Home TV never give up
《never give up》Episode 17 Synopsis

Promote separation but not peace

Fan Sisi, a seemingly ordinary name, has a complex emotional entanglement hidden behind it.She seemed to have been searching for balance her whole life, but inadvertently fell into an emotional whirlpool.

Promote separation but not peace

She once asked herself if she had done anything wrong in her life.After careful consideration, she found the only answer - to send the innocent little white flower Li Tianran to the tea master Zhou Xiami.Now, this evil force feedback has come back to her, making her taste the bitter fruit she planted.

Li Tianran, an innocent young man, his world was once simple and beautiful.However, since meeting Zhou Xiami, his life has become complicated.He kept asking Fan Sisi about Zhou Xiami's preferences and their relationship.His questions were full of longing for love and confusion, but Fan Sisi couldn't tell him the truth directly.

Fan Sisi's distress did not come from Li Tianran's problems, but from watching him gradually fall in love and spend a lot of money and energy.She knew Zhou Xiami's true face, but she couldn't tell Li Tianran directly.She tried to get Zhou Xiami to let Li Tianran go, but Zhou Xiami insisted on the principle of "I would rather kill ten thousand people by mistake than let one person go" and firmly disagreed.

Faced with this situation, Fan Sisi decided to take a more direct approach.She asked Li Tianran to arrive at the restaurant she had made an appointment with Zhou Xiami in advance and witness with her own eyes the scene of Zhou Xiami dining intimately with other men.She hoped that this would allow Li Tianran to see Zhou Xiami's true face and get rid of this unhealthy relationship.

However, things did not develop as Fan Sisi expected.After Li Tianran saw Zhou Xiami dining intimately with other men, Li Tianran did not show anger or disappointment. Instead, he felt that Fan Sisi was deliberately sabotaging his relationship because she liked him.He sent Fan Sisi a good guy card, thanking her for her concern, but saying that he was willing to bear all the consequences of this relationship.

Li Tianran's reaction made Fan Sisi feel helpless.She realized that maybe she really had done something wrong.She shouldn't have sent Li Tianran to Zhou Xiami, and she shouldn't have let him fall into this emotional whirlpool.She decided to let go of her past mistakes and make amends in her own way.

She began to help Li Tianran see Zhou Xiami's true face and let him understand Zhou Xiami's tea skills and emotional games.She told him that Zhou Xiami didn't really like him, but was playing with his feelings.She hoped that Li Tianran could see the truth clearly and get out of this unhealthy relationship.

After a period of hard work, Li Tianran finally began to slowly awaken.He gradually understood Fan Sisi's good intentions, and also saw Zhou Xiami's true face.He thanked Fan Sisi for her help and decided to end the relationship and start a new life.

Fan Sisi watched Li Tianran gradually come out of the haze, and felt a little relieved in her heart.She understands that although she has made mistakes in the past, she now has the opportunity to make amends.She hopes that her experience can bring some enlightenment to Li Tianran and make him more cautious and rational in his future life.