Home TV weaving a tale of love
《weaving a tale of love》Episode 13 Synopsis

Episode 13: Liuli brings Jingtang closer to each other

Pei Xingjian had already seen through Qu Chongyu's plan and deliberately let Pei Xingjian make up his mind on how to save expenses.If not handled properly, he will offend not only the officials, but also the people who live in his home.But Pei Xingjian followed this strategy, which made Wang Junmeng feel a little happy, thinking that he might have overestimated Pei Xingjian.

Wang Junmeng kept praising Qu Chongyu for his intelligence.He was curious about how Qu Chongyu thought of placing Bai San next to Pei Xingjian.Qu Chongyu drove Wang Junmeng away impatiently, but his thoughts were a little vague.In Qu Chongyu's view, the information Bai San inquired about showed that he was doing something he didn't know about.He couldn't fall into their trap so easily, but even after thinking hard, he didn't expect that there were things he didn't know about in Xizhou.

Bai San continued to follow Pei Xingjian secretly and found that he entered a courtyard and was playing Go with a woman.No matter how hard the woman tried, she could not defeat Pei Xingjian.While chatting, Pei Xingjian glanced sideways at where Bai San was.He had already sensed that someone was watching.The woman who played chess with Pei Xingjian was named Liu Ruyue, and she came here to find her relatives.Pei Xingjian promised to find Brother Fang's whereabouts tomorrow, which made Liu Ruyue very grateful.However, Pei Xingjian in turn thanked Liu Ruyue for helping to cover up, otherwise their actions would not be so secretive.What Pei Xingjian was talking about was noticed by Liu Ruyue that someone was following him.

Bai San then told Qu Chongyu about today's investigation information.Qu Chongyu ordered Bai San to pay close attention to Pei Xingjian, who planned to leave the city.At the same time, Liuli looked at the white folded cloth on the street and found that the white folded cloth here was much more expensive than that in Chang'an, and only the nobles could use it.Because the process is complicated, ordinary people cannot afford it.After carefully observing the white folded cloths, Liuli found that they were far different from those in the palace.The shopkeeper told Liuli that the fine white laminated cloth had been lost.If you want to get better white folded cloth, you can only go to the palace.

Qu Chongyu lay on the table after being drunk, thinking about the thin white folded cloth.He has always wanted to fulfill his mother's last wish, but things have never been done as he wished, and the skill of white folding cloth has long been lost.Wang Junmeng advised Qu Chongyu to give up this obsession, but thinking of his mother's teachings during his lifetime, Qu Chongyu couldn't help but shed tears.As long as there is fine white folded cloth, the people of Xizhou can live a good life.

When the governor was pruning the green plants, Qu Chongyu came to visit.The protector naturally took the scissors from his father's hand.While making tea, the governor asked Qu Chongyu about their tea making skills.Qu Chongyu truthfully said that the tea made with water was worse than A Niang's.The governor knew because the death anniversary of Qu Chongyu's mother was coming.Qu Jingtang also came to see him. Perhaps because of his wife's death, Qu Jingtang never gave his father a good look.Qu Chongyu asked his father if he would follow them to worship his mother. The governor shook his head, thinking that his dead wife would not want to see him.Qu Chongyu asked the governor Chang'an if something had happened but he was unwilling to tell.The Protector simply told Qu Chongyu that nothing happened in Chang'an.Qu Chongyu left with a gloomy expression, and the governor also felt helpless and angry.

Liuli came to Qu Jingtang's home, but Qu Jingtang didn't show up for a long time.The maid told Liuli that Qu Jingtang was throwing a tantrum in the kitchen.Liuli took the initiative to go to the kitchen to find Qu Jingtang, but found that Qu Jingtang was tasting white porridge.Every bowl of porridge tasted wrong, and he knocked it to the ground.The maid told Liuli that every year when it was the anniversary of his wife's death, Qu Jingtang would lose his temper. He always wanted to find the smell of his childhood, but never found it.

At this time, the sound of Qu Jingtang getting angry and smashing came again in the room.Liuli took the initiative to go in and greet Qu Jingtang.Qu Jingtang unceremoniously asked Liuli to leave, saying that he was not in the mood to pay attention to Liuli today.Liuli did not leave, but asked the maid to prepare some ingredients and personally made porridge for Qu Jingtang.

Pei Xingjian went out of the city to Wucheng Township every day.Bai San also took the trouble to follow, and simply asked someone to guard at the city gate to report the entry and exit times.Pei Xingjian asked the local village chief about the situation of the village fields.It turns out that some families only have a dozen acres of land.

Liuli brought the prepared porridge to Qu Jingtang's room.Qu Jing Tang Zheng was crying alone.Qu Jingtang didn't look good on Liuli at first, and blamed her for using the kitchen without permission.But when he smelled the white porridge, he was stunned.Because when she was a child, Liuli's mother would also cook some porridge, using famous local ingredients. When Qu Jingtang fell ill, her mother would personally feed him.

Liuli also fed it to Qu Jingtang himself.Qu Jingtang couldn't help crying and looked at Liuli with red eyes.Liuli tells her mother's story.My mother also grew up here, and she always said she would take her to Xizhou to ride horses.She finally came back, but her mother-in-law was gone, and she could no longer eat her mother-in-law's porridge.Two women who missed their mother looked at each other in tears.Qu Jingtang was conquered by Liuli. When sending Liuli away, he held Liuli's hand and reminded her that if she wanted Pei Xingjian to live a long life, she should not interfere in Xizhou's affairs, because her father and brother did not need a capable long history.

When Pei Xingjian and Muramasa were walking together, they met Han Jingzhi who was treating cattle.The cow was about to die, but Han Jingzhi saved it with a few strokes.However, when people from Xizhou wanted to ask him to treat their illnesses, he often refused.He will only respond when poor people come to him, and he doesn't charge for consultation.Muramasa wanted to introduce Han Jingzhi to Pei Xingjian, but Han Jingzhi was too lazy to talk to Pei Xingjian and left arrogantly.Pei Xingjian was not angry about this.

When Pei Xingjian went back, he saw Liuli sitting by the window, like a picture of beauty.He couldn't help but interrupt.Pei Xingjian blamed himself for not being able to accompany Liuli to visit her mother because of official duties.Liuli was not angry and thought her mother could understand.Liuli very much hoped that her mother would be happy to see her back.Liuli nestled in Pei Xingjian's arms, looking at the heavy snow falling outside, and the scene of a happy life with her mother emerged in her mind.