《love of nirvana》classic lines

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

Recently a TV series called《love of nirvana》has become the focus of attention.Since its premiere, the show has aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience and fascinated countless people.In the recently broadcast plot - love of nirvana - the classic lines are undoubtedly the most concerned about. The following content is the reference provided by the editor.

《love of nirvana》classic lines

“ The green mountains are hidden, love of nirvana; the world of mortals is far away, and I will go there with you.”

“Many people and many things in this world are not as they seem.”

“Ice and water do not harm each other, and spring flows with fragrant streams”

“The setting sun is as bright as blood, and the mountains are covered with greenery and gold.”

“We all have our own needs, I wish you will get what you want”

“Many little things that I thought were commonplace actually won’t happen again”

“You can be in the same boat through thick and thin, and we can share the joys and sorrows."

”It doesn’t matter what you give, it’s your thoughts that matter most.“

”What do you mean, you have to fight like you every day to be alive?“

“This world belongs to everyone in the world, not to any one person.”

These are all the content about the classic lines of love of nirvana. On our website, we will provide more detailed and rich content to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the series, so please pay attentionLet's do it.

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