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《blossoms in dream》 Episode 26 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《blossoms in dream》 has attracted a lot of attention recently, and the popularity after it was broadcast is also very good. I believe you will usually see news and plot analysis about it on major social platforms, especially 《blossoms in dream》The plot introduction of episode 26 is something that everyone wants to know closely, so today the editor has compiled the following content for you.

《blossoms in dream》 Episode 26 plot introduction

《blossoms in dream》 Episode 26 plot introduction

Xiaozhi confronted Xian that night. In order to get Xian to write down her father's identity certificate, Xiaozhi told Xian that the letter said sorry for Bai Mengzhi. Xian cried after hearing this.The two continued to quarrel more and more seriously, Xiaozhi was making a crazy noise, but helplessly, Xian finally told Xiaozhi her true life experience, Xian told everything about Meng Yunong and Boss Meng, Xiaozhi fell seriously ill after learning about it, and fainted.bed.

After continuing to work, Xiaozhi was often in a daze and could not accept her life experience. Chen Qiao came to visit Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi thanked Chen Qiao for helping her revise while revealing her worries. Finally, Xiaozhi expressed her inner feelings to Chen Qiao.Along the riverside, Chen Qiao patiently asked and comforted.

Xiaozhi told Chen Qiao that her father was the big businessman Meng Yunong. Seeing Xiaozhi crying, Chen Qiao felt mixed emotions and hugged Xiaozhi tightly. The past was like smoke, but all of it came to his mind again.It seemed that the old Cong was summoned again.

The above is all the content related to the plot introduction of the 26th episode of 《blossoms in dream》.However, there are a lot of great moments in this show as well as parts that may confuse viewers.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the storyline and surrounding information, we recommend that you continue to take our line lessons. Subsequent updated content will better help you watch and follow the drama.

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