《danger of her》classic lines

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

The recently released drama "Danger of Her" has caused a sensation. It attracted the attention of a large number of viewers as soon as it was aired. People who have watched this drama cannot stop and are immersed in the plot.Today, the editor will discuss with you the classic line《danger of her》.

《danger of her》classic lines

What you see is just an illusion, there is another face behind that mask.

The silence of the victim is condoning the abuser.

The olive branch thrown by others will become a sharp dagger; the food given by others will become a bag of deadly poison.

Marriage is like building a house. Some people build it into a fortress, which can protect them from wind and rain; some people build it into a cage, full of holes and suffocating.

Once you are brainwashed, the first thing you give up on is self-love.

All my love for you has been exhausted in the process of waiting for you day after day.

When you no longer expect others and no longer rely on others, you will find your truly powerful self.

As long as a person makes one wrong decision, will he be nailed to the pillar of shame forever?

I spent my childhood in darkness and I will never allow my children to become like that.

The above content is the editor's personal interpretation of the classic lines of 《danger of her》. Friends who have read this article and find it helpful to you are welcome to continue to pay attention to the lines class. In the future, we will also provide the latest, the most detailed plot interpretation and character analysis.

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