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《awother sowe in me》Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode 7

Liu Xiuying made up her mind to exchange bodies with her granddaughter, and she even planned extreme methods.After discussion, the two decided to try it in the river. However, they were discovered as soon as they entered the water and were rescued urgently.Liu Xiuying did not give up. She tried to jump from the second floor of her home, but was discovered again and stopped in time.Despite everyone's persuasion, Liu Xiuying still insisted on trying, but she still failed to successfully switch bodies, which made her feel helpless.

Episode 7

The neighbor sent Liu Xiuying to the hospital. After examination, the doctor told her that her menstrual period had returned. This was unbelievable to her. After all, she had not experienced her menstrual period for many years.And all these changes turned out to be because she and her granddaughter swapped bodies.Granddaughter Liu Qimeng thinks this experience is not bad and is not eager to change her body, but Liu Xiuying firmly wants to find her original self.

When Liu Qimeng was buying breakfast, she was grabbed by an old man and he mistakenly recognized Liu Qimeng as his granddaughter Xiuqin.Just when Liu Qimeng felt embarrassed, Sun Kai arrived and it turned out that the old man was Sun Kai's grandfather.Only then did Liu Qimeng learn that Sun Kai's grandfather was also hospitalized and suffered from severe Alzheimer's disease.Sun Kai learned that Liu Xiuying's family was also in the hospital and wanted to visit, but Liu Xiuying was worried about being found abnormal and left in a hurry.

Sun Kai found the hospital room where Liu Xiuying's family was hospitalized, and unexpectedly found that Yangyang was also present.Liu Xiuying's warm reception towards Sun Kai made Yangyang jealous.All the food Yangyang brought was used by Liu Xiuying to entertain Sun Kai, which made Yangyang even more unhappy.After Liu Qimeng came back, Sun Kai took the opportunity to leave, and Yangyang was also driven away directly by Liu Qimeng.

The company is about to conduct an assessment, and Liu Qimeng tells her grandma Liu Xiuying to be prepared.However, when Liu Qimeng rushed to the company, everyone had already arrived early.Mr. Wang handed over the assessment to Sun Baifen, and the questions were sent to everyone through the computer.The two-hour answering time was not stressful for everyone, but Liu Xiuying felt embarrassed because she did not understand computers at all.She tried to call her granddaughter for help, but was discovered by Sun Baifen and her phone was confiscated.In desperation, Liu Xiuying had to use the excuse to go to the toilet to ask Liu Qimeng for help.The two had already agreed to meet in the bathroom.Just as Liu Qimeng was helping Liu Xiuying finish the painting, Sun Baifen also rushed to the toilet.Sun Baifen felt strange when she saw Liu Qimeng not returning to her work station, so she looked around and finally found them in the toilet.In order to cover up, Liu Qimeng lied that she was a cleaning staff cleaning.

After scoring by Wang Yiming, Sun Baifen and Sun Kai, Liu Qimeng was eliminated because she did not complete the computer answer part.Although her paintings are outstanding, the rules are ruthless.Liu Xiuying felt very lonely about this. Liu Qimeng, who learned the result after returning home, did not blame her grandma, but instead prepared hot pot for her to comfort her.This made Liu Xiuying feel even more guilty. She knew that painting was Liu Qimeng's dream, but she had inadvertently ruined it all.

Liu Xiuying packed up the company's belongings and prepared to leave.Although she had had unpleasant experiences with everyone before, this time together made her develop feelings for the company.She left some gifts to her colleagues as remembrances.Although the sisters were reluctant to give up, they understood her decision.Liu Xiuying looked at every corner of the company, filled with reluctance and helplessness.