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《weaving a tale of love》Episode 35 Synopsis

Episode 35: Huaiji is in a dilemma

Su Nanjin was confronting Pei Xingjian, and he pretended to be enthusiastic and invited Pei Xingjian out to eat.At this time, Zhang Minniang's maid Nana hurried over, crying and asking to see Su Nanjin.She accused Liuli of breaking into the house and beating Zhang Minniang, who was lying there motionless without eating or drinking.Su Nanjin was very angry when he heard this, but he couldn't leave.So he asked Nana to go back and take good care of Zhang Minniang and wait for him to deal with it after he returns home. At the same time, he asked Nana to strengthen the guards of the government and not allow outsiders to enter.

After Pei Xingjian heard the news, he thought Liuli's behavior was too reckless.However, Qu Chongyu appreciated this and thought Liuli's two slaps were very good.At this time, Bai San at the door sent a note, which Nana brought in when she broke in.Qu Chongyu admired Liuli even more and thought that she was very capable in using Nana to deliver messages.

Liuli and Qu Chongyu studied a potion before, and this kind of document can only be revealed by roasting it with fire.In the letter, Liuli described her speculation: Su Nanjin killed the Xing Xi Death Khan and wanted to frame the crime on the Qu family.Pei Xingjian realized that Su Nanjin had just invited him out to spread their strength and defeat them one by one.First of all, Qu Duhu's physical condition is not good and he can only rely on medicine to support him. He doesn't know when he will die.

Qu Chongyu complained about the unpalatable food outside the government office and tried to order another table of delicious food, but was rejected and humiliated.So, he had an idea, wrote a note with a secret message, and used a bow and arrow to shoot it at his guards on the city wall.After receiving the news, Liuli not only prepared delicious food for the guards, but also specially sent the guard generals arranged by Su Nanjin.

At the same time, she spread the news that Su Haizheng's soldiers had been killed to the border army camp, causing the soldiers to panic.During this period, Qu Chongyu and Pei Xingjian quietly waited for the Xingxide Khan's army to advance to the border and look for opportunities to escape.Wang Canjun found Zhang Huaiji who was recuperating at home.I hope he can write a false confession, falsely accusing Qu Chongyu and Xing Xixiang Khan of joining forces to kill Su Haizheng's 600 soldiers for military glory.

Zhang Huaiji knew that this was nonsense, so he cleverly fell down and injured his arm on the way to the study, temporarily avoiding the request to write a confession.In his opinion, the outcome is still unclear at this moment. If Su Nanjin was sure, how could he swallow his anger after Liuli beat Zhang Minniang? This shows that he is afraid of the big shot behind Liuli.

Zhang Huaiji decided to take a two-pronged approach.On the one hand, he sent someone to tell Liuli everything about Wang Canjun's purpose of coming and his request to write a confession.On the other hand, he was also thinking that if Su Nanjin and Su Haizheng really succeeded, it would not be too late for him to write a confession.

Su Nanjin pretended to put Qu Duhu under house arrest in a small courtyard.As a result, Qu Duhu suddenly fell ill, and Bai San told Qu Chongyu the news.Qu Chongyu was extremely anxious and wanted to rush over to visit, but was stopped by Pei Xingjian.Pei Xingjian tried his best to persuade Qu Chongyu. If he was impulsive at this time, he might fall into the trap of the other party.If something happened to Qu Chongyu, even a thousand troops and horses would not be able to save Qu Duhu.After Qu Chongyu calmed down, Su Nanjin happened to appear and deliberately asked Qu Chongyu to visit Qu Duhu.However, Qu Chongyu pretended to be indifferent and refused to visit.Pei Xingjian and Qu Chongyu harmoniously blamed Su Nanjin for Qu Duhu's illness.They threatened that if Su Nanjin did not find a doctor to treat Qu Duhu in time and Qu Duhu died, the court would definitely hold him accountable.Su Nanjin's plan fell short again, so she had to quickly find a famous doctor to save Qu Duhu's life first.

At this time, Xingxide Khan's subordinates learned that Khan had been killed and decided to send troops to Tingzhou to avenge Khan.They besieged Tingzhou. After the news reached Liangzhou, Qu Chongyu took the initiative to ask for help and asked to lead troops to Tingzhou in person.