Home TV weaving a tale of love
《weaving a tale of love》Episode 21 Synopsis

Episode 21: Xingjian solves the murder case of Meng Er

In court, Yoshiteru firmly denied knowing the two people, and the monks in the temple could also testify for him.Pei Xingjian did not listen to Yizhao's words, but asked Jiang's mother to continue talking.The next day, Jiang's mother came to the Big Buddha Temple to worship. She found the Big Buddha crying and was so frightened that she fainted and was sent home.From then on, she believed in Yoshitake's words and believed that Yoshitake could save her son.

However, one day Jiang Dalang discovered an unexpected scandal.He discovered the whereabouts of Yi Zhao on the street and wanted to say hello to him, so he chased him all the way.It turned out that Yi Zhao actually went to a yard to have a private meeting with Widow Li, and even gave the woman a blond hairpin, which belonged to her mother.At this time, Jiang Dalang thought that he had been deceived. The reason why his condition improved was entirely due to Han Si's skill and had nothing to do with Yizhao's magic.

As a result, Widow Li was brought to court.But she firmly denied that she had an affair with Yizhao.Pei Xingjian asked Yi Zhao if he had never left the Great Buddha Temple and never been to Jiang Dalang's home.Yoshiteru claimed that he had never gone down the mountain and had always eaten fast and chanted Buddha's name.But when Pei Xingjian mentioned that Han Si had met Yizhao when he went to Jiang Dalang's home, Yizhao could not argue.

Pei Xingjian already knew this. He had already arranged for Xiaoliu and Sanshou to investigate. He knew that Yi Zhao had a twin brother and believed that that person must be an imposter.Therefore, he generously allowed Yi Zhao to go back and ordered Bai San to lead people to guard under the Great Buddha Temple to prevent the prisoner from escaping.

However, someone suddenly came to report that Meng Er had been killed and his body was carried to the court.Yi Zhao cried and called Meng Er, but Pei Xingjian suspected that the person who died was actually Yi Zhao, and the person crying now was Meng Er.The abbot of the Great Buddha Temple firmly believes that the living person is Yizhao, and Pei Xingjian also said that he will let Widow Li come to identify the body tomorrow so that she can know who the real Meng Er is.Meng Er's body was temporarily taken into custody.

Qu Chongyu also called Widow Li for questioning at this time.Widow Li denied that she was pregnant, but Han Si pointed out in court that Widow Li was pregnant and must have had an affair with someone else.Widow Li knelt down and begged for mercy, admitting that her child was Meng Er's.Qu Chongyu suggested that Widow Li go to the Yamen to identify the body, which would allow her to start her life again without causing any more trouble.Widow Li was extremely grateful to Qu Chongyu.

The next day, Widow Li identified Meng Er in the lobby as having killed her brother, and pointed out that there was a birthmark on Meng Er's leg to prove his identity.Meng Er admitted that he had defrauded money, but denied murder.However, Pei Xingjian did not believe Meng Er and speculated that Meng Er had an affair with Widow Li and might have had murderous intentions.He speculated that Meng Er might have hid the body in the ice cellar of the Great Buddha Temple after killing someone, but since there were no body spots on the body, it could not be proven that Meng Er did it.It was summer, and it was impossible for the body not to rot. Pei Xingjian was confused by this.

Qu Chongyu made an excuse to stay at the Great Buddha Temple and accidentally discovered an ice cellar under the room where he lived.He realized that the reason why this room was so cool was the ice cellar.After sending the young monk away, he began to carefully examine the suspicious things in the room.Qu Chongyu quickly informed Pei Xingjian of this discovery.Pei Xingjian had already seen through the mystery. He filled the copper kettle with ice cubes, and many water droplets appeared on the surface of the copper kettle.This proves that there is indeed an ice cellar in this room and that it has been used recently.

The next day, Meng Er was taken to the Big Buddha Temple and faced the Big Buddha and swore that he had not killed anyone.Pei Xingjian ordered people to stop his mouth and knelt down to pray to the Buddha to avenge him.Suddenly, the bronze Buddha burst into tears.The people talked a lot and became angry, believing that Meng Er was the murderer.Liuli successfully brought back Murong Yi and her son.Pei Xingjian looked at Liuli who had returned two days early and hugged her excitedly, feeling how much she missed him.The two hugged each other tightly.

Qu Duhu loved Song'er very much. Not only did he prepare his favorite food for him, he was also willing to let him ride on his back as a horse.Qu Chongyu looked at all this with a smile.That night, Qu Duhu held a special banquet to thank Pei Xingjian and Liuli for saving Song'er's life.