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《The case book after school》Episode 1 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

“《The case book after school》Episode 1 plot introduction” is a hot topic in the recent high-profile TV series, which has attracted a large number of fans before filming started.As the series aired, more people joined the fan base.Many viewers are very excited and look forward to seeing more exciting plots.At the same time, they are also very curious《The case book after school》Episode 1 plot introduction, and they can't wait to know more.

《The case book after school》Episode 1 plot introduction

《The case book after school》 Episode 1 plot introduction

Pediatrician Makino (Matsushita Gohei) was sent to Higashi Tama No. 8 Elementary School as “school nurse”.The children and Shinoya (Aoi Morikawa), the homeroom teacher of Class 2, sixth grade, were all angry at Makino's words: "Try not to come to the health room".Makino is a pilot doctor selected by the university hospital to conduct the school's resident experiment, but he seems to have another hidden secret...

On this day, as usual, the child king Takuma (Tonggo) discovered that there was a cool secret base in the restricted area of ​​​​the back mountain, so he invited the interested Hiroya (Yoshida Sosuke) and Yamato (Yamaguchi Noto) to go with him.Takuma, who was already ill, suddenly collapsed in the grass... Makino, who went to the scene with Shinoya, saw Takuma's symptoms and immediately judged that he had some kind of disease.

A few days later, Shinoya consulted Makino about the sleepy Yuki (Risa Masuda), and admitted that it was difficult for him to understand the child's thoughts. As a result, the two got into a quarrel.At this time, someone told them that Yuki had fainted on the playground...

The editor has carefully compiled for everyone all the important content about the plot introduction of the first episode of - The case book after school. I believe that in the subsequent development of the plot, the audience will encounter more doubts and explorations.But don’t worry, we will continue to update the latest content in the line class and present you with the wonderful details of the plot in a more detailed and vivid way.

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