Home TV never give up
《never give up》Episode 13 Synopsis

One servant and one master

In a high-performance-oriented work environment, the 360-degree evaluation method has become a new management tool designed to more accurately evaluate employee performance through all-round feedback.This method requires employees to rate each other, and the level of scores is directly related to individual performance bonuses.Under such a mechanism, many employees feel increased pressure and have to cater to various requirements, fearing that their own ratings will be affected by rejection.

One servant and one master

However, in such an atmosphere, Fan Sisi is like a breath of fresh air. She sticks to her principles and refuses all unreasonable demands.This shocked Li Tianran. It turned out that in this high-pressure environment, there were still people who dared to say "no" to unreasonable things.Li Tianran began to re-examine himself. He realized that he was always troubled by various trivial tasks and did not have enough time and energy to complete the truly important work.

Fan Sisi saw Li Tianran's dilemma and decided to help him learn to say no.She patiently taught Li Tianran how to distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable requests, and how to express his position firmly but politely.Under Fan Sisi's guidance, Li Tianran began to bravely refuse unnecessary tasks. He crossed out one task after another on his notepad, and he finally felt the long-lost relaxation and freedom.

However, the good times did not last long, and Li Tianran soon fell into a new dilemma.Although he successfully rejected Gao Fa's unreasonable demands, he began to become Zhou Xiami's “exclusive servant”.Whether it was repairing water pipes, writing plans, or moving, whenever Zhou Xiami needed it, Li Tianran was always there to help.This behavior made Fan Sisi feel desperate. She didn't understand why Li Tianran was always unable to stick to his principles.

Li Tianran’s behavior caused us to think deeply.Is he innocent or simply stupid?In this highly competitive society, should we, like Fan Sisi, bravely refuse unreasonable demands and stick to our principles and positions?At the same time, we should also think about how to help people like Li Tianran so that they can learn to say no, find their own direction, not be bothered by trivial tasks, and truly release their potential.

Rejection is not a negative behavior, but a positive form of self-protection.We should learn to refuse, not to let ourselves be the tools of others, but to become the masters of our own lives.Only in this way can we find a balance between busy work and life and realize our own value.I hope Li Tianran can understand this truth soon and find his own happiness and freedom.