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《The case book after school》 Episode 3 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, a number of good new dramas have been released, among which The case book after school, which has attracted much attention from fans, has finally been released to the audience.After the show was released, it can be said to have caused a craze, and everyone's attention to the show has continued to rise, with new topics and popular searches being discussed.The show has also become a hot topic of discussion on major social platforms.Today we will discuss the topic of - The case book after school - Episode 3 plot introduction.

《The case book after school》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《The case book after school》Episode 3 plot introduction

Makino (Matsushita Kohei) learns that the sister of Saejima Naoaki (Tsuchiya Yosho), a patient who used to be treated at the hospital, is Saejima Kei (Okamoto Nori), a child in Class 2, 6th grade.In order to spread bad news about the health room for Naoaki, who loves Makino, Kei planned to kick Makino out of elementary school and send him back to the hospital.

After Makino took up his post at the elementary school, Sakima (played by Yoshizawa Yu), who became Naoaki's attending doctor, told his mother Tamaki and others that Naoaki would be able to operate on Naoaki around spring.Naoaki was very happy to be discharged from the hospital, but his mother, who considered the child's physical condition first, did not allow him to go to school.

However, Naoaki, who was curious, went out while Tamaki was not at home.Qi also went with him, but Naoaki, who sneaked into the school, went to explore the school without telling Qi.At the same time, Naoaki met Takuma (Hiirago), Hiroya (Souyou Yoshida), and Yamato (Nato Yamaguchi) who were hiding in school because they wanted to go on a ghost story trip, and became “friends” with them in the sixth grade.On the other hand, Kei seeks help from Makino, the only one in the school who knows Naoaki, and searches for Naoaki with Makino, but Naoaki's physical condition gradually deteriorates during the school adventure...

About 《The case book after school》That's it for the plot introduction of Episode 3. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive entertainment information to the majority of movie fans, so that you can enjoy movies and TV in your busy life.of unique charm.Thank you for supporting our line classes!

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