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《the rise of ning》Episode 13 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, “《the rise of ning》” has become one of the hotly discussed topics in the film and television industry, because its TV series have attracted a large number of fans and audiences.What's even more exciting is that some hot topics in the show have aroused widespread discussion, among which the plot introduction of the 13th episode - the rise of ning - has made everyone full of curiosity and doubts.Let’s chat together today.

《the rise of ning》Episode 13 plot introduction

《the rise of ning》Episode 13 plot introduction

Luo Yining has been looking for the famous doctor who treated her mother in the past, but she learned that the doctor had passed away and only one disciple was left to continue to help the world.Luo Shenyuan and Luo Yining then found this disciple. The disciple still kept the master's detailed medical practice records, which detailed each patient's condition, pulse and prescriptions.After checking, it was confirmed that the doctor had indeed prescribed medicine for Luo Yining's mother, but it was only a mild tonic.

Luo Yining recently watered the crabapple with this medicinal soup. Not only did she not see any damage, but she also saw that the flowers bloomed more luxuriantly and the branches grew stronger, which made her suspect that this matter was inextricably linked to her deceased mother.So, she persuaded Lin Hairu to take her to the farm when checking the accounts.At first, Lin Hairu was resistant to visiting Qiao Yuechan, but finally agreed after Luo Yining's persuasion.

After hearing about this trip, Luo Yixiu was worried that her mother would be deceived, so she went to visit her uncle first.Seeing her uncle working hard, she complained again, saying that after Qiao Yuechan was demoted to the farm, most of her family's belongings were confiscated by Lin Hairu, leaving only a meager monthly salary to make ends meet.The uncle was resentful and when he learned that Luo Yining was about to visit, he secretly planned revenge.

On the day of travel, Luo Shenyuan also asked to accompany him, and Lin Hairu readily agreed.On the way, the carriage suddenly encountered a stumbling rope hidden in the forest, and the horses were frightened and ran wildly.Uncle Luo Yixiu prepared a boulder on the top of the mountain in an attempt to hit the car with the stone. Fortunately, Luo Shenyuan struggled to control the car and avoided the boulder in the dangerous situation, but almost fell off the cliff.At the critical moment, Luo Yining decisively cut the rope that bound Luo Shenyuan and saved him from danger. The two embraced each other and were thankful to survive.

Lin Hairu was injured in the leg and the carriage fell off a cliff. Luo Shenyuan resolutely carried her back to the farm. This move made Lin Hairu deeply aware of the depth of her love. He, who usually didn't pay much attention to her, was so responsible.

After arriving at the farm, Luo Shenyuan checked the dead horses at night and found that the horses were poisoned. Luo Yixiu and his uncle's whereabouts that day were suspicious and they had time to commit the crime.Luo Yining used this to blackmail Qiao Yuechan, forcing her to reveal the truth about Luo's mother's death from illness, otherwise Luo Yixiu and her uncle would be reported.

Qiao Yuechan denied the harm and admitted that she had never done anything evil since Luo's mother despaired of Luo Chengzhang.She pointed out that Luo Chengzhang coveted Luo's mother's dowry and kept Luo Yining as the principal wife, which was actually taking advantage of her.Qiao Yuechan swore an oath for the well-being of her children, and Luo Yining believed what she said, and turned to think about who was the real murderer. Except for Luo Chengzhang, no one seemed suspicious.

The next day, Luo Shenyuan brought new clues. After verification, it was confirmed that although uncle Luo Yixiu prepared stones and ropes, he did not poison the horses.This means there is a third party behind the scenes.Luo Shenyuan warned Luo Yining not to make any assumptions before the evidence is conclusive.

On the other hand, Lin Hairu originally wanted his younger brother Lin Mao to focus on his studies in order to have a successful career in the future. However, Lin Mao had different interests and was keen on developing prescriptions and perfumes, and was very popular among the maids in the mansion.The arrival of Lin Hairu expressed dissatisfaction with Lin Mao for not doing his job properly, and Lin Mao was also full of grievances.

All the above is the introduction to the plot of episode 13 of the rise of ning. I hope this content will be helpful to everyone. In the future, the editor will continue to work hard to bring you more relevant information.Stay tuned for film and television information articles.

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