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《Secrecy breaking》dubbing list

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The most recent one - Secrecy Breaking - has been a hit since it was aired. It has a very deep grasp of the details of the plot and characters, and can't even escape the involvement of the plot. It has been in the emotional whirlpool of the story.《Secrecy breaking》The dubbing list is something that everyone is paying close attention to recently. Here are some contents compiled by the editor for you.

《Secrecy breaking》dubbing list

Dubbing director: Qi Kejian, Deng Xiaoou @丁小ou_actor

Narrator——Qi Kejian

Cai Wei——Wu Tao @不lucky diele

Tao Ge——Yifan @Stone_彦fan

Other voice actors: Zhao Mingzhou@赵明州zmzMeal card chase Cai Haiting @ lovely Youyouqiuer Gong Suping, Shao Tong @ melancholy Mr. K Yang Ruixin @ Kongling Weiwei Liu Danyang @ cashmere moon Zhang Yuwei @ Xitang - it’s just wedding candy Qi Yining @ Elaine - pray for joy Lu Ya Kun @ soilXi Zhangshuo@Noisy Zhang Shuo Liu Hao@Muran unexpectedly Shen Junjie

The above is the complete content of the dubbing list for 《Secrecy breaking》.If you want to learn more about the background, development, and character relationships of the plot and characters, you are more than welcome to pay attention to the line class.In the future, we will provide detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis and character analysis to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the series.

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