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《danger of her》Episode 11 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

The drama 《danger of her》 which is currently on the air, whether it is the appearance, acting skills, or plot, I believe it has also attracted many friends. Here is the plot introduction of episode 11 of 《danger of her》The discussion remains high, so let’s take a look at the questions raised by our friends.

《danger of her》Episode 11 plot introduction

《danger of her》Episode 11 plot introduction

Wen Jing came to investigate again, and Meng Wenzhe threatened Ou Keni to cooperate in acting by threatening Ou's father to undergo heart surgery.Lu Zicong had trained in the UK. Okena investigated and suspected that Lu Zicong was the murderer, so she applied for the job of Lu Zicong's secretary.The topic of Nicole's mind control caused heated discussion, but Li Yuan was exposed by Meng Wenzhe online.

Meng Wenzhe was worried that the public opinion was out of control, so he proposed a deal with Qiao Wei to shut up Li Yuan. He helped Qiao Wei settle Lu Zicong's lawsuit. Qiao Wei used the trick to get Meng Wenzhe's recording and gave it to Nicole to solve Li Yuan's concerns.During the live broadcast, Li Yuan suddenly regretted that it was all controlled by Nico!It turns out that before the live broadcast, Meng Wenzhe threatened Li Yuan, and only he knew that she killed Xue Ze with poisoned wine.

The editor has specially carefully compiled the plot introduction of the 11th episode of 《danger of her》, providing a lot of information and useful information for friends who like this drama. If you are a 《danger of her-Loyal viewers of her》, then welcome to continue to pay attention to our line lessons. More importantly, we will continue to update more related content, allowing you to explore and understand this excellent work more deeply.

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