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《First Note of Love》Ending

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《First Note of Love》 is a Taiwanese drama filmed in Taiwan. The drama contains dramas such as suspense, revenge, and love. The ending of the drama is unexpected, and all suspense ends at this moment.It has been revealed, let’s take a look at the ending plot of this drama!

《First Note of Love》Ending

The ending of 《First Note of Love》 is that Neil and Xiaohai overcame various difficulties and finally came together. At the same time, Neil also overcame his stage fright and regained his love and confidence in music.

In the ending, Neil and Xiaohai's relationship went through many twists and turns, but in the end they overcame external interference and inner fear and came together.

With Xiaohai's support and encouragement, Neil gradually overcame his stage fright, stood on the stage again, and realized his music dream.Xiaohai also found his own value and direction in the process. The two experienced many challenges together and finally gained love and growth.

The story begins when Kim Kang-heon, chairman of Woowon Group, is imprisoned for illegal trading. He enjoys special treatment in prison and can maintain contact with his second son, Kim Sang-hyun.

Unfortunately, Kim Sang-hyun died in a traffic accident. The perpetrator, Song Ho-young, the son of a judge, accidentally knocked over Kim Sang-hyun due to an asthma attack and fled the scene.

Song Panhao, the judge's father, who learned about this incident, originally wanted to take his son to surrender, but after learning the identity of the victim, he destroyed the evidence and tried to cover up the facts.

The death of Kim Sang Hyun triggered a chain reaction. His brother Kim Sang Hyuk was mistakenly accused of being the murderer, and he vowed to find out the real culprit.

At the same time, clues in the recording of Kim Sang-hyun's last phone call aroused Kim Kang-hyun's vigilance.As the plot advances to different points in time in 2024, each episode revolves around the search for the truth, revenge and moral struggle. Until the 10th episode, all suspense and emotional entanglements reach a climax, revealing a complex and thought-provoking story for the audience.The ending of the story.

The above is the complete content about the ending of First Note of Love.If you want to learn more about the background, development, and character relationships of the plot and characters, you are more than welcome to pay attention to the line class.In the future, we will provide detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis and character analysis to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the series.

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