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《love of nirvana》Episode 40 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The latest broadcast - love of nirvana - has received unanimous praise from everyone. I believe you must have some doubts about the plot introduction of the 40th episode of - love of nirvana -. The following content is prepared by the editor for the general audience.Well-organized analysis.

《love of nirvana》Episode 40 plot introduction

《love of nirvana》Episode 40 plot introduction

In the intertwining of joy of victory and complicated emotions, Xie Che's mood was indescribable.Although Wei Zhao's survival and heroic performance in the army were a blessing to the country, they also touched the sensitive parts of his heart.The prince cleverly proposed a celebration ceremony to ease the tense atmosphere in the court. Xie Che followed suit and decided to take this opportunity to commend the meritorious officials.

When Wei Zhao met Xie Che, there was an undercurrent between the two.Xie Che's probing and Wei Zhao's pretending to be stupid are just subtle moves in this power game.Pei Yan sensed Wei Zhao's determination and chose to side with him and Yue Luo. This understanding and support sublimated the relationship between rivals for many years into a deep friendship and resonance.

At the celebration ceremony, Xie Che complied with public opinion and reduced or exempted Yueluo's taxes, showing the benevolent government of a generation of kings.However, Wei Zhao's sudden attack suddenly made the atmosphere of the entire celebration tense.Facing the people of Yueluo and the ambushing archers, Wei Zhao had to change his strategy, turn the target of the attack on himself, and bear all the blame for his father's crimes in exchange for Yueluo's peace.Xie Che took advantage of the situation and announced that Yue Luo would be exempted from responsibility, and that Wei Zhao's merits and demerits would be balanced and he would no longer be held accountable.

After the ceremony, Xie Che invited Wei Zhao to Zhaixing Tower, and a secret conversation between the two revealed the truth of the past.Xie Che spoke candidly about the complex considerations behind the death of King Qi, including the helplessness of the struggle for imperial power and the sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation.And all this seems particularly heavy in the face of the coming tragedy.

The fate of Wei Zhao and Xie Che quietly came to an end in the Star Reaching Tower.Jiang Yuan's betrayal and the threat of gunpowder put everything into an irreversible crisis.In despair, Wei Zhao chose to die together with Xie Che, using his life to defend the justice and faith in his heart.

With the death of Xie Che, the prince successfully ascended the throne. As prime minister, Pei Yan actively promoted policy reforms and abolished the unequal treatment of Yue Luo.Yueluo ushered in new hope, and Wei Zhao's sacrifice became a heroic legend among people.

Many years later, Jiang Ci returned to Yueluo with her son Xiao Yao. Her eyes showed both nostalgia for the past and expectations for the future.Xiao Yao, the child who carries the blood of Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci, will continue to write their stories in the new era.

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