《Seven Nights of Snow》classic lines

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

The most recent hotly discussed show - Seven Nights of Snow - has quickly attracted attention from all walks of life since its broadcast.This drama not only attracted a large number of viewers' attention, but also became many people's favorite.Among them, the topic that everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly the classic line "Seven Nights of Snow".Today, we’ll discuss this topic in depth.

《Seven Nights of Snow》classic lines

“I am the most agitated person. The more you don’t let me do something, the more I will do it”

“ People in the world always believe that there is a way to force things, because there is no other way but to believe”

“If you hold on to false hope, it is better to see through it as soon as possible, so that you can move on”

“I played chess with him. I came here to enjoy the game and returned home completely exhausted.The picture is a casual one”

“If you have the ability, just come and get it”

“Fortunate to meet you, traveling between this world and we will meet again someday”

“As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up”

“ Sometimes, guilt and self-blame are more hurtful than a sword”

“I'll just assume you agreed” “I didn't agree” “It's too late to regret now”

“Traveling thousands of miles to say goodbye to you, on the first and last snowy night”

This article is about - Seven Nights of Snow - the content of classic lines. I hope it can help the majority of friends who follow the drama. At the same time, we will continue to launch the latest and most complete plot analysis and character interpretation. I hope friends can continue to pay attention.Line lessons.

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