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《Us Without Sex》Episode 12 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

“《Us Without Sex》Episode 12 Synopsis ” is a hot topic in the recent high-profile TV series, which has attracted a large number of fans before filming started.As the series aired, more people joined the fandom.Many viewers are very excited and look forward to seeing more exciting plots.At the same time, they are also very curious about the plot introduction of the 12th episode of Us Without Sex, and can't wait to know more.

《Us Without Sex》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Us Without Sex》Episode 12 plot introduction

After experiencing a big quarrel, Qingyu and Azhe discovered that the beauty of their first acquaintance was not hostile to the differences they imagined in the future.After Jiachen rejected Ji Hua's proposal, she discovered that the process of treating Qingyu's couple taught her that love needs practice.Two completely different women supported each other during this treatment and found the courage to face the future together.

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