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《the rise of ning》Episode 12 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》 has finally been aired recently. It has attracted much attention before it was aired. It has a strong cast, the leading actors are all powerful actors, their acting skills are online, and the plot design is also very good.Today, the editor will talk to you about the plot introduction of the 12th episode - the rise of ning.

《the rise of ning》Episode 12 plot introduction

《the rise of ning》Episode 12 plot introduction

Luo Yining heard her grandmother mention that her mother often drank astragalus and peony soup during pregnancy, and then accidentally poured the soup into a begonia pot, causing the flowers and trees to wither. This incident made her suspicious.So she personally cultivated a begonia plant and used the residue of astragalus and peony decoction as fertilizer.

In order to save the family's face, Luo Chengzhang secretly communicated with the government and put all the blame on Master Cui, while Er Niang's fault was quietly resolved.Lin Hairu summoned Luo Yining to come and tell his father's final verdict.Luo Yining was deeply saddened to learn that her mother was acquitted again, and asked her father why he repeatedly favored him and allowed him to do all kinds of evil.However, Luo Chengzhang was stubborn and advised Luo Yining to put the overall interests of the family first and not to bring shame to the Luo family.

Lu Jiaxue tried to find out the whereabouts of Luo Yining and Luo Shenyuan that day in Yuanjing Pavilion, but found nothing.The Luo family kept the matter secret, forcing him to decide to investigate the truth personally.

Recently, things have been calm. Luo Shenyuan took Luo Yining out to relax and gave her a job - working in “Minglantang” named after his study.He explained that this move was not only a thank you to Luo Yining's mother for taking care of her in the past, but also a way for him to support education with his meager strength.Luo Yining was very happy about this, finally getting the chance to escape the dullness of Luofu and his father's prejudice.She has made secret preparations to find a secluded mansion, vowing to uncover the mystery of her mother's death within a year, and then she will live elsewhere with her grandmother.

One day, Luo Shenyuan took Luo Yining to a snack shop to taste wontons and talk about future plans.Luo Yining asked Luo Shenyuan about his ambitions, but he smiled and did not answer.Luo Yining suggested that he should enter the official career, believing that men should aspire to be in all directions, and obtaining fame is the right way.However, Luo Shenyuan did not have a household registration because he was not included in the family tree, so his way to obtain the exam was blocked.Luo Yining decided to help his third brother solve this problem.

After the meal, while the two were walking in the market, Lu Jiaxue ran into Luo Yining, his eyes were instantly attracted to her, and he confirmed that she was the sister he missed day and night.At this time, Luo Yining was choosing patterns alone in front of the paper-cut stall. Cheng Lang, who was beside Lu Jiaxue, stepped forward to say hello. Luo Yining was frightened when he saw Lu Jiaxue. Recalling the past that he had made him fall off a cliff, he still has lingering fears.She suppressed her panic and coughed to cover it up. Fortunately, Luo Shenyuan arrived in time, noticed the crisis, and quickly took Luo Yining away.

On the way back, the two were attacked by unknown persons, aiming directly at Luo Shenyuan's back.Luo Shenyuan judged that this was the work of Lu Jiaxue's spies, so he did not use any martial arts and only took Luo Yining back to Luo Mansion in a hurry.After Lu Jiaxue learned that Luo Shenyuan did not know martial arts, he had doubts and decided to test it again.

《the rise of ning》The production is well-made, the storyline is compact, and the picture presentation is exquisite and delicate, bringing us all an excellent viewing experience. I believe that through the editor's detailed explanation, everyone will be familiar with 《the rise of ning》The plot introduction of episode 12 has a deeper understanding. If you want to know more related content, please pay attention to the line class.

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