《kill me love me》classic lines

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《kill me love me》 is currently on the air. Once the drama was aired, it received unanimous praise from the audience for its wonderful plot, excellent production, and meticulous interpretation, and won the top spot in the ratings.It’s a very good drama worth watching!

《kill me love me》classic lines

Go and let the whole Kyoto know that I, the coach Hyakki, is back.

It's not that easy to die, living is torture

I live just to kill you. Hatred alone cannot avenge you.

Since you started this game, it's not your turn to end it now.

Sooner or later, Mei Lin will belong to the prince. Why doesn’t the prince wait until the marriage is over?

I can wait, but I don’t want to wait

Today I can see the prince's grace, and I am filled with admiration for you.

The beauty recommends herself as a pillow, and I would be happy to do so.

Mei Lin couldn't wait and didn't want to wait. No matter what the beauty wanted, such scheming would only make her angry.

Everyone thinks this king is a madman, so you'd better not anger a madman.

The above is the complete content of the classic line《kill me love me》.If you are interested in our website, we will also provide more detailed plot introduction, analysis and character analysis later. You can learn more by following our website.

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