Home TV weaving a tale of love
《weaving a tale of love》Episode 32 Synopsis

Episode 32: Practicing thrift and worshiping wealth, success in collecting food

Qu Duhu asked Pei Xingjian about the certainty of the military rations. Pei Xingjian did not give a clear reply, but hoped that Qu Duhu would stop worrying about it.When Pei Xingjian left, Mrs. Qi was already waiting outside and asked how much food the Qi family had donated.After learning that it was less than five hundred stones, Mrs. Qi suddenly remembered what Liuli had said before. If there was a conflict between her mother's family and the Protector, who should they turn to?

Unexpectedly, what Liuli had reminded him had actually happened. Qu Chongyu asked Mrs. Qi to accompany Qu Duhu to guard the Duhu Mansion.If there are troublemakers, they need to be deterred.Mrs. Qi promised not to let Qu Duhu worry about those people again.Qu Chongyu promised that as long as he was in Xizhou, he would protect Mrs. Qi for one day.If he goes to Chang'an, he will also give Bai Diefang to Mrs. Qi.He hoped that Mrs. Qi would take good care of his father's health.Mrs. Qi knew that Qu Chongyu had promised a thousand pieces of gold, and the scale in her heart was naturally more stable.

After sending Mrs. Qi away, Qu Chongyu apologized to Pei Xingjian because he gave Bai Diefang to Mrs. Qi in a hurry and forgot that their family's share was included in it.This sentence confused Pei Xingjian. He never knew that Baidiefang still had a share in the family.Back home, Pei Xingjian asked Liuli to honestly tell what he had hidden.Liuli couldn't help laughing, seeing that Pei Xingjian already knew the truth of the matter, so she coquettishly fell into Pei Xingjian's arms.When Pei Xingjian mentioned the matter of Bai Diefang, Liuli finally felt relieved.She was afraid that Pei Xingjian would find out about the talisman.As for Bai Diefang, Liuli can easily explain it.

Wang Junmeng reminded his father that no matter what other people's families were like, the Wang family could not do anything ungrateful.Later, Wang Junmeng told Qu Chongyu about this matter. Qu Chongyu did not expect that a title like an equal wife and a casual promise could easily change those big people. Wang Junmeng thought that those people might usually have resentments, but they were just confused at this time.Heart orifices.Qu Chongyu was angry that those people stabbed him in the back just for such a small profit and had no intention at all.Qu Chongyu was grateful that his sister was married to Wang Junmeng.

The next day, each of those big households sent no more than five hundred shi of food.Qu Chongyu couldn't help but lament that he didn't understand people well, thinking that everyone was doing it for a profit. In the past, it was just mutual benefit, but now it's just for himself.He advised Qu Chongyu to be more open-minded and that everything should be consensual, but some things also need to be planned.

Pei Xingjian asked Qu Chongyu to first send people to keep an eye on Su Nanjin's soldiers. Qu Chongyu was angry that those people massacred the city, but nothing happened in the end. Both of them comforted each other and stayed calm, so that people could not think that they were helpless. Qu Chongyu would also do anything in the future.Pay back double.

Su Nanjin came to Pei Xingjian and Qu Chongyu and deliberately showed off that he wanted to marry Zhang Minniang as his equal wife.Qu Chongyu deliberately told Su Nanjin that Zhang Minniang was Pei Xingjian's adopted sister, and Su Nanjin left slightly embarrassed.

Qu Duhu was so angry that he fell ill because Wang Shenjun confiscated military rations.Pei Xingjian and Qu Chongyu hurried back to visit.Qu Duhu planned to go to the Duhu Mansion every day to handle daily affairs, but Qu Chongyu firmly opposed it, fearing that Qu Duhu would fall ill from exhaustion.Qu Duhu insisted on going. As long as he did not fall, those people would not step on the Su family's territory.

Su Nanjin asked Zhang Minniang about her brother-sister relationship with Pei Xingjian.Zhang Minniang deliberately said that she and Pei Xingjian had never spoken a word, but after they recognized each other as siblings, Liuli called her over to play the piano every day.She pretended to look pitiful, and Su Nanjin mistakenly thought that she was being bullied, and immediately spoke out words of protection, saying that she would make Zhang Minniang worry-free in the future.

At this time, the food and grass supplies in the surrounding states and counties were all ready, but Xizhou was not yet complete.Zhang Canjun came to Pei Xingjian to seek countermeasures, deliberately saying that the wealthy family still had food.But Pei Xingjian refused and asked the wealthy families to keep it for themselves.Zhang Canjun couldn't figure out Pei Xingjian's intentions, so he had to leave in anger.

Su Nanjin saw that food was not available, and many wealthy families gathered in his newlywed mansion to discuss the current situation.Some people are afraid that the food in their hands will be weighed down. Su Nanjin promised to let the official warehouse collect the food tomorrow.Just as everyone was about to leave, Qu Chongyu brought people over to congratulate Su Nanjin on his wedding. He also told him that all the food was ready and not a grain of food would be missing.Qu Chongyu raised his glass and poured himself a drink before turning around and leaving, leaving the big investors looking at each other in annoyance.

That night, people from high schools gathered around Zhang Huaiji. They blamed Zhang Huaiji for his previous promise that as long as he suppressed the food and did not donate it, he could double the food.Nowadays, food is continuously transported to Xizhou. In addition to military rations, there is still 30,000 shi of surplus food, which is enough to meet the market.But the food they stored could no longer be sold at any price.Zhang Huaiji quickly apologized. In fact, he didn't think much about it.Master Qi suggested that Wang Junmeng's father come forward to beg Qu Chongyu, hoping to lower the tax on wine making and give everyone a way to survive.The king's father believed that looking for Wang Junmeng was to seek the distant rather than the near, so it was better to look for Mrs. Qi.But Mr. Qi knew that he would be humiliating himself by going to Mrs. Qi.At this time, Wang Canjun came here, and Zhang Huaiji was afraid of offending him.

Wang Canjun put all the blame on Qu Duhu, saying that Su Nanjin went to Qu Duhu's mansion and begged him to reduce the wine tax and hoped that he could buy local grain, but he was rejected.Wang Shenjun then asked to borrow 500 people to escort the grain. In fact, he wanted to deliberately lose the grain so that Qu Duhu could resupply it.Zhang Huaiji was secretly happy.After Wang Canjun returned, Su Nanjin couldn't wait to inquire about the results of the discussion with Gaomen.He knew that those people had not come to their senses yet, but even if they did, he was not afraid.