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《never give up》Episode 11 Synopsis

Monday syndrome

In the busy city, the bitterness and suffering of countless working people are hidden among the high-rise buildings.Li Tianran, an ordinary working person, unfortunately suffers from “Monday Syndrome”.Every Monday, he would feel short of breath, headache, lack of oxygen, irregular heartbeat, and his memory seemed to become blurred.On this day, Li Tianran was slumped on his seat in the office with an oxygen tank in his hand, looking forward to the care and condolences from his colleagues.However, the people around him were indifferent, as if all this was taken for granted.

Monday syndrome

Only Minister Yu expressed deep sympathy for Li Tianran's situation.In order to allow Li Tianran to recover as soon as possible, he made an unexpected decision-set the office clock to Tuesday.Although this move is somewhat absurd, it reveals a deep concern for the health of employees.

However, Li Tianran's Monday syndrome did not get better, but became more serious.His work progress dropped significantly, and he began to look for ways to heal himself as he was exhausted both mentally and physically.A brilliant idea flashed in his mind - wipe out the weekend!He believes that Monday is unbearable precisely because of the leisure time of Saturday and Sunday as a contrast.If there is no weekend rest, then Monday will no longer seem so difficult.

Therefore, Li Tianran designed the 007 work system, which means working for seven consecutive days without any rest days.He took colleagues from all departments to try this new working model.However, the result was not what he expected. Everyone suffered from the so-called “007 Syndrome”, and the symptoms were even worse than Monday Syndrome.

Li Tianran began to observe his colleagues around him and found that he was not the only one suffering from workplace diseases.Everyone in Project Three has more or less similar symptoms.They not only have various manifestations of Monday syndrome, but also develop overtime allergies, complaining hallucinations, flammable and explosive disorders, narcolepsy, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders and other diseases.Except for Bai Ma Shuai who still maintains a vigorous state, everyone else is already seriously ill.Planning Department 3 has become a base camp for patients to communicate about their conditions and cross-infection.

This situation finally reached the ears of Deputy Director Zheng.He felt that his chance to destroy Planning Department 3 had come.In order to weaken the strength of Planning Department 3, he sent Choi Hwarang to Department 3 to conduct a health survey.However, to everyone's surprise, Choi Hwarang only went there for one morning before he contracted various workplace diseases and was attrited in a non-combatant manner.