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《Youth water polo》 Episode 7 plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

《youth water polo》 is a very excellent film and television drama, and the plot in the drama is also very good. Next, the editor and my friends will discuss the plot introduction of episode 7 of 《youth water polo》Take a look, I hope friends who have read it will like this article.

《Youth water polo》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《youth water polo》Episode 7 plot introduction

During the intra-team competition, Jiang Jia was criticized by the coach and left angrily. He returned to his dormitory and satirized all the team members through a live broadcast on the Internet. However, what Jiang Jia did not expect was that the live broadcast content quickly went viral on the Internet the next day.Fermentation has had a negative impact on water polo teams.

The emotional team members had a physical conflict with Jiang Jia, who announced his withdrawal from the water polo team.Faced with this series of changes, Jiang Jia felt deeply self-blame and regret. At the same time, the team members also reflected on their actions after calming down. With mutual understanding and support, Jiang Jia finally decided to return to the team and fight side by side with his teammates..

The above content is the editor's personal interpretation of the plot introduction of episode 7 of 《youth water polo》. Friends who have read this article, if you think it is helpful to you, you are welcome to continue to pay attention to the line class. In the future, we willIt will also provide the latest and most detailed plot interpretation and character analysis.

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