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《danger of her》 Episode 16 plot introduction

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 16, 2024 Source:Network

《danger of her》 is currently on the air. Before it started, not many people paid attention to this drama. However, a few days after it was aired, the popularity skyrocketed. Information about this drama was available in all major media software, especiallyIt's 《danger of her》the plot introduction of episode 16 has been the most discussed by the audience recently.

《danger of her》 Episode 16 plot introduction

《danger of her》Episode 16 plot introduction

Nicole and Wen Jing arrived in time and rescued Li Yuan, who was weak.Qiao Wei told Ou Keni that Ou Keni had been rescued and put under house arrest. That person was Meng's mother. The two came to the Meng family's old house. Qiao Wei persuaded Meng's mother to persuade Meng Wenzhe to surrender.

Ou Keni accidentally received a call from Meng Wenzhe to Meng's mother. He was preparing to escape at the dock. Ou Keni deliberately angered him. Meng Wenzhe rushed back to his old house and tried to set fire to Qiao Wei and Ou Keni. Meng's mother could not bear Meng Wen's words.Zhe continued to kill people and stabbed him with a needle.The siren sounded, and Meng Wenzhe lay in the arms of Mother Meng amid the blazing flames...Qiaowei Okeni hugged each other tightly and said goodbye to the past.

The above is all about the plot introduction of episode 16 of 《danger of her》.If you want to learn more about this film and television series, you may wish to pay attention to our website.We will continue to bring you exciting content related to this film and television series.

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