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《awother sowe in me》Episode 23 Synopsis

Episode 23

When she was a child, Liu Qimeng secretly opened her grandma's box and dug out old photos, one of which was of Cheng Huajun.She copied it excitedly, and when her grandma Liu Xiuying came back, she showed it to her with great anticipation and told her that she had drawn Grandpa.However, Liu Xiuying became angry and strictly ordered Liu Qimeng not to touch her box again.

Episode 23

In a dance competition, a dance troupe of 50,000 people performed particularly well, surprising the audience and neighbors. The grace of several older dancers was amazing.In the end, the 50,000-person dance team tied for the championship with another team and decided to play an extra game.Liu Xiuying resolutely decided to recreate the dance of her youth in a personal form as a decisive battle.

On the stage, although Liu Xiuying is old, her dancing still retains her former grace. Every movement carries memories of the past: both the bitterness of being ostracized in the art troupe and the regret of missing out on Cheng Huajun.However, she never gave up and presented her most beautiful self to the audience.At the end of the performance, Cheng Huajun unexpectedly appeared. The surprise and touch of the reunion between the two were beyond words. Liu Xiuying couldn't help but burst into tears on the spot, and Cheng Huajun was also filled with emotions.

Looking back to the past, during the queue-jumping period, Li Xiuqin (here should be Liu Xiuying to maintain character consistency) and her teammates were harassed by gangsters. Cheng Huajun stepped forward and fought bravely even though he was alone, but was severely wounded by the gangsters.Upon seeing this, Li Xiuqin, regardless of safety, helped with a stick and knocked out the gangster.This experience made the two people form an indissoluble bond, and they frequently communicated with each other, gradually developing feelings for each other.However, due to the constraints of the times, Cheng Huajun has never been able to express his feelings to Li Xiuqin.Soon, Li Xiuqin was frustrated because she missed the opportunity to perform because she was not favored by the leader.Cheng Huajun always encouraged her, firmly believed that she would have a bright future, and made a lifelong vow to stay with her.

Li Xiuqin was hit by the death of her best friend Ma Xiaohui in childbirth, and took on the heavy responsibility of raising his orphan, but was expelled from the art troupe.She told Cheng Huajun all this and decided to return home.Cheng Huajun expressed his willingness to spend the rest of his life with her, which moved Li Xiuqin deeply.However, Cheng Huajun was not seen before leaving. Li Xiuqin mistakenly thought that he had changed his mind and left in tears, vowing to let his children learn to be strong.

Liu Qimeng felt deeply worthless after hearing her grandmother's past story.But Liu Xiuying believed that everything was determined. In order to register Liu Qimeng's father, she even changed her name.Despite this, she always cared about Cheng Huajun in her heart, guessing that he might have had some last resort difficulties back then.Liu Xiuying finally chose to let go and believed that this was all fate.She concealed the truth because she was afraid that Liu Qimeng would alienate her because she was not related by blood.Liu Qimeng was deeply moved by her grandmother's affection and kindness. She hugged her tightly and burst into tears.

In the end, the dance troupe of 50,000 people won the crown and everyone celebrated.Cheng Huajun came to the stage to congratulate him, but due to illness, he could only recognize the shadow of Li Xiuqin (Liu Xiuying) in the dance, and could not recognize her in reality.