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《The real daughter is famous all over the world》Plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《The real daughter is famous all over the world》 is a short drama about wrong hugs. It tells the story of the heroine being replaced by her nanny and her own daughter since she was a child. The follow-up revenge and abuse of the scum are also quite enjoyable. If you are interested, you canCome and take a look!

《The real daughter is famous all over the world》Plot introduction


Wang Yubo & Wu Yiqiao

Plot introduction:

After the nanny of the Lin family had an affair with Lin Jianguo and gave birth to a daughter, she swapped her daughter with the daughter of the Lin family.

He Ran, the real daughter of the Lin family, was tortured at the hands of Anna Mei.

When He Ran grew up, he recognized the Su family with his extraordinary design talent.

However, in this process, they were thwarted by the fake daughter Lin Mingzhu and Anna Mae Duojia.

In the end, with the help of the male protagonist, He Ran successfully recognized his grandfather, and Anna Mae and Lin Mingzhu also received the punishment they deserved.

The above is all the relevant content about the plot introduction of "The True Daughter, She's Famous All Over the World" compiled by the editor.In the subsequent plot and character relationships, there may be some things that the audience does not understand.Therefore, please pay attention to our line lessons. We will continue to update more rich and exciting content to help the audience better understand the development of the plot.

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