size of an iPad to see more clearly when playing games; to make the iPad the size of a mobile phone for easy portability.However, this seemingly perfect plan is extremely absurd in the eyes of Minister Fish.Li Tianran was kicked out of the office because of this, and his mood reached rock bottom.

At the same time, Fan Sisi was also troubled by her situation.She originally thought that she would be able to work easily when she was transferred to Planning Department 3, but she did not expect that dinner parties here were frequent and she had to pay for herself.It took a toll on her body, mind and wallet.In order to get out of this predicament, Fan Sisi decided to take extreme measures. She proposed a suicidal proposal - the same plan as Li Tianran's to convert the sizes of mobile phones and iPads.

However, this proposal did not achieve the results that Fan Sisi expected.Minister Yu was angry at her behavior and thought she was deliberately provoking.As a result, Fan Sisi was unable to be transferred from Planning Department 3 as she wished.

After this series of events, both Li Tianran and Fan Sisi realized their shortcomings.They begin to reflect on their behavior and try to find better ways to deal with competition in the workplace.In the end, they decided to put aside their grudges and work together for the development of the planning department.

Li Tianran began to focus more on his work and used his intelligence to create more value for the company.Fan Sisi also adjusted her attitude. She no longer pursued an easy job, but worked hard to improve her business capabilities.

《never give up》Episode 3 Details

What is it like for an intern to have a mine at home?

In the workplace, some people are like the plague that cannot be avoided, always appearing in your sight, and Fan Sisi is one of them.For Li Tianran, Fan Sisi's existence seems to be a curse. Whether it is in the corridor in front of his home, in the elevator, in the subway, at the shared bicycle parking lot, or in the office, she can appear in his sight without fail.Fan Sisi's smiling face is like a mask, making it difficult for people to understand her true thoughts.She always seems to be able to get along with everyone, but Li Tianran knows that this is just a means for her to hide her true face.

However, in this seemingly inescapable predicament, Li Tianran found someone who could bring him comfort, and that was the intern Bai Ma Shuai.The appearance of Bai Ma Shuai gave Li Tianran hope to change the status quo.He decided to devote all his resources to training Bai Ma Shuai into a new generation of outstanding talents.This is not only to change the fate of Baima Shuai, a low-level worker, but also to prove his ability to Fan Sisi.

Baima Shuai believed deeply in Li Tianran's teachings, and he implemented every suggestion meticulously.When Li Tianran asked him to increase his favorability and buy milk tea for his colleagues in the department, he did it without hesitation and even bought everyone in the group a cup of milk tea.Although this behavior seems a bit exaggerated, it is also a reflection of his earnest implementation of Li Tianran's teachings.

During a business trip, Li Tianran and Bai Mashuai encountered a difficult problem - they did not get air tickets.Li Tianran begged the flight attendant anxiously, but Bai Mashuai made a call. His uncle arranged for him airline family privileges, a free upgrade, and sat next to Minister Yu.This plot shows the powerful resources behind Bai Ma Shuai and also reflects the effectiveness of Li Tianran's teachings.

When checking into a business hotel, Li Tianran once again imparted his experience and suggested that the two of them share a room to save money.However, Bai Ma Shuai took him to a six-star hotel owned by his uncle to stay for free. This not only saved the money for two rooms, but also allowed them to split the money 50-50.This plot not only demonstrates Bai Ma Shuai's wit and adaptability, but also once again proves the correctness of Li Tianran's teachings.

《never give up》Episode 4 Details

Run, naturally

In the workplace world, there are always some mysterious and tempting legends.There is a story circulating privately in the group about “promotion and salary increase group”, as if this group is a shortcut to the pinnacle of life.Li Tianran, a newcomer in the workplace full of passion and dreams, is full of yearning and curiosity for this mysterious group.

On Friday afternoons, the atmosphere in the workplace is always particularly relaxed.A group called “Workplace Fitness Group” suddenly exploded. It turned out to be recruiting applicants for weekend marathons.Li Tianran looked at the screen of his mobile phone and couldn't help but sneer. He thought that weekends were a time for rest and relaxation, so how could they be occupied by such activities.However, what surprised him was that everyone in the group signed up one after another like a chicken blood. Even the Chihuahua with a strained calf muscle signed up not to be outdone.

Li Tianran was full of doubts, and he asked why the Chihuahua wanted to participate in such an event.Chihuahua told him that it turned out that Vice Director Zheng was the invisible group leader of this workplace fitness group. As long as he actively responded to the various sports organized by him, he might be promoted and raised his salary.This news was like a bolt from the blue to Li Tianran, and he realized that he had missed a rare opportunity.

In order to make up for this mistake, Li Tianran decided to take Fan Sisi's place and participate in the weekend marathon.He thought he had worked very hard, but during the competition, he discovered that his opponents all had superb flattery skills and were able to impress Vice Director Zheng.Although Li Tianran tried his best, he still failed to stand out in the end.

However, Li Tianran did not give up.The next weekend, Vice Director Zheng formed a basketball competition group, and Li Tianran was actually included in the group.He saw a new opportunity, so he began to practice hard on his skills. At the same time, he did not forget to teach Bai Ma Shuai, who was not enterprising and only knew how to play games.

The day of the game finally arrived. Li Tianran tried his best on the court, clashing left and right, showing off his amazing skills.In the end, he knocked Vice Dong Zheng to the ground with a difficult block and won the victory.At this moment, he seemed to have touched the edge of the peak of the workplace and felt the hope of promotion and salary increase.

However, Li Tianran also understands that real career success cannot be achieved by temporary performance.He knows that he still needs to continue to learn and work hard to improve his abilities in order to remain invincible in the workplace.He decided to continue to maintain his passion and hard work for his work, constantly pursue progress, and lay a solid foundation for his career.

《never give up》Episode 5 Details

Workplace hero

In Planning Department 3, the power struggle between Minister Yu and Yao Siwen is always talked about.Yao Siwen, like a beast hidden in the tropical rainforest, is known for his ferocity and cunning, and often brings a lot of trouble to the employees of the department unexpectedly.Whenever he plans some new “surprise”, it always makes the whole department cry.

Recently, Yao Siwen proposed a plan for weekend overtime training and pretended to be democratic and asked everyone to vote.However, he has a sharp gaze, as if he can see through everyone's thoughts, making people dare not object easily.Li Tianran and other employees knew very well that as long as anyone dared to vote against it, Yao Siwen's plan would be dead.

However, in this tense atmosphere, a negative vote appeared in the ballot box.Li Tianran was secretly happy, thinking that maybe he could escape this time.But what he didn't know was that behind all of this, there was another mysterious figure who planned the third part - Wu Mingshi.

Wu Mingshi is an old employee of Planning Department 3. He is unknown but deeply loved by everyone.He wanders around every corner of the department and knows everyone's secrets and dark sides, but he never makes it public.His love and dedication to planning the third film far exceed anyone's imagination.

When Vice Director Zheng's conspiracy was accidentally learned by Wu Mingshi, he realized that action must be taken to protect the department he loved so much.He began to collect all kinds of intelligence, eavesdropped on the chairman's preferences, and worked overtime day and night, just to make a perfect plan to save the department.

Finally, at the last moment, Wu Mingshi relied on his wisdom and hard work to successfully replace the original plan with his own project.His dedication and hard work not only saved Project 3, but also allowed everyone to see hope and light again.

Yao Siwen's plan failed, and he was angry and helpless.Wu Mingshi became the hero of the third part of the project, and his story became a favorite in the department.His wisdom and courage allowed people to see the strength and value of ordinary employees, and also rejuvenated Planning Department 3.

《never give up》Episode 6 Details

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors

In this busy city, Fan Sisi is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis.Of the two men she loves, one is about to have his birthday and needs carefully selected gifts; the other wants to put on a new look and show off his style.At the same time, the broadband service at home has also expired and needs to be renewed, and Fan Sisi's favorite online anchor is currently conducting a large-scale promotion, and various discounts make her excited.However, Fan Sisi's financial situation was not optimistic. She calculated again and again, but could never find a balance point.

At the department meeting, Fan Sisi was still too preoccupied to notice that Minister Yu had given her the important task of selecting new product spokespersons.In everyone's eyes, the choice of spokesperson is a complex and thorny task, and Fan Sisi feels even more anxious about it.Her colleague Li Tianran thought she was deliberately showing off her abilities and dismissed her.

Back home, Fan Sisi faced a chaotic environment and had no intention of cleaning up.The network outage prevented her from continuing to follow the live broadcast, and the radishes she had snapped up earlier also became infested with flying insects due to negligence.Faced with all this, Fan Sisi finally collapsed and shouted loudly.

Li Tianran, who was next door, accidentally heard Fan Sisi's cry.He mistakenly thought that Fan Sisi was preparing for the upcoming workplace challenges, so he was even more worried about what outrageous moves she would make.So, he decided to take action personally to help Fan Sisi solve the predicament at hand.

Li Tianran broke into Fan Sisi's home, helped her tidy up her room, peel radishes, and accidentally discovered the secret she hid in her bedroom - she actually chose two two-dimensional game characters as spokespersons for new products.This surprised Li Tianran, and at the same time he admired Fan Sisi's creativity.

Fan Sisi followed suit and reported these two husbands as spokespersons to Minister Fish.Unexpectedly, Minister Fish actually approved of her choice.Encouraged, Fan Sisi continued her efforts. Not only did she use a 100-yuan router to get Li Tianran's Gigabit fiber broadband, she also introduced high-quality men to her schoolmates in exchange for a limited edition skin.

Eating the radish peeled by Li Tianran, Fan Sisi felt a warm current in her heart.She realized that maybe she really should do something for Li Tianran.Although this economic crisis made Fan Sisi feel more stressed, it also gave her an unexpected turn of events, making her relationship with her neighbor Li Tianran more harmonious.In this process, Fan Sisi learned to face difficulties and innovate bravely, and at the same time realized the

《never give up》Episode 7 Details

coworker or neighbor

On an ordinary afternoon, Li Tianran accidentally discovered a shocking secret about his colleague and neighbor Fan Sisi.He found out that Fan Sisi was in love with two men, which was beyond belief.However, Fan Sisi admitted this frankly. She said that both Mo Mo and Yan Yan were her favorites.

Li Tianran began to observe Fan Sisi's life in depth, trying to find out the truth behind this secret.He found that Fan Sisi didn't like working overtime and having dinner parties, but preferred to leave time to her men.However, surprisingly, Fan Sisi seemed to have never gone out on a date, which made Li Tianran suspect that she might be dating online.

As a responsible subordinate and neighbor, Li Tianran decided to take action.He believed that Fan Sisi should not be allowed to be proud in love and frustrated in the workplace.So, he began to disrupt Fan Sisi's beautiful off-duty time, summarize and organize the news about the work group, and then knocked on her door late at night to ask her to work overtime.Even before Fan Sisi's carefully planned night of catching up, he would help her take over the leadership job.

Fan Sisi was so angry about this that she decided to take action to protect her private time.She made two signs, one saying “neighbor” and the other saying “colleagues”.When Li Tianran knocked on the door, she asked him to hold up the corresponding sign so that she could decide whether to let him in.

However, Li Tianran was not discouraged.When his request to work overtime together was rejected, he began to try to improve himself with Fan Sisi, such as running at night and learning English.He is full of passion, just like a success lecturer.Fan Sisi was very troubled by this. She didn't understand why Li Tianran did this.

In fact, the reason why Li Tianran did this was because he overheard a girl saying that her boyfriend was also named Liu Zeyan.He was worried that Fan Sisi might be defrauded of money and sex by a con man, so he tried to protect her by diverting her attention.

《never give up》Episode 8 Details

You listen to my explanation

On a sunny weekend, Bai Ma Shuai was forced by his family to go on a blind date with a wealthy daughter.He originally thought that he could just deal with it casually, but unexpectedly he took the wrong road on the way to the appointment and strayed into a busy food stall.

The air of the food stall is filled with the smell of various foods, and people are talking and laughing one after another.Bai Ma Shuai was about to ask passers-by how to get to the blind date location, when suddenly a drunk young girl staggered over.Not only did she boldly touch Bai Ma Shuai's hand, she also whispered loudly in his ear, but the content was about stock investment.She especially emphasized that she must buy shares of Xiaoxia Seiko.

Bai Ma Shuai was extremely embarrassed and wanted to get rid of this drunk girl as soon as possible, but unexpectedly when he went to work the next day, he met his colleague Jiang Mei who had just returned from a business trip.He was shocked to find that Jiang Mei was the drunk girl last night.The meeting between the two made the air seem to freeze. Jiang Mei tried to explain her behavior last night, but the more she explained, the more Bai Ma Shuai felt that she was a female Neptune who drank, lied and played games with the world.

At the same time, in another corner of the company, Fan Sisi was trying to get Li Tianran to work overtime for her on weekends.Because Li Tianran was deceived by Fan Sisi many times, he decided not to be soft-hearted anymore.Two boys met in the tea room and talked about their troubles.However, they misunderstood that the person the other party was talking about was the same person. As the conversation progressed, the misunderstanding became deeper and deeper, and the anger became more and more intense.

On the day of Gaofa's Chinese Valentine's Day promotion, Li Tianran put on a stuffed bear jacket and handed out flyers.When he saw Jiang Mei, who was also wearing a bear coat, he mistakenly thought it was Shuai Ma, and accidentally said everything Shuai Baima said about Jiang Mei.Jiang Mei's face turned red with anger. Li Tianran and Bai Ma Shuai hurriedly explained, but accidentally offended Fan Sisi next to them.

This series of misunderstandings and accidents made the atmosphere in the company extremely awkward.The relationship between Bai Ma Shuai and Jiang Mei has dropped to a freezing point.And Li Tianran also deeply felt what it was like to be misunderstood.This storm of unexpected encounters and misunderstandings made everyone realize the importance of communication.Perhaps, only when the truth is revealed and the misunderstanding is resolved, can the relationship between them be repaired.

《never give up》Episode 9 Details

Negotiation expert

At Gaofa Company, Wu Yimei is known for her expressionless and frosty image.Her eyes seemed to be able to freeze everything, and even Deputy Director Zheng found it difficult to stand under her cold gaze for too long.Some people in the company even joked that the temperature of the elevator she took could drop several degrees, as if it had turned into a temporary freezer.

However, Wu Yimei, who is known for her ruthlessness, was chosen by Minister Yu to lead a team to negotiate a difficult project.This project involves the cooperation between Gaofa Company and Violent Hippo Company. Due to differences between the two parties on price, the negotiations have reached a deadlock.Vice Director Zheng decided to adopt a more radical strategy, cutting the budget by 30“ and handing the task to Planning Department Three.

Minister Yu is well aware of Wu Yimei's abilities. Although she has never participated in business negotiations, her calmness and majesty are enough to intimidate her opponents.Minister Yu believes that Wu Yimei's expression, which is difficult to read, can be a major advantage in negotiations.

Therefore, Wu Yimei formed a negotiation team with Li Tianran, Bai Mashuai and Chihuahua.Although the three of them felt uneasy about Wu Yimei's expectations and worried that this would be more of a test than cooperation, they still mustered up their courage and prepared to face the challenge.

On the day of the negotiation, Wu Yimei faced Violent Hippo's first-class negotiation team, including experts in micro-expression analysis.Facing such an opponent, Wu Yimei was actually very nervous inside, but she tried hard to stay calm on the outside.When the other party tried to find a flaw in her expression, Wu Yimei successfully confused the other party with just three words - ”8 million%.With a firm and calm attitude, she successfully won this order for Gaofa Company.

Wu Yimei's success not only brought profits to the company, but also won her the respect and recognition of her colleagues.She proved in her own way that even in unfamiliar fields, as long as you have enough preparation and confidence, you can achieve success.And her cold negotiation style has become a unique feature of Gaofa Company.

《never give up》Episode 10 Details

Layoffs storm

Within the group, a statistic by Vice Director Zheng caused an uproar.He calculated the average age of personnel in various departments of the company, and the results showed that Planning Department 3 became the oldest department in the company at 35.1 years old.This data seemed to drop a huge boulder on the calm lake surface, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.Vice Director Zheng then announced that large-scale layoffs would be carried out in order to improve the group's vitality and competitiveness.As soon as the news came out, employees in various departments were talking and panicking.

Minister Yu, a middle-aged manager, recently witnessed several senior employees in the group being laid off one after another, including his own age, and he couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart.At the same time, two young employees, Chihuahua and Yao Siwen, although they usually like to be lazy and watch TV dramas at work, when the news of layoffs came, they had to face this grim reality.In terms of rank, Chihuahua is the lowest; in terms of age, he is the oldest, and seems to be the top target on the layoff list.

At the moment of life and death, the Chihuahua suddenly burst out with unprecedented fighting power.He no longer indulges in a lazy life, but turns to Li Tianran and Bai Mashuai, hoping to find a way to release himself and rejuvenate.They bungee jumped, disco, clubbed, and played games together, but these activities did not make the Chihuahua feel young. Instead, they made him more aware that he had entered middle age.

The Chihuahua walked on the street and looked at the middle-aged workers such as the takeaway guy, the hot-fry shop owner, and the film sticker uncle. Although they were tired, their eyes were full of love for life and longing for the future.This scene deeply touched the Chihuahua. He realized that middle age is not the end of life, but the starting point of another life.

The pressure of layoffs made Chihuahua's blood and anger rush to his forehead, and he decided not to sit still and wait for death.He rushed into Vice Director Zheng's office and angrily expressed his dissatisfaction and protest.He asked Deputy Director Zheng why he treated the old employees as burdens after they had made a great contribution to the company.Although this move is radical, it also reflects the desire of veteran employees to be recognized and respected for their loyalty and dedication to the company.

This incident caused widespread concern and discussion within the group.Many employees began to reflect on whether the company's layoff strategy was too hasty and unfair, and whether it ignored the contribution and value of older employees to the company.At the same time, some employees began to think about how to find new life directions and value pursuits during the mid-life crisis.

For Chihuahua, this incident not only allowed him to re-understand himself and life, but also made him an important role in the company's layoffs.His bravery and persistence may not be able to change the company's decision-making, but at least it has sounded a wake-up call for the company and other employees, reminding them to pay attention to the plight and needs of middle-aged employees and lay a solid foundation for the company's long-term development.

《never give up》Episode 11 Details

Monday syndrome

In the busy city, the bitterness and suffering of countless working people are hidden among the high-rise buildings.Li Tianran, an ordinary working person, unfortunately suffers from “Monday Syndrome”.Every Monday, he would feel short of breath, headache, lack of oxygen, irregular heartbeat, and his memory seemed to become blurred.On this day, Li Tianran was slumped on his seat in the office with an oxygen tank in his hand, looking forward to the care and condolences from his colleagues.However, the people around him were indifferent, as if all this was taken for granted.

Only Minister Yu expressed deep sympathy for Li Tianran's situation.In order to allow Li Tianran to recover as soon as possible, he made an unexpected decision-set the office clock to Tuesday.Although this move is somewhat absurd, it reveals a deep concern for the health of employees.

However, Li Tianran's Monday syndrome did not get better, but became more serious.His work progress dropped significantly, and he began to look for ways to heal himself as he was exhausted both mentally and physically.A brilliant idea flashed in his mind - wipe out the weekend!He believes that Monday is unbearable precisely because of the leisure time of Saturday and Sunday as a contrast.If there is no weekend rest, then Monday will no longer seem so difficult.

Therefore, Li Tianran designed the 007 work system, which means working for seven consecutive days without any rest days.He took colleagues from all departments to try this new working model.However, the result was not what he expected. Everyone suffered from the so-called “007 Syndrome”, and the symptoms were even worse than Monday Syndrome.

Li Tianran began to observe his colleagues around him and found that he was not the only one suffering from workplace diseases.Everyone in Project Three has more or less similar symptoms.They not only have various manifestations of Monday syndrome, but also develop overtime allergies, complaining hallucinations, flammable and explosive disorders, narcolepsy, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders and other diseases.Except for Bai Ma Shuai who still maintains a vigorous state, everyone else is already seriously ill.Planning Department 3 has become a base camp for patients to communicate about their conditions and cross-infection.

This situation finally reached the ears of Deputy Director Zheng.He felt that his chance to destroy Planning Department 3 had come.In order to weaken the strength of Planning Department 3, he sent Choi Hwarang to Department 3 to conduct a health survey.However, to everyone's surprise, Choi Hwarang only went there for one morning before he contracted various workplace diseases and was attrited in a non-combatant manner.

《never give up》Episode 12 Details

Fishing expert

Gaofa, a well-known company in the industry, has recently been faced with a hot potato - a new generation system.This project has taken three years and a lot of manpower and material resources since its inception, but has made little progress.Vice Chairman Zheng, as a senior executive of the company, is determined to transfer this project to Planning Department 3 in the hope of achieving a breakthrough.

However, Mr. Yu, the director of the third planning department, is a cunning character.He was keenly aware of the risks of this project, so he temporarily left the company in the name of a business trip.Before leaving, he specifically told his subordinates to find ways to resist the pressure from Vice Director Zheng, especially to prevent Li Tianran within the department from breaking through the defense line from within.

Faced with the strong push of Vice Director Zheng's assistant Cui Hualang, the members of Planning Department 3 began to use their own unique tactics.Chihuahua, with his expertise in emotional theory, successfully confused Cui Hwarang; Yao Siwen revealed the scandal that Cui Hwarang and Vice-Director Zheng had enriched their own pockets, forcing Cui Hwarang to retreat temporarily; Wu Yimei even used a trip to the hospital to...He became unrecognizable and successfully escaped Choi Hwarang's pursuit.

Just when everyone thought victory was in sight and were preparing to celebrate the return of Minister Fish, Li Tianran suddenly announced that he would take over this hot potato.Everyone was shocked and asked about his plan.It turned out that after receiving a few compliments from Cui Hwarang, Li Tianran confidently believed that this project was a good match for him and was ready to sign the project document.However, due to his usual careless and careless character, he did not sign this in the end.

After learning the news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Although Li Tianran's behavior made everyone sweat, in the end, the danger of the project falling into Planning Department 3 was avoided.Everyone silently thanked Minister Yu for his foresight and everyone's unity and cooperation, and successfully withstood the pressure from the company's top management.

《never give up》Episode 13 Details

One servant and one master

In a high-performance-oriented work environment, the 360-degree evaluation method has become a new management tool designed to more accurately evaluate employee performance through all-round feedback.This method requires employees to rate each other, and the level of scores is directly related to individual performance bonuses.Under such a mechanism, many employees feel increased pressure and have to cater to various requirements, fearing that their own ratings will be affected by rejection.

However, in such an atmosphere, Fan Sisi is like a breath of fresh air. She sticks to her principles and refuses all unreasonable demands.This shocked Li Tianran. It turned out that in this high-pressure environment, there were still people who dared to say "no" to unreasonable things.Li Tianran began to re-examine himself. He realized that he was always troubled by various trivial tasks and did not have enough time and energy to complete the truly important work.

Fan Sisi saw Li Tianran's dilemma and decided to help him learn to say no.She patiently taught Li Tianran how to distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable requests, and how to express his position firmly but politely.Under Fan Sisi's guidance, Li Tianran began to bravely refuse unnecessary tasks. He crossed out one task after another on his notepad, and he finally felt the long-lost relaxation and freedom.

However, the good times did not last long, and Li Tianran soon fell into a new dilemma.Although he successfully rejected Gao Fa's unreasonable demands, he began to become Zhou Xiami's “exclusive servant”.Whether it was repairing water pipes, writing plans, or moving, whenever Zhou Xiami needed it, Li Tianran was always there to help.This behavior made Fan Sisi feel desperate. She didn't understand why Li Tianran was always unable to stick to his principles.

Li Tianran’s behavior caused us to think deeply.Is he innocent or simply stupid?In this highly competitive society, should we, like Fan Sisi, bravely refuse unreasonable demands and stick to our principles and positions?At the same time, we should also think about how to help people like Li Tianran so that they can learn to say no, find their own direction, not be bothered by trivial tasks, and truly release their potential.

Rejection is not a negative behavior, but a positive form of self-protection.We should learn to refuse, not to let ourselves be the tools of others, but to become the masters of our own lives.Only in this way can we find a balance between busy work and life and realize our own value.I hope Li Tianran can understand this truth soon and find his own happiness and freedom.

《never give up》Episode 14 Details

π system working method

In today's era of rapid development, business management methods are emerging in endlessly. Among them, the π system working method is favored by some managers because of its high efficiency and radical characteristics.Recently, Vice Director Zheng once again promoted this working method, trying to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees by setting a pacesetter.However, in Planning Part 3, this call did not seem to have the expected effect.

The employees of Planning Department 3 seemed unmoved by Vice Director Zheng’s call. They still maintained their original work rhythm, went to and from get off work on time, and enjoyed the fun of work and the balance of life.Faced with such a situation, Vice Director Zheng did not give up. He firmly believed that there would always be one or two people in the team who could be the first to respond to the call.

Sure enough, the “highest scorer” in the workplace stood up.He actively responded to Vice Chairman Zheng's call and took the lead in completing a PI overtime cycle, that is, working overtime for 24 hours.Such a feat not only demonstrates his working ability, but also reflects his passion and persistence for his work.However, while working overtime, Gao Score accidentally discovered a file with missing pages in Gaofa's underground warehouse, which recorded a record of a person who led a team to work overtime for 718 hours.

This discovery gave Vice Director Zheng hope. He immediately approached Gao Score and promised to promote him to team leader as long as he could lead all the staff of Planning Department 3 to work overtime for 720 hours.Faced with such temptation, Gaosheng happily accepted the order. He decided to challenge himself and the limits of the entire team.

However, things did not develop as Vice President Zheng and Gao Score expected.Despite their best efforts to score high scores, the employees of Planning Department 3 seem to have “never work overtime” engraved in their DNA.They remained unmoved by calls for high scores and still got off work on time and enjoyed their own lives.

Faced with such a dilemma, Gao Sheng did not give up.He tried various methods, from provoking generals and painting cakes to convincing people with reason and moving people with emotion, but none of them achieved significant results.In the end, he had to work overtime alone in Planning Department 3, trying to use his actions to infect and influence other members of the team.

Although the high-scoring efforts did not fully achieve the desired results, Vice Director Zheng expressed satisfaction with the brightly lit office of Planning Department 3.In his opinion, this at least shows that Planning Department 3 has an employee who is willing to work hard.For the employees of Planning Department 3, they also received a free labor force - high scores.

During this process, the employees of Planning Department 3 discovered the weakness of high scores. They encouraged him, praised him, and made him work like a running hamster day and night.However, such a pace of life makes the eyes of high-scoring people darker and darker, and the sin value (which may refer to a metaphor of mental state or health status) is getting lower and lower.

《never give up》Episode 15 Details

please stay away from me

In a bustling city, there is a young man named Li Tianran.He has been in this city for eight years, and every year he fails to hold a lively birthday party due to various reasons.This year, he made up his mind to change his loneliness and hold a grand birthday party for himself.

Li Tianran has a new colleague in the company named Bai Ma Shuai.Bai MaShuai was puzzled by Li Tianran's birthday party and thought that he only needed to invite all his colleagues to get together on an evening or weekend.However, Li Tianran shook his head and patiently taught Bai Ma Shuai some taboos in the workplace.

The third workplace ban is “no appointments on weekends.For working professionals, weekends are rare breaks and should not be used for work-related gatherings.The second workplace ban is ”No chatting after get off work“, which means that work-related communication should be avoided after get off work to maintain a work-life balance.As for the first workplace ban on social platforms not adding”, it is because adding colleagues on social platforms may cause unnecessary trouble and misunderstandings.

Li Tianran is well aware of the importance of these workplace taboos, so he is very cautious when planning his birthday party.He chose a weekday night, booked a hot pot restaurant, and only invited colleagues, not leaders.This arrangement not only complies with workplace norms, but also gives colleagues a chance to relax and enhance their relationship with each other.

However, it is not as good as God.Just the day before my birthday, a typhoon red warning was issued, and the company temporarily decided to work from home the next day.As a result, the original working day became a rest day, and the workplace ban came into effect.Li Tianran's birthday party was about to end, and he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

On my birthday, there was a violent storm outside the window and a miserable rain inside.Li Tianran was sitting at home alone, feeling a sense of loneliness and loss in his heart.He thought of the birthdays he had spent alone over the years, and couldn't help but feel a little bitter in his heart.However, he also understands that life is always full of variables and challenges, and sometimes plans don't go as planned.

Although the birthday party could not be held as expected, Li Tianran did not feel despair.He believes that in the days to come, he will have the opportunity to spend an unforgettable birthday with his colleagues.This experience also made him cherish every moment in life more, and learned to look for new opportunities and possibilities amidst variables and challenges.

《never give up》Episode 16 Details

Chosen Son

In the bustling city, there are always some people working quietly behind the scenes and working hard for the ideals in their hearts.They may be famous in front of others, but behind the scenes they may live a very simple or even difficult life.Li Tianran is such an example. He lives in a small pigeon cage, eats a five-yuan box lunch every day, and works overtime day and night in order to get ahead.

Planning No. 1 has launched a new product - tag phone. This mobile phone features remote control and positioning functions. It is said to be a mobile phone that cannot be discarded in a lifetime.Such a slogan caught the attention of Minister Fish, who dismissed it as nothing more than an exaggerated marketing ploy.He decided to test the phone himself to see if it lived up to the hype and was impossible to throw away.

Minister Yu gave this task to Li Tianran and asked him to evaluate the mobile phone and submit the evaluation report after a week.When Li Tianran received this task, he was filled with excitement and pride. He thought this was Minister Yu's recognition of his abilities.However, he didn't know that the reason why Minister Yu chose him was just because of his sloppy and careless characteristics, and he wanted to take this opportunity to see whether the positioning function of this mobile phone was really that magical.

Gao Score is Li Tianran's friend. He knows Li Tianran's character and habits well, so he decided to secretly protect the new phone to ensure that it will not be lost by Li Tianran.However, whenever Li Tianran accidentally loses his mobile phone, it always miraculously appears at his doorstep.This made Li Tianran begin to doubt his abilities, and even imagined that he had some kind of magical power that could bring back lost things.

In order to verify his idea, Li Tianran started a series of experiments.He threw his phone into a river, buried it in the ground, put it in a tree, and even mailed it to Africa.However, each time the phone magically returned to his doorstep.He began to wonder if there was any unknown secret behind all this.

In the end, Li Tianran discovered the silent efforts behind the high score.He was touched by his friends' care and help, and he also deeply realized his own shortcomings and areas for improvement.He decided to take work and life more carefully and seriously in the future, and no longer let his friends worry about him.At the same time, he also developed a strong interest in the positioning function of tag phone and decided to further study this product to see if it could really bring convenience and change to people's lives.

《never give up》Episode 17 Details

Promote separation but not peace

Fan Sisi, a seemingly ordinary name, has a complex emotional entanglement hidden behind it.She seemed to have been searching for balance her whole life, but inadvertently fell into an emotional whirlpool.

She once asked herself if she had done anything wrong in her life.After careful consideration, she found the only answer - to send the innocent little white flower Li Tianran to the tea master Zhou Xiami.Now, this evil force feedback has come back to her, making her taste the bitter fruit she planted.

Li Tianran, an innocent young man, his world was once simple and beautiful.However, since meeting Zhou Xiami, his life has become complicated.He kept asking Fan Sisi about Zhou Xiami's preferences and their relationship.His questions were full of longing for love and confusion, but Fan Sisi couldn't tell him the truth directly.

Fan Sisi's distress did not come from Li Tianran's problems, but from watching him gradually fall in love and spend a lot of money and energy.She knew Zhou Xiami's true face, but she couldn't tell Li Tianran directly.She tried to get Zhou Xiami to let Li Tianran go, but Zhou Xiami insisted on the principle of "I would rather kill ten thousand people by mistake than let one person go" and firmly disagreed.

Faced with this situation, Fan Sisi decided to take a more direct approach.She asked Li Tianran to arrive at the restaurant she had made an appointment with Zhou Xiami in advance and witness with her own eyes the scene of Zhou Xiami dining intimately with other men.She hoped that this would allow Li Tianran to see Zhou Xiami's true face and get rid of this unhealthy relationship.

However, things did not develop as Fan Sisi expected.After Li Tianran saw Zhou Xiami dining intimately with other men, Li Tianran did not show anger or disappointment. Instead, he felt that Fan Sisi was deliberately sabotaging his relationship because she liked him.He sent Fan Sisi a good guy card, thanking her for her concern, but saying that he was willing to bear all the consequences of this relationship.

Li Tianran's reaction made Fan Sisi feel helpless.She realized that maybe she really had done something wrong.She shouldn't have sent Li Tianran to Zhou Xiami, and she shouldn't have let him fall into this emotional whirlpool.She decided to let go of her past mistakes and make amends in her own way.

She began to help Li Tianran see Zhou Xiami's true face and let him understand Zhou Xiami's tea skills and emotional games.She told him that Zhou Xiami didn't really like him, but was playing with his feelings.She hoped that Li Tianran could see the truth clearly and get out of this unhealthy relationship.

After a period of hard work, Li Tianran finally began to slowly awaken.He gradually understood Fan Sisi's good intentions, and also saw Zhou Xiami's true face.He thanked Fan Sisi for her help and decided to end the relationship and start a new life.

Fan Sisi watched Li Tianran gradually come out of the haze, and felt a little relieved in her heart.She understands that although she has made mistakes in the past, she now has the opportunity to make amends.She hopes that her experience can bring some enlightenment to Li Tianran and make him more cautious and rational in his future life.

《never give up》Episode 18 Details

king of ace pigeons

On a sunny morning, Bai Ma Shuai shouldered a heavy responsibility and prepared to go on a business trip with his Chihuahua.However, the warnings before the business trip made Bai Ma Shuai feel anxious - everyone reminded him to be careful of Chihuahua's unpredictable skills.

Chihuahua's “ pigeon ” skills are well-known in the circle.Sometimes he would say “You believe me, I've arrived”, but he was actually staying at home comfortably; sometimes he would say “I'll take a look, and then delay the time and make people wait; if he was absent a lot, he wouldHe will also use the ”Toast Song“ skill to proactively toast to express his apology; and when he releases his pigeons too many times and is embarrassed to see people, he will cover his face to apologize and transform into ”Masked Ace Pigeon“.

Baima Shuai embarked on a business trip with an anxious mood.From the moment he stepped out of the house, he felt the power of the Chihuahua's skills.At the negotiation table, the Chihuahua never appeared. His various ”Dove“ skills were constantly intertwined and used, and he even evolved new ”Takeaway Little Pigeon“ and ”Take the Lead Pigeon“ skills.Bai Ma Shuai couldn't help but sigh that this business trip was simply a showcase of ” pigeon “'s skills.

After the business trip, Baima Shuai cried to everyone with a heart full of grievances.Everyone was shocked by the Chihuahua's pigeon skills, and they realized that if no action was taken, no one would be able to escape the fate of being pigeoned.

As a result, a well-planned chain plan came into being.Li Tianran first used a free sample from a high-end restaurant as bait to successfully attract the Chihuahua's attention.Then, Bai Mashuai pretended to surrender, revealed the truth about the tasting, and further lured the Chihuahua with the news of high salary poaching from the banana company.

Just when the Chihuahua was about to take the bait and prepare to participate in the interview with the banana company, Bai Mashuai suddenly sent three expensive joint tickets to the basketball movie theater and invited the Chihuahua to take the children to play together.This move was so unexpected that the Chihuahua was stunned, and his ”Pigeon% skills seemed to have lost their effect at this moment.

《never give up》Episode 19 Details

rent boy

In this noisy and busy city, everyone is looking for their own rhythm of life in different ways.Some people enjoy the tranquility and freedom of living alone, while others struggle with loneliness.Li Tianran is the latter.He likes to be lively, chatting with friends, and participating in various activities, but the reality is that he is often alone, facing an empty room and endless loneliness.

Li Tianran is a talkative person and always has endless things to say, but no one around him is willing to listen to his nagging.He has some motor deficits and falls easily. Every time he falls, he has to struggle to stand up on his own.Once, he accidentally fell down at home and limped to work with a swollen butt. At that moment, he made up his mind to change the current situation of this lonely young man.

At this moment, his Chihuahua seemed to have read through his thoughts, and woke up the dreamer with one sentence: Wouldn't it be nice to find a roommate?%Li Tianran woke up from a dream and immediately started looking for roommates online.At the same time, his friend Gao Sheng suffered a scam from an agent and was kicked out by his landlord. He had nowhere to go for a while.

Renting a house is not an easy task for Li Tianran and Gao Sheng.Rent is expensive, and suitable housing is hard to find.With a high score, he was even deceived into a simple dog house by a rogue agent. In the process of looking for roommates, Li Tianran also encountered many obstacles and met some strange people.

Just when both of them were in trouble, Li Tianran decided to raise the threshold for renting a house. He posted "100 Questions for Renting a House" online, hoping to find a truly suitable roommate.The high score decided to use his own advantages. He answered these questions seriously and got full marks.

In this way, the two met in front of Li Tianran's house.Gao Score looked at Li Tianran's warm little home and felt envious in his heart, but for the sake of face, he had to say that he was just here to work with Li Tianran.He also bragged about his living conditions at a fast-food restaurant in an attempt to hide his plight.

However, Li Tianran saw through Gao Score's lies.He understands that a high scorer is also a lonely person, and he is also looking for his own sense of belonging.Therefore, he took the initiative to invite Gao Score to become his roommate, hoping to change this lonely living situation together.

In this way, two lonely souls found each other to rely on in this bustling city.They live together, share each other's joys, sorrows, and joys, and face various challenges in life together.Although their personalities and living habits are very different, it is this difference that makes them cherish each other's existence even more.

《never give up》Episode 20 Details

high incidence anniversary

Within the company, the rice cake plan is in full swing, and every department is nervously and orderly contributing its own efforts to this major project.However, at the critical moment of the plan, Fan Sisi's department encountered a problem.It turned out that Vice Director Zheng had set a strict deadline for the rice cake project. However, unexpected troubles arose during the docking process. Seeing that the deadline was approaching, Fan Sisi was in a dilemma.

Vice Director Zheng is known for his rigor and efficiency within the company. He always takes strict measures for any tasks that are not completed on time. This character of retribution makes many people respect him.Facing the upcoming deadline, Fan Sisi felt unprecedented pressure, fearing that her mistakes would affect the performance of the entire department.

Just when Fan Sisi was in distress, Li Tianran stepped forward.He patted his chest and assured Fan Sisi that he would buy her more time to solve the problem.Li Tianran knew very well that although Deputy Director Zheng had strict work requirements, in private he was a music-loving Maiba.So, he carefully organized the people who planned the third part to form an acapella choir, and cleverly invited Vice Director Zheng to participate.

After the choir was established, it not only attracted Minister Yu to join, but also allowed Vice Director Zheng to find new fun.Although his voice was not outstanding, his passion for music was infectious to the entire team.Li Tianran even took advantage of this characteristic of Vice Director Zheng and successfully obtained three precious days of grace for Fan Sisi on the grounds that it would take time to rehearse the program at the Gaofa Annual Meeting.

As the choir continues to grow, Li Tianran, a tone-deaf member, unexpectedly obtains the position of orchestra conductor.Although everyone's original intention was just to spend time with Vice Chairman Zheng, as the annual meeting approached, news came: This year's Gaofan Annual Meeting will select the best program.This news made the originally relaxed rehearsal atmosphere tense. Vice Director Zheng aroused his competitive nature and determined to lead the team to create the most outstanding program.

Among the many members, Bai Ma Shuai was selected as the deputy lead singer for his excellent pitch and timbre, becoming the key figure to highlight Deputy Director Zheng.His joining undoubtedly injects new vitality into the choir and makes the entire team full of confidence for the upcoming annual meeting.

After a period of intense rehearsals, the choir finally shined at the Gaofa annual meeting. Not only did it win rounds of applause from the audience, but it also won the title of best program with its outstanding performance.This achievement not only made Vice Director Zheng very proud, but also made Fan Sisi, Li Tianran and others relieved.

The rice cake plan finally went forward smoothly, and the music group's counterattack became a good story within the company.It proves that in the face of difficulties, as long as you are willing to use your brain and dare to try, you can always find a solution to the problem.At the same time, this experience also made everyone more deeply aware of the importance of teamwork and actively facing challenges.

《never give up》Episode 21 Details

Resignation letter (Part 1)

In the busy city, every high-rise building hides a little unknown world.In this world, Li Tianran is like an unknown screw. Although he is crucial to the operation of the office, he is often ignored and left out.

Li Tianran is the scapegoat in the office. Regardless of whether there is a problem, no matter how big or small, he is always the first to be suspected.He assumed the role of a handyman and was busy in every corner, but few people expressed gratitude to him.Five years have passed, and he has mixed feelings in his heart as he sees his colleagues around him being promoted and getting salary increases one by one.What made him even more depressed was that the new handsome man on horseback seemed to be trying to overpower him, as if the whole world was against him.

In this seemingly indifferent environment, Li Tianran found a confidant - Gao Score.A high score may seem calm, but it always gives Li Tianran unexpected help at critical moments.When Li Tianran confided his depression to Gao Score and expressed his desire to change the status quo, Gao Score mysteriously smiled and said only one sentence: “ is on me.”

The next day, the atmosphere of Project 3 changed drastically.Li Tianran was surprised to find that his colleagues' attitude towards him had changed 180 degrees.An exquisite breakfast was placed on his table, and the originally arduous work was shared, replaced by warm greetings and selfless help from colleagues.As he walked on the road, even strangers gave him friendly smiles.

All these changes made Li Tianran feel elated. He thought that he had finally been seen and that his charm had finally been released.However, what he doesn't know is that behind all this is a clever strategy to score high scores.

It turned out that the high score only caused people from Planning Department 3 to accidentally see a fake resignation letter, and the resignation letter was signed by Li Tianran.The beauty of this move is that it touches the most sensitive nerve in everyone's heart - team stability.Everyone began to realize that without Li Tianran, the team would lose an important support.And this resignation letter is like a mirror, allowing everyone to see their usual injustice and neglect of Li Tianran.

As a result, everyone began to reflect on their own behavior and began to try to understand and care about Li Tianran.This change not only allowed Li Tianran to regain his confidence and value, but also made the entire team more united and efficient.

《never give up》Episode 22 Details

Resignation letter (Part 2)

In the fast-paced business world, Planning 3 is facing a major challenge - finding co-brands for its latest flagship mobile phones in order to stand out in the fiercely competitive market.However, the selection of co-branded brands is like a war without gunpowder. There are different opinions within the department and it is impossible to form a unified opinion.

Just when everyone was confused, Li Tianran stepped forward.He confidently proposed the idea of ​​co-branding with the world's top luxury brands in Malaysia.This proposal immediately caused an uproar. After all, Malaysian brands have always been known for their independence and pride and have never collaborated with other brands.However, Li Tianran firmly believes that as long as the co-branding can be successful, even just engraving a number on the back of the phone can double the price of the phone and bring huge commercial value to the company.

With this belief, Li Tianran embarked on the difficult journey of seeking cooperation.He encountered countless difficulties and setbacks. When he met the Malaysian director Jennifer once in the suburbs, he was misunderstood and beaten.Despite this, he did not give up, but continued to persevere, even helping to take care of Jennifer when she took her children on an outing, just so that he could communicate with her face to face about cooperation matters.

However, even though Li Tianran made such great efforts, he was eventually rejected.He returned to Planning Department 3 disappointedly, but unexpectedly heard his colleagues talking behind his back.It turned out that the reason why they were nice to him was not because they truly recognized his abilities, but because they mistakenly believed that he was going to resign and wanted to retain a low-level employee to maintain the stability of the department.This kind of attitude that only values ​​the pros and cons and lacks true love makes Li Tianran feel disappointed.

This experience made Li Tianran deeply reflect on his position and value in the workplace.He realized that in this seemingly glamorous business world, relationships between people are often driven by interests, and true recognition and respect are not easy to obtain.However, he also understood a truth: Only by continuously improving his professional capabilities and value can he gain a foothold in the highly competitive workplace.

Therefore, Li Tianran decided to cheer up again and no longer be limited to the current difficulties and setbacks.He began to conduct in-depth research on market trends and consumer needs, and worked hard to improve his professionalism and innovation capabilities.At the same time, he also began to actively look for other potential co-branded brands, hoping to bring new cooperation opportunities and commercial value to the company.

《never give up》Episode 23 Details

A hard-earned dinner

There were still five days until payday, but Fan Sisi's mood was heavier than her account balance.She smoked five blind boxes, purchased a limited edition product, and impulsively bought three peripheral products, all of which made her wallet slim down quickly.Now, she only has 5 yuan and 2 cents left in her account, which will undoubtedly be a huge challenge for the next five days.

Fan Sisi decided that she would not spend a penny for the next five days.When her colleagues suggested having an AA dinner party, she made excuses to refuse, claiming that she was losing weight.Next to him, Li Tianran also followed the trend, saying that his work was not going well, he was in a bad mood, and he didn't plan to eat.

Four days before payday, Fan Sisi started rummaging through boxes and cabinets in search of food.She finally found some leftovers from the refrigerator and combined them cleverly to make a lettuce sandwich.Although the food is simple, it is already a rare meal for her who has been hungry all day.Li Tianran next to him didn't look in good condition either. He was obviously very hungry.

Three days before payday, Fan Sisi only had a shriveled tomato left in her lunch box.She tried to meet her clients for dinner, but none of them happened to have time.At this time, her colleague Chihuahua opened the lunch box prepared by his wife, only to find a mass of burnt dark food inside.He helplessly lamented that marriage makes people miserable, but this sentence unexpectedly resonated with Li Tianran, and he began to curse the evil marriage system.

Two days before payday, Fan Sisi and Li Tianran's stomachs were growling with hunger.Li Tianran tried to ask another colleague Bai Ma Shuai to treat him, but the considerate Bai Ma Shuai only ordered a cup of black coffee because he knew that Fan Sisi was losing weight.While chatting, Fan Sisi unexpectedly discovered that Li Tianran had already taken away seven people's money this month, and fell into financial difficulties one step earlier than herself.

《never give up》Episode 24 Details

Who will pay

In the workplace, there is an unwritten rule, that is, if you can't have a meal together, don't have a meal together, and if you can have a meal together during the working day, don't take up weekend time.This seems to be a consensus among many professionals. Everyone always has mixed emotions about dinner parties: they are looking forward to a relaxing social time, but they are also afraid of being bothered by endless entertainment.

Yao Siwen, as the head of a department, seems to have a different view on this.He is always keen on organizing various dinner parties, which are called to enhance team relationships, but in fact they make everyone miserable.No, he once again called everyone for a dinner, and this time, everyone decided to resist desperately.

After a heated discussion, the dinner date was finally changed from weekend to Thursday.Although it still takes up everyone's rest time, at least it's not a weekend, so everyone can barely accept it.Jiang Mei, a smart girl, prepared a “treasure box” for this dinner party, from which everyone can draw an order and excuse for leaving.

Chihuahua, a lively and cute colleague, was lucky enough to get the first place.He was almost eager to leave this uncomfortable situation as soon as he heard the news.However, Yao Siwen used his trump card - whoever walks out of the private room first will pay the bill.This trick was indeed effective, and the Chihuahua had no choice but to sit back in his seat.

Fan Sisi, a gentle girl, got the lottery to accompany her until the end of time%.This means that she will have to persist until the end, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for her.However, at this moment, Li Tianran stepped forward and replaced Fan Sisi with his fourth pick.This move moved Fan Sisi extremely, and also made her look at Li Tianran with admiration.

In fact, the reason why Li Tianran did this was because he had his own purpose.Ever since Gao Score became roommates with Gao Score, Gao Score has been eating and drinking in the name of saving money to buy a house.He has extremely high requirements for food and always enjoys others' contributions as a matter of course, which makes Li Tianran intolerable.He decided to stay until the end of tonight's dinner party to see how the high score would benefit him.

As soon as the dinner party started, the Chihuahua was eager to run away, but Yao Siwen's rules forced him to give up the idea.In order to save their own wallets and to let Yao Siwen get some blood, everyone began to use their own unique tricks.Some drank Yao Siwen wine, some flattered them, some tried to eat as little as possible, and some tried to get the secrets of their leaders.

As time went by, everyone gradually felt exhausted.Everyone hopes to leave this suffocating place as soon as possible, but at the same time they are reluctant to give up.After all, no one wants to be the one paying the bill.

In this way, what was supposed to be a relaxed and enjoyable dinner party became extremely long in the complicated mentality of everyone.And Li Tianran was also secretly observing the high-scoring performance.He expected Gao Sheng to retreat despite the difficulties, but Gao Sheng didn't seem to want to give up.This made Li Tianran more determined: no matter what, he would persevere until the end.

As the hands of the clock quietly skipped 12 o'clock, the dinner finally came to an end.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were relieved from a battle without smoke.And Li Tianran was secretly glad in his heart: he finally succeeded in making high scorers no longer able to take advantage of him.

《never give up》Episode 25 Details

crash therapy

In the busy workplace, the relationship between Li Tianran and Minister Yu seems particularly tense.Minister Yu's dissatisfaction with Li Tianran seems to be everywhere. Whether it is a proposal or a plan, Minister Yu always holds objections.Li Tianran's behavior also seemed out of place in the eyes of Minister Yu, as if he always violated Minister Yu's bottom line intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Tianran felt stressed because of this, and even suffered from PTSD from Minister Yu.He can't stand people who look like Minister Fish, and hearing Minister Fish's voice also makes him feel uncomfortable.In the end, he couldn't even stand the pronunciation of “yu”, so everyone needed to carefully avoid homophonic sounds such as "banyu" and "yam milk tea" in conversations.

However, by chance, Li Tianran decided to go to the bar to relax under Fan Sisi's persuasion.What he didn't expect was that on the stage of the bar, the person holding a guitar and roaring rock music turned out to be Minister Fish.This new environment and identity have caused subtle changes in the relationship between Li Tianran and Minister Yu.

Under the dim lights of the bar, Li Tianran saw another side of Minister Yu that was different from the workplace.They begin to share little secrets that bring them closer.Li Tianran discovered that Minister Yu was not the boss who was always targeting him, but a person with his own dreams and pursuits.

《never give up》Episode 26 Details

You are living together

Behind the bustling city, there are always some dark corners.Recently, the residents of the community are panicking because there are rumors that there is a mysterious hoodie pervert% who will stalk young women and harass them.The property department attaches great importance to this matter and has issued safety reminders many times to remind everyone to be especially careful when traveling at night.

Fan Sisi, an ordinary community resident, also encountered an incident in the elevator returning home from get off work.The elevator door slowly opened, and a maintenance worker wearing a hoodie appeared in her sight.At that moment, her heartbeat accelerated, and the terrifying rumor could not help but appear in her mind.Fortunately, however, this was just a false alarm and the maintenance workers just came to check the elevator as a routine matter.

Despite this, Fan Sisi still had lingering fears.Fortunately, she has a good neighbor Li Tianran.After learning about Fan Sisi's concerns, the tall man did not hesitate to protect her.After Li Tianran got off work, he actually came to Fan Sisi's home and kept saying that he would protect her.

However, things did not develop as Fan Sisi expected.As night fell, Li Tianran was startled by the sudden sound from the Xiaoai speaker.It turned out that Li Tianran was afraid to sleep at home alone because his friend Gao Sheng was on a business trip these days.In order to embolden each other, Fan Sisi had to give up the sofa in the living room to Li Tianran.

Originally this was supposed to be a warm and slightly ambiguous night, but Li Tianran seemed extremely picky.One moment I thought the air conditioner was blowing in the wrong direction, and the next I thought the position of the sofa was affecting my sleep.He even asked Fan Sisi to give him an essential oil massage and exercise in the evening.Fan Sisi felt extremely annoyed, but thought that Li Tianran was protecting herself, so she endured it.

At this moment, Fan Sisi's mother called and urged her to get married again.Fan Sisi's mood became even more irritable. She jumped up in anger, but accidentally stepped on Li Tianran who was doing plank support.Li Tianran's howling sound was heard along the phone receiver, and the scene was very embarrassing for a time.

It was late at night, and Li Tianran finally completed his 36 troublesome things before going to bed.The two chatted softly through the door panel, and Fan Sisi gradually fell asleep.However, not long after, she was woken up by another messy sound.Li Tianran was looking for earplugs for a while, lipstick for a while, and finally started looking for chili powder and a kite.Fan Sisi felt helpless and amused. She finally understood that this night was destined to be an extraordinary night.

《never give up》Episode 27 Details

Flammable and explosive

In today's high-pressure work environment, everyone seems to have a hidden emotional nuke.Whether it is a sanctimonious colleague or a usually gentle leader, once their emotional tipping point is touched, the consequences are often disastrous.In order to solve this problem, Gaofa Company established an emotional management mutual aid group, hoping to help employees better manage their emotions and improve work efficiency through professional guidance and mutual assistance.

Minister Yu is well aware of the importance of emotional management and specially invited an emotional counseling master to provide counseling for employees.However, although this master has a famous name, he is actually a magician. His methods are simple and crude, and sometimes even a little outrageous.

Jiang Mei's emotional tipping point was receiving continuous voice messages from customers.Whenever this happened, she would feel more stressed and lose control of her emotions.The master's solution was to have her respond to the customer with more blank voices. As a result, the customer stopped speaking and blocked her directly.Although this method is somewhat unexpected, Jiang Mei has avoided direct conflicts with customers, and it can be regarded as a way to save the country through curves.

Choi Hwarang’s breaking point was when someone stepped on his beloved sneakers.Whenever this happens, he will feel extremely angry and find it difficult to control his emotions.The master's solution turned out to be amputation. This suggestion scared Choi Hwarang so much that he no longer dared to lose his temper easily. He began to cherish his health and body more.

The highlight of Wu Yimei, Nan Lily and the others was that their hands were slippery when applying makeup and they made mistakes and had to do it all over again.The master asked them to put makeup on each other so that even if the painting was broken, they would not be embarrassed to blame each other.This method not only enhances the friendship between colleagues, but also allows them to learn to be more tolerant and understanding of others in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Although the master's methods are somewhat bizarre, there are also practical suggestions in them.He asked Fan Sisi, who was angry at getting out of bed, and Minister Yu, who suffered from road rage, to work together. Fan Sisi vented her anger while driving, while Minister Yu avoided getting angry while riding in the car.In this way, the emotional problems of the two people were effectively solved.

In this emotional management mutual aid group, Li Tianran has become the envy of everyone.He is naturally optimistic and never seems to have an emotional breaking point. He is always able to maintain a calm mind and a positive attitude.His existence made everyone realize that emotional management is not only a skill and method, but also an inner cultivation and mentality.

When getting off work, Minister Yu once again invited Fan Sisi to get off work together, which surprised Li Tianran.He realized that emotional management is not only a personal matter, but also a team and collective matter.Only by working together can we create a harmonious and positive working environment.

《never give up》Episode 28 Details

shared life

In this bustling metropolis, countless young people are working hard for their dreams and future, and Li Tianran is one of them.He always thought that young people like him were "money earners" and their monthly wages were completely consumed in rent, living expenses, entertainment and social activities. As long as they were not in debt, they would be considered lucky.

However, by chance, Li Tianran discovered that things did not seem to be like this.His friends, including Fan Sisi, who has always loved buying blind boxes, and Gao Sheng, who always seemed wealthy, actually had a balance every month.This shocked Li Tianran, and he couldn't help asking about their “secret”.

After the answer was revealed, Li Tianran woke up from a dream.It turns out that they are all living a “shared life”.Sharing wardrobes, sharing video website accounts, cleverly using second-hand websites for shopping, and even renting instead of buying. These seemingly small life hacks have helped them save a lot of money.

Li Tianran was attracted by this new lifestyle, and he couldn't wait to start his own shared life.He sold the game consoles, computers and even mobile phones he no longer needed, borrowed clothes from friends, and used Fan Sisi's daily necessities.However, he was not satisfied with this. After asking for advice from High Score, he decided to move to a more advanced stage - income-generating life.

Li Tianran began to use his free time to generate income.When he went downstairs to buy coffee, he took three errand orders, and during meetings, he played two games to earn extra money.He even rented out the living room to a rock band to rehearse when he was away on a business trip. Although this made the family restless, it also brought him a certain amount of income.

However, this excessive income generation and shared life has caused trouble for Li Tianran's friends.Fan Sisi and Gao Score couldn't stand Li Tianran's frequent interruptions and constant borrowing of things. They hoped that Li Tianran could return to a normal life.In order to prevent Li Tianran from going crazy, both of them agreed to let Li Tianran share everything they had for free.

Despite this, Li Tianran did not restrain his behavior.Fan Sisi's door was knocked down almost every day, and she finally couldn't bear it and got angry.This dispute made Li Tianran realize that although sharing life and generating income can save expenses and increase income, excessive pursuit of these may cause him to lose his friends and the balance of his life.

《never give up》Episode 29 Details

High incidence legend

Deep in the digital world, Li Tianran was once a proud non-monetary gamer who insisted that no game could take a penny from him, even if he wasn't a great player.However, all this changed after he put on the newly developed holographic auxiliary glasses by Gaofa - “Gaofa Legend”.

“High Hair Legend” is not only a pair of glasses, but also a brand new workplace assistant.It is said that wearing it will make dealing with problems at work or interpersonal relationships easier.If the problem cannot be solved, use krypton gold to make up for the shortfall.Li Tianran tasted its benefits for the first time. With the help of glasses, he successfully escaped the wrath of Minister Yu. He was also able to communicate with strange customers like a fish in water and successfully signed a contract.

Having tasted the sweetness, Li Tianran became addicted to the world of “Gaofa Legend”. He took the initiative to develop new functions, such as card drawing, ten consecutive draws, hundred consecutive draws, etc., hoping to gain more advantages in the game through these new functions.However, as the changes in bank card balances were overshadowed by the golden light of SSR, he gradually ignored the importance of real life.

The good times did not last long. When everyone in the company began to use “高发 Legend”, Li Tianran had to fall into an endless loop of constantly earning money in order to maintain his workplace advantage.He hopes to stay on top of the game this way, but reality is getting heavier.

In order to stimulate players' desire to make money, Vice Director Zheng introduced the battle function.On the battlefield, cards are flying all over the sky, and various skills such as “Flying Pot”, “Stealing Strength”, “Monkey Stealing Peach”, etc. emerge in endlessly, making it difficult for people to guard against.And Li Tianran gradually lost his direction in this krypton-gold war.

There was a problem with an important customer maintenance, and Gaofa faced the risk of losing orders.Vice Director Zheng put the blame on Li Tianran, accusing him of being too addicted to games and ignoring the importance of work.Faced with the accusation, Li Tianran was unable to refute and could only endure waves of cards with super attacking power.

Just when Li Tianran was about to collapse, his bank card balance was cleared.He was shocked to discover that he had always thought he was just using the virtual high-end currency Krypton, but in fact the system had been quietly connected to his salary card.At this moment, he completely woke up and realized that his addiction and blind pursuit of money had caused irreparable consequences.

《never give up》Episode 30 Details


In this busy workplace, interpersonal relationships are often complicated. Zhao, a Chihuahua, resigned due to an unsatisfactory ending to an office romance, which aroused heated discussions among his colleagues.Lao Zhao's story became a topic in the office. Some people regretted it, while others were thankful that such “rules” were maintained.Yao Siwen's tough attitude made everyone stay away from office romance.

However, in such an environment, the relationship between Li Tianran and Fan Sisi quietly changed.With his optimistic and positive personality, Li Tianran not only helped Fan Sisi out of trouble many times at work, but also gradually became her support in daily life.The tacit understanding and intimacy between the two made colleagues around them feel an atmosphere different from ordinary friendship.

Finally one day, Li Tianran felt an unprecedented heartbeat when Fan Sisi tied his tie for him.He wanted to confess, but Fan Sisi interrupted him for various reasons.Fan Sisi's worries are not unreasonable. She knows how strict Yao Siwen is, and she also knows that once the relationship is exposed, both of them may face the risk of losing their jobs.Therefore, she chose to avoid Li Tianran's true confession again and again.

Li Tianran fell into the dilemma of lovelorn. He didn't understand why the two people who loved each other so much couldn't get together.When he was most confused, Fan Sisi finally confided in his heart.She told Li Tianran that she needed time to consider the future of this relationship, and she also hoped that during these ten days, the two could maintain the relationship of ordinary friends.

《never give up》Episode 31 Details

underground romance

In the busy city, there are countless stories hidden in every corner.Among them, the underground love affair between Li Tianran and Fan Sisi is like an exciting spy drama, full of unknowns and variables.

The two met because of work, but the spark of love sparked during their daily interactions.However, in order to keep their jobs, they had to hide their feelings like a thick coat in the harsh winter.But the details of life are always difficult to hide, and a phone call from Fan's mother almost revealed their secret.Although they temporarily covered up the past under the excuse of neighborly relations, the fear in their hearts did not dissipate.

In order to hide her love affair more securely, Fan Sisi decided to stage a "painful love drama" with Li Tianran in the company.They frequently quarreled, cursed, and even got into fights, surprising their colleagues.However, this seemingly out-of-control performance has become a unique interest between them. They even invented the code slang method and the intimate contact method of fighting to enhance each other's feelings.

However, this "painful drama" became more and more intense, and finally affected the entire third part of the project.Colleagues were divided into two camps and quarreled endlessly to break up the fight. The scene was once very chaotic.The department leader, Minister Yu, was extremely dissatisfied with this. He ordered that Li Tianran and Fan Sisi must be reconciled within three days.

In order to achieve this goal, colleagues began to divide into two groups, trying to persuade the two.On the one hand, Wu Yimei and Jiang Mei praised Li Tianran in front of Fan Sisi, but unexpectedly, they were provoked by Fan Sisi's few words, and instead they began to criticize Li Tianran's shortcomings.On the other hand, Chihuahua took Li Tianran to boxing in an attempt to help him relieve stress, but Li Tianran remembered all the unhappiness at work and forgot the original purpose.

《never give up》Episode 32 Details

Tell the truth after drinking

In the complicated business world, everyone has their own stories and secrets, but Jiang Mei has only one black spot in her life - getting drunk when she touches alcohol.But this weakness of hers did not prevent her from stepping forward at critical moments. Instead, it became her magic weapon to win unexpectedly.

As the two giants in the business world, Pegasus Group and Gaofa Group compete fiercely, and intelligence spying between the two parties has become commonplace.Against this background, Director Sun of Pegasus Group invited Minister Yu of Gaofa Group to a drinking party with the intention of learning the secrets of the other party’s research and development projects.However, what they didn't expect was that the Gaofa Group sent not only Minister Yu, but also Jiang Mei and Shuai Baima, who were secretly hiding.

Jiang Mei, a woman known for her light drinker, showed extraordinary wisdom and courage in this mission.She knew her drinking capacity was limited, but for the benefit of the company, she decided to take action herself.Baima Shuai, as Jiang Mei's companion, not only understands her drinking capacity, but also has extraordinary observation and adaptability.

At the wine table, people from the Pegasus Group prepared to pour the two rookies down with five kilograms of liquor in order to get the secrets out of their mouths.However, the development of things was beyond their expectation.With his keen observation, Bai Mashuai discovered Director Sun's nervousness and uneasiness, which made him realize that he might be able to do the opposite.

Sure enough, when Director Sun was horrified to discover that Bai Ma Shuai was similar to the characters in Chairman Bai's family portrait, the situation at the wine table instantly reversed.The people from the Pegasus Group started to get into trouble and kept pouring themselves wine, while Jiang Mei and Bai Ma Shuai just drank a few sips of juice lightly.In the end, everyone in the Pegasus Group fell to the ground drunk, and Shuai Bai took the opportunity to find out all the secrets of the Pegasus Group's new system.

Jiang Mei looked at her drunk opponent, her heart filled with joy.She picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp. However, as expected, she soon became drunk.The next day, she woke up in Bai Ma Shuai's super-large flat apartment, but unexpectedly saw Bai Zhaoyi who came to visit her son.At this moment, Jiang Mei realized that not only had she gained valuable information for the company, but she had also unexpectedly drawn closer to the Bai family.

《never give up》Episode 33 Details

Wind curly hair (Part 1)

Yuzhi County, Sanfu, Gaofa Prefecture, is busy dealing with a mountain of case files. However, the number of trials that month was only five, and the performance was dismal.Although the Yamen has issued a recruitment notice for police officers, due to the large number of tasks and meager salary, no one has applied.Just when Yuzhi County was worried about this matter, the recruitment bell suddenly rang, bringing him a glimmer of hope.

Yuzhi County hurried to the yamen to check and saw a woman dressed as a knight standing in front of the door. She called herself Fan Sisi and hoped to join the ranks of the police.Yuzhi County, adhering to the principle of accepting talents of all kinds, was ready to accept Fan Sisi, but unexpectedly she made a shocking request: to uncover the real murderer of the Xijuan tribe lurking in Gaofa County and avenge her hometown Moyu Village.

It turns out that Fan Sisi's hometown was originally peaceful and peaceful, and the villagers lived according to the ancestral precepts of "three days for fishing and two days for drying nets".However, since a mysterious Nishijuan tribesman broke into the village, he took advantage of the greed and competitiveness of the villagers and instigated them to fish day and night to compete, eventually leading to the destruction of the entire village.Fan Sisi firmly believes that this Xijuan tribesman will sneak into Gaofa County and continue to harm the people in the name of applying for a job. She is determined to find this person and avenge her father and fellow villagers.

Yuzhi County was moved by Fan Sisi's determination and courage and decided to fully support her actions.Fan Sisi used the four tricks of looking, hearing, asking, and cutting to prepare to find out the real culprit of the Xijuan clan during the interview.

First of all, Wang%. Fan Sisi observed that even if the Xijuan people work overtime for three days and three nights in a row, they will not look decadent, but will be radiant.During the interview process, only Yao Siwen and Li Tianran were able to do this.However, Yao Siwen often uses other people's work to sign his own name, which is obviously an opportunistic person; while Li Tianran's article is full of typos, and he is obviously interested in it but not in power.Therefore, none of them fit the characteristics of the Sijuan people.

In the following hearings, questions and cuts, Fan Sisi also used his skills one by one, gradually narrowing down the scope of suspects through dialogue, observation and reasoning.In the end, she successfully uncovered the real culprit of the Xijuan tribe lurking in Gaofa County and sought justice for the villagers of Moyu Village in her hometown.

《never give up》Episode 34 Details

Wind curly hair (Part 2)

One early morning, an applicant who claimed to have a high score came to the county government office.He claims that he can work eight hours a day and has a workload equal to ten.Such bold words immediately attracted the attention of Yuzhi County.After a preliminary understanding, Yuzhi County expressed great appreciation for Gao's personal ability and workload, and almost decided to hire him on the spot.

However, Fan Sisi remained vigilant.She believes that superficial presentation and words alone are not enough to fully assess a person's abilities.So, she asked Yuzhi County to conduct the final inspection - actual combat drills.This session will require candidates to demonstrate their performance in a real work environment.

In actual combat exercises, high scores showed his unique talents.He prepared rare huanghuali wood tea sets, hung them all with skill plaques, arranged green bamboo screens to relieve eye fatigue, and arranged excerpts to praise virtues.These carefully prepared props and performances undoubtedly won the favor of Yuzhi County. His work style was both luxurious and low-key, thoughtful and public, which left a deep impression on Yuzhi County.

Although Fan Sisi has confirmed that Gao Sheng is a member of the Xijuan tribe and is wary of him, Minister Yu is satisfied with his performance.He believes that a high-scoring player who can skillfully respond to various situations is exactly what they need.So, he took the gavel and decided to admit high scores.

However, just when everyone thought that High Score would become the new catcher, he made an unexpected move.He rejected the official recruitment document from the policeman, but took away the official seal of the county magistrate, claiming that he was applying for the post of county magistrate and that the government office was already his territory.This sudden change caused everyone to panic.

Just when the situation was about to get out of control, Fan Sisi took decisive action.She successfully avoided greater chaos by knocking Gao Score unconscious with a slash from her hand.This move not only saved the situation, but also showed her resourcefulness and courage.

《never give up》Episode 35 Details

Battle to Defend Paid Life (Part 1)

In the fast-paced modern workplace, working overtime seems to have become the norm.In order to make up for the time lost due to overtime, many employees find their own small happiness during working hours.Fan Sisi is paid to chase fans during working hours, Jiang Mei chooses to shop online, Chihuahua likes to go to the toilet with pay, and Yao Siwen prefers walking in the office.These seemingly relaxed behaviors are actually their attempts to find a delicate balance between work and life.

However, this balance was broken by Vice Director Zheng's "Good People Bringing Certificates to Work Plan".He learned from the point deduction system of the driver's license. Each person initially has 12 points. If he is caught fishing, he will be punished by deducting points and fines. In serious cases, he may even need to attend a class.Those who lose points will be sent to the remote Antarctic branch.In order to implement this plan, Vice Director Zheng installed monitoring and shielding networks throughout the company, equipped with acoustic testing equipment, etc., and was ready.

Faced with such strict management, employees naturally refused to be outdone and launched countermeasures one after another.Fan Sisi and the others were listening to the audio of the leader's speech in the conference room while continuing to follow the show and watch the live broadcast to avoid surveillance.Those with high scores prepared multiple mobile phones with full resources and rented them out to colleagues in the toilet to cope with network blocking.Yao Siwen even used his detective spirit to record the movement of all the cameras on the rooftop, cleverly avoiding detection.

Just when everyone thought they could temporarily keep their points, several high-end RVs suddenly appeared downstairs in the company.The interior facilities of these RVs are luxurious and provide a comfortable resting environment. Employees can enjoy a moment of comfort just by scanning the QR code.There was a long queue outside the RV, and many employees chose to relax here, resulting in a lower on-duty rate than before the Good Guys system went online.

《never give up》Episode 36 Details

Battle to Defend Paid Life (Part 2)

While everyone in the company was immersed in the relaxed atmosphere of “好人System” being offline, a sudden company-wide statistics list of working hours was like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.Surprisingly, everyone's working hours did not meet the standard. For a time, various doubts and speculations quickly spread within the company.

The recreational vehicle downstairs became the focus of everyone's suspicion.Many employees talked privately and suspected that it had secretly sold everyone's data.Bai Mashuai, an employee who is usually known for his integrity, has become a suspect in the eyes of everyone.He insisted that he could not do such a thing, but faced everyone's doubts, he felt very aggrieved.

However, things often turn out unexpectedly.After some investigation, the truth finally emerged.It turned out that the problem lay in the cushions the company provided for its employees.Only the time spent on the cushion is counted as effective working time, which means that even if employees are out on business, as long as they are not sitting on the cushion, the time will not be counted as on-duty time.This regulation not only made many employees angry, but also made those employees who are usually good at flattery, timid, or prone to role models recognize their identity as wage earners, and everyone united to face this unreasonable regulation.

Fan Sisi, as a young and promising employee of the company, decided to stand up and fight for everyone's rights.She rushed into Vice Director Zheng's office without hesitation and asked him if he wanted everyone to dedicate themselves to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Her words were full of strength and determination, making everyone present feel her firm stance.

Just as Fan Sisi was talking to Vice Director Zheng, an alarm suddenly sounded inside the company.The signal jammer in the toilet was broken, there were people standing under the rooftop camera, and the signal connection of more than one cushion was interrupted.This series of events made Vice Director Zheng feel the seriousness of the situation, and he stormed out of the office angrily.

Fan Sisi didn't waste any time. She quickly stuffed a cushion chip into the mezzanine of Vice Director Zheng's chair, and then used her own technical means to hack into Vice Director Zheng's system and connect to his user account.This move not only demonstrated her technical strength, but also demonstrated her determination to fight for the rights and interests of the company's employees.

As the situation escalated, Vice Director Zheng had to order security to lock the rooftop, the conference room, and the toilet.However, none of this seems to have deterred employees from asserting their rights.They are united to face this challenge and are determined to fight for their due rights.

《never give up》Episode 37 Details

I want to retire

On the second underground floor of the advertising department building, there is a little-known corner.There is a mysterious machine hidden there - the retirement signing machine.Just last month, newly hired Xiao Huang accidentally discovered this secret.He excitedly told everyone that as long as you tell the machine your retirement goals, it will accurately calculate your retirement age.Once you sign up, you can enjoy your retirement as planned.

This news was like a stone causing thousands of waves. Fan Sisi, Li Tianran, Chihuahua and others rushed to the second underground floor impatiently.Fan Sisi, a working woman who always prepares for a rainy day, has already prepared her retirement plan.She confidently entered her plan into the machine, and as she expected, her retirement date was fifteen years later.

Li Tianran, Fan Sisi's colleague and crush, was touched by Fan Sisi's retirement plan.He imagined the romantic scene of traveling around the world and spending the rest of his life with Fan Sisi after retirement, and was determined to retire simultaneously with her.However, the test of retirement conditions made him repeatedly hit the wall.He kept trying to adjust his retirement conditions, but failed every time.Inadvertently, he saw that Wu Yimei's retirement time was also fifteen years.Out of curiosity, he entered Wu Yimei's plan into the machine, but it showed that the time was 23 years.

After countless attempts and failures, Li Tianran finally found the trick.He showed Fan Sisi the contract sheet, and they were surprised to find that their retirement years had been shortened to fifteen years.What makes them even more excited is that the machine reminds them that the retirement period is not fixed, and as long as they work harder, they can further shorten it.

《never give up》Episode 38 Details

The Great Rice Cake Robbery

As the rice cake system of the third part of planning enters the final stage, the industry's expectations for this innovative technology are increasing day by day.But behind this, there is a struggle for power and status.Vice Director Zheng, a powerful figure in the business world, cannot sleep at night because once the rice cake system is officially launched, the conspiracy he has painstakingly planned will be completely bankrupt, and even his position as deputy director will be threatened.

At a critical moment, Vice Director Zheng decided to recall his daughter, Zheng Qiqiao, who had been studying hacking technology abroad for eight years.Zheng Qiwei is a girl who looks cute, cute and adorable, but is actually a sinister girl with strange powers.Not only did she inherit her father's technical talent, she also mastered the latest hacking techniques.As an intern, she came to Planning Department 3 and became a key figure in this competition.

As soon as Zheng Qiqi came to plan the third film, she showed her keen insight.She easily targeted Baima Shuai and Li Tianran, who were the easiest to break through. Through insinuations, she successfully asked where the rice cake system was stored.Everyone was unprepared for her innocence, only Fan Sisi sensed the dangerous aura.

With Vice-Director Zheng's technical support and her own hacking skills at her side, Zheng Qiqi started her plan.She sneaked into the office late at night and tried to copy the rice cake system, but was frightened by Wu Mingshi who was left in the office but could not be seen.She tried to use viruses to attack everyone's systems, but was disrupted by Li Tianran's coffee that accidentally spilled on the computer, and her computer was the first to be scrapped.She even resorted to physical harm and unplugged the power supply. Unexpectedly, she just unplugged the shaver that the Chihuahua had stolen and charged.

Just when Zheng Qiqiao felt discouraged, she found that the USB flash drive storing the Nian Gao Care system was placed on her desk without any precautions.This seemed to be destiny, giving Zheng Qiqi a chance to win this contest in one fell swoop.However, facing this sudden opportunity, Zheng Qiqiao fell into deep thought.She began to reflect on her behavior. Did she really want to destroy such a potential innovative technology for her own selfish gain?

This contest not only tests Zheng Qiqiao's skills and wisdom, but also tests her morality and humanity.In this battle between technology and power, how will Zheng Qiqai choose?What turning point will her decision bring to this contest?All this has become unknown.

As the rice cake system of the third part of the project is gradually approaching the launch date, Zheng Qiqi is facing increasing pressure.She knew she couldn't delay any longer and had to make a decision.However, at this critical moment, she found that she had developed a deep emotional bond with the members of Project 3.Their spirit of working hard for a common goal infected her and made her begin to doubt her original intentions.

After experiencing a series of setbacks and confusion, Zheng Qiqiao finally chose to give up.She realized that the power of technology should be used to benefit mankind, not to satisfy personal selfish desires.She decided to use her technology and knowledge to protect the rice cake system and bring it online smoothly, bringing convenience and welfare to more people.

Vice President Zheng was shocked and disappointed by Zheng Qi's strange decision.However, he also realizes his mistakes and selfishness.He began to reflect on his behavior and decided to put down the struggle for power and status and wholeheartedly support the launch of the rice cake system in the third part of the project.

Under the changes of Zheng Qiqi and Zheng Vice-Director, the rice cake system of the third part of the project was successfully launched.This innovative technology has been widely praised and recognized by the industry, bringing great success and reputation to the company.Zheng Qiqiao also grew up a lot in the process. She used her wisdom and courage to prove that the power of technology can do good.

《never give up》Episode 39 Details

No one can be missing (Part 1)

After busy work, Li Tianran planned a special weekend trip for Fan Sisi.He purchased a group package for two people at a suburban hot spring resort, hoping that this peaceful hot spring place would add a different color to the relationship between the two.However, behind this journey lies Li Tianran's small thoughts - he hopes to take this opportunity to complete the four tasks mentioned in the advertisement. It is said that completing these tasks will make the relationship between lovers sweeter and longer-lasting.

The originally planned world of the two was disrupted by Yao Siwen's sudden team-building mountain climbing activity.Although Li Tianran and Fan Sisi had asked for leave and were preparing to secretly go to the hot spring resort, they unexpectedly met Shuai Baima here.It turned out that due to some reasons, the original mountain climbing team building was cancelled, and all the staff of Planning Department 3 came to this resort.

Faced with the sudden changes, Li Tianran did not give up.He was determined to overcome all difficulties and complete these four tasks with Fan Sisi.The first task, originally planned was to ride a tandem bicycle and enjoy the time spent together.Although it turned into a threesome in the end - with the addition of the handsome white horse, it was basically completed. The three of them rode on the trails of the resort amidst laughter and laughter, which also had a unique flavor.

The second task is to hang a lock with love words engraved on the Lover's Bridge, which means that the love between the two will be eternal.However, when Li Tianran and Fan Sisi came to Lover's Bridge, they unexpectedly met Yao Siwen.In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they had to change the original words of love into words of encouragement for work.Although he has some regrets, Li Tianran still maintains an optimistic attitude and believes that this is also a special commemoration.

The third task was originally a romantic moment for Li Tianran and Fan Sisi to soak in the rose hot spring at night.However, when they came to the hot spring pool, they found a dizzy Chihuahua soaking in the pool.This sudden situation made both of them dumbfounded, and the romantic atmosphere they originally planned was instantly shattered.Despite this, Li Tianran did not give up. He believed that as long as the two of them were together, any difficulties would not be a problem.

《never give up》Episode 40 Details

No one should be missing (Part 2)

In the big family that plans the third film, Li Tianran is always the optimistic one. He believes that fish only have seven seconds of memory, so he can always forget the troubles of last night and welcome the new day with a new attitude.However, it was difficult for Fan Sisi to be so free and easy.Her heart was filled with worries and doubts. Her love affair in the office cost her her job, and Yao Siwen's harsh words made her even more frightened.

After careful consideration, Fan Sisi decided to leave the place that once brought her laughter and tears.She found Minister Fish and handed in her resignation letter.Minister Yu's expression was serious. He did not express his position immediately, but just told Fan Sisi that she needed to complete the last team-building activity.

For this team building activity, Minister Yu prepared two games.The first game requires everyone to name their role in the three-part project.Li Tianran was not afraid, and he named a series of characters in one breath, such as the scapegoat, the donkey, the dragging leg, and the venting bag. His humor and wit won everyone's laughter and he successfully won the competition..

The second game is a row of grids drawn on the ground. Each person advances or retreats the corresponding number of grids based on the answer to the question. The person who reaches the end first wins.Every question is full of memories. Everyone thinks of the days spent in Planning Department 3, the days of working hard for a common goal, the days of helping each other and solving problems together.Everyone moves forward a corresponding number of grids based on their own contributions and memories.Only Li Tianran, because he caused a lot of damage to the team, could only stay at the starting point.

Just when Li Tianran felt frustrated, the situation reversed.Everyone began to ask questions one after another. Because Li Tianran had seen the most customers, was an indispensable member of the deputy team leader, had one of the four major surnames in China, and his sincere words from the bottom of his heart, Li Tianran suddenly came to the 16th meeting.step and eventually won the game.

This team-building activity allowed Fan Sisi to re-examine her position in Planning Department 3. She saw the strength of the team and the hard work and dedication behind Li Tianran's optimism.She began to understand that no matter what difficulties she encountered, as long as she had the support of the team and individual efforts, she would be able to overcome them.

Therefore, Fan Sisi decided to stay. She wanted to turn her doubts and worries into motivation and contribute more to the third part of the project.Li Tianran also strengthened his optimism because of this team-building activity. He believes that as long as the team works together, nothing is impossible.