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《awother sowe in me》Episode 10 Synopsis

Episode 10

Because Sun Baifen was feeling unwell, she planned to go to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic for physical therapy, but accidentally walked into Yangyang's traditional Chinese medicine clinic.She pushed the door open and saw Yangyang closing his eyes to rest, so she stepped forward to wake him up, hoping that he could treat her cervical spine problem.Yangyang gently placed Sun Baifen on the seat and carefully massaged her neck with his hands.The tenderness so close at hand made Sun Baifen's heart shudder, and then Yangyang quickly and accurately straightened her cervical vertebrae, making her feel comfortable instantly and the pain dissipated.Yangyang noticed that Sun Baifen was wearing slippers and was worried that she would catch a cold, so he thoughtfully changed her into special therapy slippers and gave her some tea leaves for body conditioning.This meticulous care made Sun Baifen feel deeply warm. Although she could not accurately describe this feeling, she had a strange emotion towards this unfamiliar Chinese medicine doctor Yangyang.After Sun Baifen left, Yangyang discovered that one of her shoes was left in the clinic.

Episode 10

In order to promote the dance troupe project, Liu Qimeng decided to ask her grandmother Liu Xiuying for tips on playing mahjong, because she believed that only by winning against her old neighbors could the project proceed smoothly.Liu Xiuying passed on her experience and tips to her granddaughter without reservation.Liu Qimeng felt that playing mahjong was like the math problems her grandmother taught her when she was a child. It required skills and formulas, so she decided to defeat her opponents through practice and experience.

With her grandmother's teachings, Liu Qimeng was confident to challenge her old neighbors.She proposed that as long as she could win this time, everyone must join the dance troupe.Since everyone felt that Liu Xiuying's current level was not high, they easily agreed to her challenge.However, unexpectedly, Liu Qimeng won several games in a row, which made everyone begin to wonder if there was a traitor in the team.In the end, everyone lost completely and had to admit that Liu Xiuying's mahjong level had returned to its peak state.

Wang Yiming received a call from his wife during a meeting. He knew that his wife's calls usually meant nothing good, so he did not dare to answer the call.He winked at Zhang Youzhi and motioned for him to help answer the call.After Zhang Youzhi answered the phone, he lied and said that Wang Yiming was in a meeting and could not answer the call.Liu Xiuying heard their conversation from the side and felt that they were lying and not drafting, so she babbled a few words.Unexpectedly, these words were heard by Wang Yiming's wife. She became even more angry and decided to tell Zhang Youzhi's mother.This made Zhang Youzhi feel very embarrassed.

Since both Zhang Youzhi and Liu Qimeng were in the project team, they decided to go to the streets together to promote the project.However, Liu Xiuying was very dissatisfied with people like Zhang Youzhi who relied on connections to work and always called him a "backdoor dog%".

Wang Yiming's wife finally saw him and scolded him severely, thinking that he and Liu Qimeng had an affair.Wang Yiming hurriedly explained clearly and promised to love her only.But his wife still decided to teach Liu Qimeng a lesson.

When Liu Xiuying and Zhang Youzhi were promoting, a man wearing a frog suit suddenly jumped in line, which made Liu Xiuying very angry.She stepped forward and beat up the person who jumped in line.After removing the frog's hood, she discovered that it was Wang Yiming's wife.This made her angrier and hit her harder.

In order to investigate whether the games developed by his company are suitable for the elderly, Sun Kai decided to interview Liu Xiuying.Liu Qimeng was very cooperative in assisting him in filming.Sun Kai set up the camera and prepared to listen to Liu Xiuying's voice.When Liu Qimeng told her own experience, she mentioned that the reason why she is now socially anxious is because her father's sudden death when she was a child made her lose her sense of security.Many children laughed at her for not having parents. She did not have the courage to fight back, so she had to hide herself with a mask and did not dare to interact with others.Sun Kai also shared his story. When he was a child, he had low self-esteem because he was fat and was always locked in his room and dared not go out.However, in the game he met little Wukong, who gave him courage and love.The two had agreed to meet, but Sun Kai ultimately missed the opportunity because of fear.In order to become better, he studies hard and works out, hoping to see little Wukong again in the future.However, he never found her again.

Liu Qimeng took the video home and looked back at it, and was moved to tears.She discovered that Sun Kai was the little Xiami back then, and she was the little Wukong.She didn't want to miss this opportunity again, so she plucked up the courage and decided to meet Xiao Xiami.However, when she just walked out of the door, she found that she had turned into her grandma Liu Xiuying.This made her feel very painful and frustrated, because she felt that her appearance as an old lady was not worthy of the young and handsome Sun Kai.