《DARK NIGHT AND DAWN》Line that touches the heart

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

The reversal and twists in the plot of the currently popular drama DARK NIGHT AND DAWN make it impossible to predict the subsequent plot development, which has become one of the most attractive features of the drama.Whether it is in terms of appearance, acting skills or plot, the play can quickly and accurately attract people's attention.Today we specially provide some personal answers to the audience’s doubts about DARK NIGHT AND DAWN, a line that directly touches people’s hearts.

《DARK NIGHT AND DAWN》Line that touches the heart

You are a falcon, not a house sparrow. You cannot lose your fighting spirit just because you have lost one or two prey.

As long as you stick to your inner principles, you can live a pure and happy life.

I have witnessed with my own eyes that every life approaching death is growing enthusiastically.

The human soul is like this.You think about it and you get a response.

The winner is free from blame.

This isn’t called change, it’s called rebirth!

Work with people who follow the rules.

The above is all about DARK NIGHT AND DAWN - lines that directly hit people's hearts. If there are any exciting plots in the plot or things that the audience is confused about, you can pay attention to the lines class, and there will be more in the future.We will continue to bring you more latest information and content.

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