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《Youth water polo》 Episode 6 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

《youth water polo》 has recently become popular on various short video APPs. I believe you friends have also seen a lot of clips. Everyone has an introduction to the plot of episode 6 of the play -- youth water polo-.The discussion of issues is also very enthusiastic, let’s take a look together.

《Youth water polo》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《Youth water polo》 Episode 6 plot introduction

Zhou Zhiyuan's speech moved everyone, the team members reunited, and Ling Haoer officially became the water polo coach.

After a period of training, Ling Haoer discovered that Jiang Jia had a poor training attitude, so Ling Haoer planned to stimulate Jiang Jia's fighting spirit through an intra-team competition.

The above is a detailed analysis of the plot introduction of the 6th episode of 《youth water polo》 provided by the editor. I hope it can solve your doubts.If you have other questions about film and television entertainment that you need to know, you are welcome to pay attention to the subsequent updates of the line course.

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