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《love of nirvana》Who does Dong Juan like?

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 09, 2024 Source:Network

《love of nirvana》This TV series has a very sophisticated production team, which has done a very good job in every detail. At the same time, it also makes the audience curious about 《love of nirvana》 who Dong Juan likes.I hope this content can satisfy your curiosity.

《love of nirvana》Who does Dong Juan like?

《love of nirvana》Who does Dong Juan like?

In the prosperous capital city, there is a kind of tenderness like water flowing through the years.As the second young lady of the prime minister's palace, Dong Juan is in a prominent position, but deep down in her heart she longs for a sincere emotion.In this bustling city, she met Cui Liang, a young man who opened Jixian Study.Not only is he talented and good at painting, he also has a charming charm that makes people's hearts beat.

Dong Juan's appreciation for Cui Liang quietly took root in her heart. She did not hesitate to spend a high price to buy his paintings and took the opportunity to take the initiative to chat with him.Every communication is like spring breeze and rain, making the two people's hearts gradually get closer.Cui Liang's approachable personality and unique artistic talent made Dong Juan increasingly fascinated by it.She often imagined that Cui Liang's thoughts were hidden on that green canvas, which also reflected her own hopes for life.

So Dong Juan once again entered Cui Liang's world on the pretext of buying paintings.This time, the two of them were walking on the streets of the capital, as if time had paused for them.Cui Liang took her to visit the alleys that were once unfamiliar to her, and there were new surprises at every corner.The sun shines through the shadows of the trees, paving a path of warm light.Cui Liang's eyes flashed with hints, as if he was telling Dong Juan the secret in his heart.

However, when Dong Juan accidentally heard that Cui Liang was planning to elope, her heart was suddenly shocked.elopement!Such a proposal made her realize that her identity and responsibilities are not something that simple love can escape.She is the daughter of the Prime Minister, shouldering family expectations and social responsibilities, while Cui Liang is the painter pursuing his dream. There is destined to be an unbridgeable gap between them.

Dong Juan smiled bitterly and shook his head, all kinds of feelings intertwined in his heart.This relationship is like misty flowing water. Although it comes from afar, it is difficult to return home.Facing Cui Liang's friendship, she was both eager and powerless, so she could only choose to retreat.The flame of love burns in my heart, but I also understand that in this worldly chaos, there are some things that can never be truly possessed.

The story of Dong Juan and Cui Liang between confiding and silence is like that unfinished picture, full of expectations, but not so perfect due to the cruelty of reality.However, this pure and short-lived emotion will remain in her heart forever, like a star in Weiyang, illuminating her future path.

Excellent directors, actors and all behind-the-scenes staff have devoted their efforts to create this work. I believe that -love of nirvana- will bring us more wonderful moments in the future. If you want to know the relevant exciting content as soon as possible, please continue to pay attention to the lines.Take the class.

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