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《danger of her》Episode 9 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, “《danger of her》” has become one of the hotly discussed topics in the film and television industry, because its TV series has attracted a large number of fans and audiences.What's even more exciting is that some hot topics in the show have aroused widespread discussion. Among them, the plot introduction of episode 9 of "Danger of Her" has made everyone full of curiosity and doubts.Let’s chat together today.

《danger of her》Episode 9 plot introduction

《danger of her》Episode 9 plot introduction

Qiao Wei reported to Wen Jing that the hotel clock was wrong. Wen Jing came to the hotel and the clock had been moved.Qiao Wei and Nicole are going to create a special issue on mind control to expose PUA men.Wen Jing investigated Meng Wenzhe again and when she took out Xue Ze's photo, Ou Keyi said that she seemed to have seen him at the wedding, but when he checked Ou's video surveillance, he found that the hard drive was broken.

Meng Wenzhe went to Shanshan's apartment to search for the video left by Shanshan. Ou Keni opened the door and came in. Meng Wenzhe hid in the dark. Ou Keni discovered that Shanshan had sent her a courier.Li Yuan was retaliated by Meng Wenzhe and decided to cooperate with Nicole's special topic to expose Meng Wenzhe.On the top of the mountain at night, Meng Wenzhe pulled Ou Keni up the mountain and said he wanted to give her a surprise.

《danger of her》 is well-made, the storyline is compact, and the picture presentation is exquisite and delicate, bringing us all an excellent viewing experience. I believe that through the editor's detailed explanation, everyone will be familiar with 《danger of her》 ChapterThe plot introduction of the 9 episodes has a deeper understanding. If you want to know more related content, please pay attention to the line class.

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