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《blossoms in dream》 Episode 31 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

The broadcast of 《blossoms in dream》 has attracted more people's attention to outstanding actors, directors and screenwriters. At the same time, everyone is also very concerned about the plot introduction of the 31st episode of 《blossoms in dream》. Many netizens choose to search online.Answer, I hope the following content can answer your questions.

《blossoms in dream》 Episode 31 plot introduction

《blossoms in dream》 Episode 31 plot introduction

Zou Jie had no choice but to make an appointment with Xiao Zhi. One night, the two exchanged greetings at first, and then Zou Jie told him that he was going to get married. Xiao Zhi felt heartbroken, but had no choice but to be with Zou Jie completely.After breaking up, at the quiet lakeside, Xiaozhi's heart was filled with complicated emotions. Zou Jie hugged Xiaozhi tightly and kissed Xiaozhi deeply once again.

After a period of time, Zou Jie officially brought his new daughter-in-law into the house. Wang Jing was a proletarian with upright roots. Her hard work and pragmatism not only endeared her to the Zou family, she was also praised well by her neighbors.

Zou Jie always felt sorry for Xiaozhi. He avoided Xiaozhi's eyes everywhere in the factory and did not dare to face her.But Xiaozhi was extremely generous about this. She went to Zou Jie in private and asked him not to avoid her deliberately. The past is the past. After saying this, Xiaozhi turned and left, suppressing the pain in her heart.

The editor here reveals all the doubts about the plot introduction of the 31st episode of 《blossoms in dream》 and I hope it can provide you with reference and help.At the same time, if you are also interested in the latest film and television news, please continue to pay attention to our line lessons. We will continue to bring you more exciting content updates.

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