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《danger of her》character emotional relationship

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《danger of her》 is a recently popular film and television drama. After it was broadcast, it won the praise and discussion of many people and became a hot topic. The plot in it is also full of ups and downs, especially the recent discussion about《Danger of Her》The emotional relationship between the characters has been discussed very hotly. Next, the editor will talk with everyone.

《danger of her》character emotional relationship

All members are acquaintances, including family, friendship and love, as well as many domestic violence and murder cases.

1. Let’s talk about family ties first.1. Qiao Wei (played by Zhang Xinyu) and Meng Wenzhe (played by Zhang Tao) are half-brothers and sisters. Qiao Wei is the adopted daughter of the Meng family.

Qiao Wei is loved by Father Meng (played by He Wei) because of her cleverness and sensibleness.Meng Wenzhe has been selfish and irritable since he was a child, and he was doted on by Meng's mother (Hao Yang).

Therefore, Meng Wenzhe was jealous of this sister who had no blood relationship with him. Not only did he often secretly domestically abuse Qiao Wei, but he also insulted Qiao Wei.

Meng's father knew that Meng Wenzhe had bullied Qiao Wei, so he wanted Meng Wenzhe to be punished by law. In the end, Meng Wenzhe was killed, and Meng's mother helped to cover it up.

Qiao Wei blamed Meng's father's death on Qiao Wei, so Qiao Wei fled the Meng family and hid her past when she was called Han Mo. Qiao Wei was afraid of Meng Wenzhe.

2. Ou Kena (played by Bao Chenxi) is the youngest daughter of the Ou family. Ou's mother (played by Zhang Jingran) died of depression after being coldly and violently violent by Ou's father (played by Wang Zhigang).

Ou Keni (played by You Jingru) later resisted marrying Meng Wenzhe, but Ou's father took a fancy to Meng Wenzhe's ability and forced her to marry.

Meng Wenzhe had arranged Father Ou's surgery long ago, leaving Father Ou in a vegetative state and unable to wake up. Father Ou's driver was also bribed by him.

3. Qiao Wei is the ex-wife of Lu Zicong (played by Liu Kai). They have a son named Lu Qi (played by Chen Yuzhe), and they have been fighting for custody.

4. Qi Fei (played by Chen Jiajia) is the sister of Qiao Wei’s dead ex-boyfriend Qi Kai (played by Zhang Jiahang). She kidnapped and blackmailed Qiao Wei and wanted to kill someone.

2. Let’s talk about friendship.1. Meng Wenzhe, Ou Keni and Luo Shanshan (played by Zhang Zhang) are classmates and friends when they studied abroad.Shanshan is the matchmaker.

2. Qiao Wei is best friends with Nicole (played by Yang Feiyang) and He Anxin (played by Sui Yuan), and she and Nicole are also colleagues.He Anxin knows detective techniques.

3. Qiao Wei is a patient of Ou Keni, who saved Qiao Wei from Qi Fei.Nicole is Okeni's friend.The three of them became good friends.

4. Xiao Luo (played by Wu Yuchenning) is Lu Qi's art teacher. He was bribed by Lu Zicong to frame Qiao Wei. After he woke up, he became friends with Qiao Wei.

5. Li Yuan (played by Tan Xiaofan) is Ou Keni's patient and Nicole's audience, and later becomes friends with Ou Keni, Qiao Wei, Nicole and others.

6. Chen Fei (Chen Sixu) and Luo Shanshan were both hurt by Meng Wenzhe, so they became friends and wanted to work together to save Li Yuan and Ou Keni.

7. Tong Yuanfei (played by Kim Hyun Jung) was originally the divorce lawyer hired by Lu Zicong, but later he couldn't stand Lu Zicong's despicable methods to deal with Qiao Wei.

He resolutely stands on Qiao Wei's side. There are not many scenes that have appeared so far. Qiao Wei and others will later fight a lawsuit with Lu Zicong and others, and he will appear again.

8. Meng Wenzhe and Lu Zicong became friends because of their mutual affinity while studying abroad.Lu Zicong raped Oukena, and Meng Wenzhe helped him deal with the aftermath.

3. Let’s talk about love.1. Polyamory with four women and one man.Li Yuan→Meng Wenzhe←Ou Keyi→Meng Wenzhe←Luo Shanshan→Meng Wenzhe←Chen Fei


2. Lu Zicong spread rumors about Qiao Wei everywhere, saying that she was cheating on her marriage. In fact, Qiao Wei divorced because she couldn't stand Lu Zicong's sexual abuse and domestic violence.

3. Xue Ze (played by Wan Peixin) and Xiao Luo are lovers. Xiao Luo is undercover at Qiao Wei's house, trying to find out the three million black money embezzled by Qi Kai and Xue Ze.

4. Gao Yiming (played by Gao Yang) likes Nicole and plans to pursue her.Gao Yiming helped Nicole and others deal with Meng Wenzhe and Lu Zicong.

4. Finally, let’s talk about the case.1. Lu Zicong and Qiao Wei compete for custody of Lu Qi (civil lawsuit).Spreading rumors (civil complaints).Strong J Okana (prosecution).

2. Two murder cases involving Xue Ze (lawyer, Qi Fei).3. Two murder cases involving Meng Wenzhe (Luo Shanshan, Xue Ze).They are all criminal prosecutions.

4. Wen Jing (played by Wu Fangyuan) is a police officer who investigates cases. He interacts with most of the people above and speaks for the good guys to bring the bad guys to justice.

Summary, 1. Women should see the true colors of the men around them, help women at critical moments, and believe in the power of the police and the law.

2. Bad guys are hard to detect, so be vigilant at all times.There is no gratuitous help, no groundless love and friendship, remember!

The above is the complete analysis of the emotional relationship between the characters of 《danger of her》. If you want to know more related film and television information articles, please continue to pay attention to the daily updates of the line class.

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