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《onigiri》 Episode 1 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

《onigiri》 has received a lot of love from the audience and netizens as soon as it was broadcast. You can often see various discussion topics about it, and the popularity remains high. Today, the editor will bring you about 《onigiri》No. 1This is a detailed introduction to the plot of each episode. Audiences who like this drama must not miss it.

《onigiri》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《onigiri》Episode 1 plot introduction

The new morning drama is on!The story this time takes place in the Heisei era.The heroine Yui, played by Hashimoto Kanna, soon after entering high school, received an invitation from the hot girl group that her sister once joined...

The above is the complete content of the plot introduction of the first episode of 《onigiri》.If you want to learn more about the background, development, and character relationships of the plot and characters, you are more than welcome to pay attention to the line class.In the future, we will provide detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis and character analysis to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the series.

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