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《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:May 24, 2024 Source:Network

《Changfengdu》There have been a lot of viewers and fans since the broadcast. They all want to know《Changfengdu》The full plot of the episode is introduced in episodes. The following is the editor's carefully compiled information about《Changfengdu》The plot of the entire episode is introduced in episodes. Come and see if there is anything you want to know.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The great glory of the dynasty has only lasted two generations so far.Now Emperor Daiei is lingering on his deathbed, the central government's control over local areas is increasingly weakened, and the national treasury is in deficit.The thirteen prefectures were separated by their envoys and supported their own troops.Under the calm surface, there are hidden undercurrents.However, this chilling atmosphere of impending mountain rain does not seem to affect the gorgeous and beautiful Zhangzhou City for the time being.In Zhangzhou City, for the sixteen-year-old girl Liu Yuru, her only concern at this time was that the eldest son of the Ye family, Ye Shian, would return unknown when.

《Changfengdu》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Gu Jiusi stopped Liu Yuru at Rouge Shop and deliberately disgusted her, saying that he fell in love with her at first sight and would never marry anyone other than her.Liu Yuru swallowed her anger and apologized to Gu Jiusi, but Gu Jiusi couldn't bear to tease her like this.Before leaving, Gu Jiusi spent a lot of money to buy a box of rouge for each of the women in the shop in order to calmly give Liu Yuru a box of rouge that she could not afford but had long desired - a gift from heaven.

《Changfengdu》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The auspicious moment has arrived. Although Gu Jiusi was reluctant in every possible way, for the sake of the Gu family, at the last moment before the ceremony, she dressed in a bright red wedding dress and walked out of the room elegantly.Yuru and Gu Jiusi completed the wedding ceremony amidst the cheers and cheers of the guests. Seeing that the boat was done, the envoy of King Liang walked away angrily.Now that they have become husband and wife, Gu Jiusi still keeps his promise and helps Liu Yuru transfer the betrothal gift into her name.When Zhang Yue'er learned about this, she made a scene at the wedding and was scolded by Liu Xuan.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Jiang Rou's comfort had an effect on Liu Yuru. From every detail, Liu Yuru could see that although Gu Jiusi was arrogant, he was not a hopeless person in his behavior. Instead, he was naive and sincere, and even regarded love as pure.True - it's just that this pure and true thing is not in her body.Liu Yuru thought that no matter what, life would still have to go on.Jiang Rou is a good mother-in-law. She relies on Jiang Rou from now on. Gu Jiusi never dares to go against her parents.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 15 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Overnight, Gu Jiusi's family was destroyed. He lost everything, his family, his father, his wealth... Only Liu Yuru was left by his side.Chen Xun found Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru in the dense forest outside the city. He handed the prepared luggage and food to Gu and Liu. Gu Jiusi learned from Chen Xun that the Ye family had been in ruins. Chen Xun told Gu Jiusi,Must leave quickly.Boss Wan died to save Gu Jiusi, Yang Wenchang died; Ye Yun disappeared, and everything in Zhangzhou was reduced to ashes.

《Changfengdu》episode introduction to episode 16

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The scarred two finally came to Youzhou.After sharing life and death together, deeper and tougher emotions have sprouted in the hearts of the two of them. However, when they were in Zhangzhou, those words - absolutely impossible - and - just being good brothers - had been said too many times., even Liu Yuru herself couldn't see clearly what she was thinking.Both of them invariably avoided the hot word - like - and only said that they regarded the other as a close relative.

《Changfengdu》Episode 17 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru experienced life and death along the way, and were shocked to see the victims displaced and even changed their children and suffered hardships.Most of the Jiedushi envoys had their own agendas, but after some inquiring by the two of them, they discovered that although Youzhou had always been barren, the Jiedushi envoy Fan Xuan was a rare gentleman who governed well and loved the people like a son; and his righteousnessHis elder brother Zhou Gaolang was a talented general. They were both civil and military, and they guarded the peace of Youzhou.Among the states in chaos today, only Youzhou is a utopia without storm.

《Changfengdu》Episode 18 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Soon, the day of separation arrived, and the shopkeepers of the Gu family gathered together and bid farewell to Jiang Rou and the Gu family in tears. The scene was very touching.The Gu family's wealth was gone and life was no longer what it used to be. Liu Yuru taught Gu Jiusi all the money-saving survival skills she had learned from being tutored when she was young, and taught Gu Jiusi how to break a penny into a ten-petal flower.While Gu Jiusi was admiring him, he felt pity, heartache and self-blame in his heart - he remembered that shameful wedding night, when he said so boldly that when they divorced, he could give Liu Yuru money that he could never use up in his life.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Gu Jiusi was marginalized in the county government, and Huang Longfei and others gave him the most tiring and difficult work.Gu Jiusi had experienced life and death, so he took these things very lightly, and reported good news to Liu Yuru all day long but not bad news.Over a period of time, Gu Jiusi not only became famous at the bottom with various religions, but also helped win over a group of beggars and formed a team of secret agents specially designed to find out information for him.And Liu Yuru also started her business. It was not easy to start from scratch. She encountered setbacks at the first level of purchasing goods.

《Changfengdu》episode introduction to episode 20

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Liu Yuru's start was not smooth. Due to the remoteness of the store and lack of publicity, she only sold a few boxes of rouge for a whole month.If this continues, I'm afraid it will be shut down.Gu Jiusi saved a whole month's salary as a government servant, bought a box of rouge for Liu Yuru, and gave it to Liu Yuru.It made Liu Yuru dumbfounded, but she felt sweet in her heart.She remembered the turmoil that Gu Jiusi had at Rouge Shop in Zhangzhou.

《Changfengdu》Episode 25 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

In Youzhou City, Gu Jiusi, Jiang Rou and others were looking forward to it. It was the last day they agreed to hand over food, but Liu Yuru had not returned for a long time.Gu Jiusi waited anxiously on the official road outside the city, like a stone waiting for his wife, and finally got his Liu Yuru back.Liu Yuru's return made Zhang Yuer frightened. Su Wan was still alive. She had lied to Liu Yuru.During the chaos in Zhangzhou, it was true that the carriage overturned, but Zhang Yue'er could obviously save Su Wan who fell down the steep slope, but he refused to save her and ran for her own life.

《Changfengdu》Episode 26 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

People in the city were in shock, many officials fled overnight, and rumors spread among the people.If the king of Liang attacks Wangdu, the people in the city will surely suffer.Gu Jiusi defended the city with Shen Ming and Ye Shian.Gu Jiusi was young and could not be trusted by the old officials in the city. Zhou Ye informed everyone about the Gu family's donation of property, and all the soldiers respected Gu Jiusi.Gu Jiusi arranged his troops in the city, actively prepared for war, and stepped up deployment of Wangdu city defense.Liu Yuru settled the female relatives in the city to stabilize the rear for Gu Jiusi.The civil servants in the city did not want to die at the hands of the traitorous King Liang, so they gathered a crowd to commit suicide. The scene was filled with smoke and smoke. Ye Shi'an took out his dagger and slashed it on the table to intimidate everyone.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 27 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Zhou Ye knelt outside Fan Xuan and Zhou Gaolang's camp all night, asking to lead troops back to Wangdu to aid.He remembered that he and Gu Jiusi had gotten drunk in Zhangzhou. At that time, Gu Jiusi told him that she wanted to be a hero, travel around the world, and do justice.He believed that Gu Jiusi would never abandon the city and he would have a way to save everyone.Mr. Zhao Sanye informed King Liang that the city was empty of defenses, with only 10,000 soldiers and horses.When the violent King Liang learned that he had been tricked by Gu Jiusi, he became furious and turned his anger around and killed Mr. Zhao.

《Changfengdu》Episode 28 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Now that the king of Liang has been beheaded, the war in all directions has been settled, and the world is finally settled.The empress dowager of the previous dynasty led hundreds of officials to open the palace gates and personally welcomed Fan Xuan as the lord of the world. Fan Xuan took control of the Eastern Capital and proclaimed himself emperor, with the reign name of Daxia.Most of the separatist princes have been destroyed along with the rebel King Liang.Gu Jiusi received an order to go to Beijing to serve as the Minister of Household Affairs.Gu Jiusi's battle to defend the city in Youzhou won the hearts of the people. Before leaving, the people of Youzhou lined the streets to say goodbye.Gu Liu's family came to Dongdu with a bright vision for the future.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 29 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

In the Gu Mansion, Liu Yuru, Qin Wanzhi, and Ye Yun became sisters. Now that the world has been settled, all three of them have new visions in their hearts. Qin Wanzhi was named a general, Ye Yun wanted to study military affairs, and Liu Yuru's heart was ignited with a strong fighting spirit.People in Dongdu were so rich, she felt that an unlimited market and a blue ocean of wealth were opening up in front of Liu's Trading Company.The Yellow River has been flooded for years and the national treasury is empty. The top priority of the Ministry of Revenue is to take stock of the previous treasury accounts and sort out the financial situation.Fan Xuan left the inventory to Gu Jiusi.This caused Fan Yu's displeasure.

《Changfengdu》Episode 30 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Luo Zishang visited the Queen Mother with Hepu Ye Mingzhu, and mentioned to the Queen Mother that Princess Yunshang and Gu Jiusi had an engagement. He reminded the Queen Mother that now that the old and new forces in the court are alternately competing, Gu Jiusi's only reliance is Fan Xuan's trust.If she marries the princess, she will also be under the command of the Queen Mother. Fan Xuan will no longer be able to trust Gu Jiusi, and Gu Jiusi will become the best knife in the hands of the Queen Mother.After Luo Zishang came out of the Queen Mother's Palace, he murmured to himself: - After the princess marries into the Gu family, there will be no Mrs. Gu in the world, but I can still make you Boss Liu.——His obsession with Liu Yuru has not dissipated.

《Changfengdu》Episode 31 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Gu Jiusi found Sun He, the official who had originally made the registration, hid Sun He, and sent a greeting card to Liu Chun, inviting him to visit Le Fenglou. Liu Chun suddenly panicked.Luo Zishang conspired to turn Fan Yu into the sharpest knife in his hand. In order to control Fan Yu, he prepared cold food powder that can capture people's minds, cause hallucinations, and make people irritable, and prepared to feed it to Fan Yu.Gu Jiusi and Liu Chun met at Lefeng Building. Gu Jiusi told Liu Chun that he just wanted to trace back the banknotes, and his target was Lu Yong.The purpose of meeting Liu Chun tonight is to give Liu Chun a last chance and leave a way for Liu Chun to survive.

《Changfengdu》Episode 36 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

The Yellow River Dam was completed, and Gu Jiusi received an invitation from Lady Shi Yu. Gu Jius accepted the invitation and went to the banquet. Finally, at Shi Yuxuan, he met the person he thought about day and night, his wife, Liu Yuru.Luo Zishang finally found out the news about the lady who tried to test the beauty. The old woman was just a stand-in.The real tester is a young woman who was born in Zhangzhou, and Bai Yujing is now under her control.Luo Zishang was surprised, and that vague suspicion came to mind again.The second news surprised Luo Zishang even more. He sent people to dig up Liu Yuru's grave secretly. The coffin was empty.

《Changfengdu》Episode 37 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Fan Yu painfully asked Fan Xuan, who was on his deathbed, who was more important, himself or the people in the world?Fan Xuan was so furious that he made a final sound in his throat and fell down.When he was dying, he used his last strength to glance at a certain landscape painting plaque on the roof of the hall.Then he died - Fan Xuan died, and Fan Yu finally didn't get the answer.Luo Zishang entered the palace with a fake imperial edict and pretended to pass on the imperial edict, asking Zhou Gaolang to attack Nanzhao.The sound of the death knell resounded over the entire palace.

《Changfengdu》Episode 38 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Luo Zishang sent a killer to hunt down Gu Jiusi. Gu Jiusi was seriously injured. Chen Xun found Gu and Liu based on Gu Jiusi's information. He told Gu Jiusi that he was willing to help Gu Jiusi transport food to the front line. Gu Jiusi was moved.With the help of Chen Xun, the military rations were finally successfully transported to the Nanzhao front line.Good news came from the front line, a great victory in the southwest, the Youzhou army defeated Nanzhao and regained 500 miles of lost territory. Luo Zishang failed to stop Gu and Liu's grain delivery team, and failed to plot against Zhou Gaolang. The Zhou family and his son wereAfter getting rid of the last stumbling block, he was not far from success.

《Changfengdu》Episode 39 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Finally, when it was time to close the net, Luo Zishang imprisoned Fan Yu, launched a palace coup, and issued an order to arrest the rebel accomplice Gu Jiusi.It was time to use the last chess piece. Outside the palace, the Yongzhou private army that Luo Zishang had planned for a long time was heading towards the east capital.Luo Zishang was certain that in order to save Ye Shian, Gu Jiusi would definitely return to Dongdu. That time would be the time to settle the accounts.Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru found Fan Yu with the help of Xifeng and took out Fan Xuan's real edict and Fan Xuan's diary.

《Changfengdu》 Episode 40 plot introduction

《Changfengdu》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

At the moment of his death, all kinds of complicated emotions were intertwined in Luo Zishang's heart. What was the meaning of his life?But he was proud after all. This belated apology may have stirred up complicated thoughts in his heart, but he did not recognize his father in the end.All entanglements will eventually end in fire.Gu Jiusi led hundreds of officials to block Zhou Gaolang's army outside the eastern capital city.Gu Jiusi held the imperial edict of Fan Yu's Zen throne and the imperial seal, and legitimately solved all Zhou Gaolang's worries. He only asked Zhou Gaolang to dismount and peacefully seize control of the Eastern Capital.Zhou Gaolang finally decided to take over the Eastern Capital peacefully.

Regarding - Chang Feng Du - the main content of the plot introduction of the full episode has been provided to you. If this article can help you in the process of watching the drama, then our purpose has been achieved. If you want to go deeperFor more interesting and exciting plot analysis and character analysis, welcome to follow the line class.

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