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《awother sowe in me》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1

Liu Qimeng woke up and found that she was in the hospital. Suddenly the handsome guy in front of her called her Liu Qimeng. She kept patting herself and mistakenly thought it was a dream.Looking back at 2008, when Liu Xiuying was driving a bus, a robbery occurred on her bus. She was not afraid of fear and cleverly subdued the gangster. Her heroic act was commended by the government, while Liu Qimeng was more introverted because her parents left.In order to train her character, grandma took her with her no matter what program she participated in. In Liu Qimeng's impression, grandma's character has always been tough. When she was a teenager, she wanted to escape from the house and watched her aunt playing with her child in the distance.The situation, thinking of her mother, went home sadly, and her grandma quarreled all day because of her disappearance. From then on, the two became estranged. At Liu Qimeng's coming-of-age ceremony, Liu Xiuying gave the real estate certificate to Liu Qimeng, and Liu Qimeng vowed not to do so in the future.Would ask for anything from her, not even a birthday.

Episode 1

Liu Qimeng's dream is to graduate and leave the city as soon as possible. The neighbors in the street live in harmony. They are attracted by the sound of motorcycles. At this time, Liu Changjiang holds flowers and holds a loudspeaker to confess to Liu Xiuying upstairs. Just as the neighbors expected, what greets him isA basin of cold water, Liu Xiuying said that her idol is Andy Lau.

Seeing noon, Liu Xiuying woke up Liu Qimeng with an alarm clock. Liu Qimeng could only look at the Wukong toy and slowly went to wash up, while Liu Xiuying was busy in and out.Liu Xiuying cannot understand how today's young people stay up at night and don't wake up in the morning, nagging and cleaning at the same time.Liu Changjiang did not leave at this time but was bragging to his neighbors downstairs.Liu Qimeng looked at the breakfast on the table as usual, but she really had no appetite. She went downstairs and pressed against the wall to avoid greeting the neighbors.

Liu Qimeng's current job was obtained by hard work after interviewing 18 companies. While waiting for the elevator, she suddenly discovered that the USB flash drive for today's regular meeting was missing. She hurriedly climbed the stairs and ran towards the office and asked her grandma for help. Grandma immediately took the USB flash drive.Go to granddaughter's company.When Liu Qimeng arrived at the office, she was instigated by old employees in various ways. She walked towards Cheng Kai's office cautiously with the information. Unexpectedly, she turned over and hugged Cheng Kai. Her colleagues did not expect that Liu Qimeng, an intern, would be so lucky to have such close contact with Cheng Kai.

At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Qimeng looked at her watch anxiously, while Liu Xiuying on the other side used her sharp tongue to ask the young man to give up his seat to the pregnant woman on the bus.As a subordinate, Lin Rui was scolded by Sun Baifen for not fully preparing meeting materials.During lunch, Liu Qimeng heard her colleagues talking behind her back about her seducing Cheng Kai. Lin Rui, because she was blamed by Director Sun, put her resentment on Liu Qimeng and poured cold water on her. Liu Xiuying happened to catch this scene and knocked Lin Rui down and begged her.To explain, she made a big fuss in the company and was chased away by security. Liu Qimeng saw her grandma being so aggressive and left in disappointment. At this time, it started to rain heavily, and her grandma chased after her. Liu Qimeng dreamed of being bullied as a child, and she was already used to being calledA wild child, I naively thought that I would no longer be bullied when I grew up, but now I am still being ostracized.

Grandma caught up with Liu Qimeng, saying that everything she did was for Liu Qimeng, and took her home.Liu Qimeng felt that Liu Xiuying was too selfish and everything had to be arranged by her. The reason why she stayed in this unit was to leave Liu Xiuying. Even everything she encountered now was caused by Liu Xiuying. Her mother ran away with others because of her mother-in-law character. Liu Xiuying was excited.After slapping Liu Qimeng, Liu Qimeng left sadly. The truck in the distance kept honking its horn. When she came to her senses, she found that the truck and her grandma were rushing towards her.