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《Falling into her various charms》also known as《Falling into rouge》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

《Falling Her Charm》also known as 《Falling Rouge》, is a short drama starring Liu Qing & Bai Yan. It tells the story of the heroine being the nanny beside the hero. The plot twist is stillThere are quite a few, you can take a look if you are interested!

《Falling into her various charms》also known as《Falling into rouge》Plot introduction


Liu Qing&Bai Yan

Plot introduction:

As a nanny, Gu Ci only did two things around Jiang Qiyun, to please him and to please his son.

In their daily interactions, Jiang Qiyun found that Gu Ci's smile gradually overlapped with that of the girl in his memory.

The past slowly emerges.

The above is all the content about the plot introduction of - Falling into Her Various Styles - also known as - Falling into Rouge Color.The story after the film may show more exciting scenes and plots, and there may also be some plot parts that the audience does not understand well, but don’t worry, everyone is welcome to pay attention to our line class, and we will continue to bring you moreWhat a wonderful plot introduction, plot analysis and other content.

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