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《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open the social app, you can see the discussion about -Secrecy breaking-, and among them《Secrecy breaking》the full episode plot introduction is definitely the thing that everyone is most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you about《Secrecy breaking》Opinions and thoughts introduced in episodes of the complete plot.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 1 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

In the late 1920s, Cai Zejun, who was born in Wangmen, Ningde, was arranged by his family to get married. His mother Lin Ying promised that as long as he was willing to marry Xue Pinxuan first, he could go out to study.However, on the night of their wedding, Cai Zechuo left alone without saying goodbye, leaving a letter to his wife Xue Pinxuan confessing his ambitions. If she was also dissatisfied with the feudal marriage, she could divorce and regain her freedom at any time.

Later, Cai Zejuan came to Ningbo No. 4 Middle School and listened to Mr. Changshan’s lecture. It was as if a lamp was lit in his heart, allowing him to see clearly the entire dark and troubled world and find the way forward.It was under the guidance of this revolutionary pioneer that Cai Zechuo aroused his passionate patriotism, actively participated in the progressive movement, worked hard to seek liberation and equality across the country, and resolutely joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1927, the Kuomintang launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, arbitrarily arrested Communist Party members and suppressed the proletarian revolutionary movement. A large number of students, workers and progressives were arrested and imprisoned. The revolutionary cause suffered an unprecedented and severe blow, andAs a result, Cai Zejuan was arrested and sent to Fuzhou Prison while performing his mission.

After Xue Pinxuan learned about it, she immediately contacted her uncle Lin Chenhan. Because his uncle had a relationship with the warden and both worked for the Kuomintang, he hurriedly relied on connections and spent thousands of dollars to finally rescue his nephew Cai Zechuan.The moment he left the prison, Cai Zejiu met his wife Xue Pinxuan and his uncle Lin Chenhan. When he returned home, he felt even more ashamed of his mother.

Over the years, Xue Pinxuan has read the books that Cai Zejuo left in the study, telling him that she never regretted marrying him.Similarly, Cai Zejiu understood Xue Pinxuan's intentions, and the two embraced each other affectionately and became a real couple.But not long after, a code word published in the newspaper made Cai Zedang worried. Xue Pinxuan understood Cai Zejuan's thoughts well and encouraged him to continue pursuing his ideals.

In the end, Cai Zejuan returned to Shanghai and tried to contact the organization and his superior, Mr. Changshan. However, he failed, so he had to continue his studies and transferred to Tongji University under the arrangement of Lin Chenhan.At this moment, Shanghai became extremely tense under the shroud of white. Cai Zeqiao found out through the newspaper that Mr. Changshan was arrested and sacrificed, and he was deeply shocked.

Cai Zejuan came to Tongji University to register and saw his former teacher Su Qingwu. His mathematical talent attracted the attention of Huang Jibi, a senior official of the Kuomintang.On the other side, Ming Song from Zhonggong Special Branch took the initiative to contact Xia Tian, ​​the head of the Shanghai underground party organization, and conveyed to him the organization's request to open a radio training class as soon as possible. He would implement the specific time and place, and select trustworthy people to serve as guards for the training class.Security work.

In the afternoon, Cai Zejiu saw Teacher Su Qingwu and Xia Tian standing downstairs chatting, and suddenly remembered that he had met Xia Tian once.That night, Lin Chenhan angrily accused Cai Zejuan of still reading dangerous publications, and reminded him not to contact the Communist Party organizations again, and was even more worried that he had joined the Communist Party. In order to reassure his uncle, Cai Zejuan bluntly said that he had joined a progressive organization before, and originally wanted to find a long gown.Sir, how did you know that Mr. Changshan had died.Lin Chenhan breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Cai Zejue would never go astray and think about his family in everything he did. Cai Zejuan unexpectedly learned that his wife Xue Pinxuan had given birth to a child and was very happy for it.

After Tao Ge listened to Huang Jibi's lecture, he resolutely applied to join his research group, and Cai Zechuan also developed a strong interest in mathematics.The next morning, Cai Zejuan found that a man who often sold newspapers posted a notice for %Amateur Radio Training Class Recruiting Students. He guessed that it must be related to the party organization, so he went to register under the pseudonym Cai Wei, and happened to be bumped into by Xia Tian.

After this incident, Xia Tian suspected Cai Zejuan's identity and informed Su Qingwu to find an opportunity to find out Cai Zejuan's identity.Su Qingwu asked Cai Zedang to meet him at his old house on the grounds that he needed Cai Zedang's help. He used Colonel Chapel to test and confirm Cai Zedang's identity as a Communist Party member.Xia Tian has found out that Cai Zeju is a Communist, but it is impossible to determine whether he has rebelled. Cai Zeju's sincere words completely moved Xia Tian and Su Qingwu, and officially returned to the ranks of the Communist Party.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Tao Ge and Zhou Mo became members of Huang Jibi's research team and learned a lot of radio knowledge from them.In the process of learning to assemble a radio station, Zhou Mo took the initiative to think of keyword names for each other. When he saw this word in the future, he would be able to think of each other, so Zhou Mo named him Tiger after Tao Ge in English, and Tao Ge named him Tiger after Zhou Mo.Named Magpie, it means that every time you get along with her, you will be happy and joyful.

On the other hand, Cai Zechuan and other five people successfully graduated and joined the group led by Mingsong to start preparing the radio station.Since the control of radio components is very strict, Cai Zechuan could only go to an electrical appliance store to ask. The boss revealed to him that all large radios are purchased by the government. Private radio enthusiasts like him are generally called “ham”. If they want a radio, they can onlyAssemble it yourself.

Because of this, Cai Zejiu bought some parts and followed the steps in the book, and soon it was time to go home to visit his relatives.Because Cai Zejuan was busy with the radio station and forgot to buy gifts for his family, Lin Chenhan said that it would not be too late to buy gifts on the day of departure. As a result, Cai Zejuan discovered that the Kuomintang agents had found out about the training class's large purchase of electrical appliances.

In order to prevent the training class from being raided by the Kuomintang, Cai Zehuo had to give up going home to visit his relatives and hurried to the training class to tell everyone to hide. Fortunately, his timely notification saved everyone.On the other side, Cai's mother Lin Ying was disappointed when she learned that Cai Zejuan did not follow Lin Chenhan back to Ningde, but Lin Chenhan and Xue Pinxuan put in good words for Cai Zejuan.

That night, Chen Lihuang convened an emergency internal meeting of the Kuomintang and decided to conduct a dragnet-style search and investigation throughout Shanghai in response to the secret preparations for radio station communications by the Shanghai Zhonggong underground organization.Huang Jibi believes that this method is too invasive and will not only affect the lives of ordinary people, but also very likely to hurt innocent people. Judging from the current strict control of radio stations, the real focus should be on strict control of high-power radio accessories..Therefore, at Huang Jibi's suggestion, Chen Lihuang agreed to monitor all radio equipment retailers and focus the investigation on the purchasing channels for radio equipment parts.

After Mingsong and Xia Tian received the news, they had to find Su Qingwu to help purchase accessories.Xia Tian came to school to meet Su Qingwu as his cousin, and Tao Ge happened to see this scene.At the same time, Huang Jibi took the initiative to find Cai Zedang and invited him to join the research team, but Cai Zedang made excuses to shirk it, and finally said that he would consider it for three days before giving an answer.

After returning home, Cai Zechuan tried to use the assembled radio to send out reports to contact the hams. Little did he know that he was being monitored by the Kuomintang. However, this obvious frequency wave did not arouse the suspicion of the Kuomintang, thinking that it was most likely the radio station's hobby.However, Huang Jibi will not let go of any clues.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Huang Jibi did not get a reply from Cai Zejuan, which was a bit regretful.When Tao Ge learned that Cai Zejuan actually rejected Huang Jibi, he became suspicious of Cai Zejuan's identity and secretly sent plainclothes agents to follow him. Fortunately, the store owner helped Cai Zejuan cover up.

Although Cai Zechuan successfully assembled a low-power radio station, the radio station could not continue to work. In addition, the Kuomintang had stricter control over electronic tubes. He obtained component B443 from his uncle's imported radio station and assembled it into the small radio station, which resulted in a fire.In order to put out the fire, Cai Zejuo almost missed the secret meeting of the group, but fortunately he arrived in time at the last minute.

Mingsong announced that Cai Zejuan had officially joined the radio station preparatory group. Their superiors instructed them to divide into two groups. The first group was led by Guo Qigong, and the second group was led by Xia Tian, ​​Xu Zhengye was in charge of machine maintenance, and Cai Zejuan was in charge of reporting. And the twoThe group must stop all contact and not have any contact without the approval of the organization. Cai Zechuo revealed to everyone that imported radios can be replaced by vacuum tubes.

With the cooperation of Cai Zechuan and Su Qingwu, the two got B443 from the eldest brother Su Qingwen's house under the pretext of repairing the radio, and assembled the first 15W power radio station.Not long after, the driver of the Su family, Ageng, was suddenly taken away. Tao Ge found Huang Jibi and called Cai Zedang a communist.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 3 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

According to the accounts of the underground party that had rebelled, the Kuomintang had information on many Communists such as Cai Zeju and Su Qingwu.Chen Lihuang quickly led people to search Tongji University, but did not find any useful information, so he sent his men to smash the archives to find Cai Zechuan's name.

On the other hand, Tao Ge came to Su Qingwu alone and tried to trick Su Qingwu but was found out, so he simply asked her to go with him to see Huang Jibi.On the other side, everyone in the training class was told that someone in the party had rebelled and must evacuate Shanghai immediately.Su Qingwu stabbed Tao Ge and hurriedly came to inform everyone that he had been exposed. Cai Zeju gave up the idea of ​​leaving a letter to his family and embarked on the journey with Xu Zhengye, Qu Xiangdong and Song Xiaobo.

After everyone left, Su Qingwu stayed behind to destroy documents, smash the assembled radio stations, and clash with a group of plainclothes agents. Until the last moment, he ended his life with a bullet. He would rather die than fall into the hands of the Kuomintang.In the hands of special agents, he died heroically.

Lin Chenhan brought the news of Cai Zedang's disappearance back to Ningde and comforted Cai's mother and Xue Pinxuan. Even though the Cai family had some foundation in Ningde, the strength of the Kuomintang should not be underestimated. He was protecting his family by not running home now.At this moment, Dane had come to Shanghai from Nanjing specifically to bring Chen Lihuang and Huang Jibi the news that Cai Zejuan and others were hiding in Zhenru, and invited Huang Jibi to arrest them together.

Summer also brought two pieces of news to Cai Zejuan and the others. The good news was that under the leadership of Mao Zedong and Zhu De, the Jiangxi and Fujian Soviet base areas had won the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, further consolidating the Jiangxi and Fujian Soviet base areas.The bad news is that due to the failure of this "encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Kuomintang has now completely surrounded the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area, resulting in a very critical situation. They do not have a radio station and cannot convey the news in time. They urgently need cadres who know radio to help establish a radio station.At this time, Cai Zechuo and others are needed to rush to the front line.

Naturally, everyone was obliged to do so. The time was tight and the task was heavy. They urgently recited the call signs and clear code books for the organization's internal communications. Under the cover of Xia Tian and others, they escaped the search of the Kuomintang agents, took a boat to Kunshan, and checked into the Koi Hotel.The proprietress is the person in charge of the liaison station here. She was ordered to convey the instructions from her superiors and made up new identities based on the characteristics of the four young people.

The four young people had just changed their clothes when the landlady came over to inform them of the sudden change in the situation. Originally, the organization had arranged for them to take a train from Kunshan to Nanjing. However, it was reported that a traitor had betrayed them and a transportation station was destroyed by the Kuomintang Investigation Section. The original plan had to be changed.For the second route, you need to linger in the local area for three days before setting off.

At the same time, Chen Lihuang learned about the escort of Cai Zejuan and others. Although he did not know the specific appearance and identity of the four young people, it was enough to show that the four people's positions were not low.Three days later, Kuomintang agents set up sentries at various locations for interrogation. In order to allow the four people to leave smoothly, Ah Liu took the opportunity to create chaos, and even to cover up Cai Zejuan's death from a bullet, causing Cai Zejuan to fall into self-blame.

On the train bound for the Jiangxi and Fujian Soviet areas, Cai Zejuan cried sadly. The old traffic officer enlightened Cai Wei with his own experience. Even though the sacrifice of his eldest son made him very sad, if the world is unfair, generations after generations will continue to bleed and even sacrifice for it.life.Hearing what the old traffic officer said, Cai Zejuan was shocked.

Tao Ge survived by luck and was awarded the rank of captain of the Kuomintang as a blessing in disguise. Zhou Mo resolutely stayed in Shanghai to take care of Tao Ge.At the same time, the old traffic officer and his son handed over Cai Zejuan and the others to the local underground party overnight. However, Cai Zejuan was in a bad mood because of Ah Liu's death. He was worried about whether he was right to follow the organization all at once, and everyone also started to dispute whether the sacrifice was worth it.Xu Zhengye told Cai Zeju that the comrades participating in the revolution were all throwing their lives and blood. They were shouldering the important task of building a radio station that was urgently needed ahead of them. They could only set up the radio station one day earlier to avoid more sacrifices.

Finally, with the persuasion of others, Cai Zehuan had the courage to face death and no longer retreat.Early the next morning, the four of them were divided into two groups according to the coded intelligence instructions from their superiors. Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye took the Huai'an line, and Qu Xiangdong and Song Xiaobo took the Bengbu line, and agreed to meet in the new episode.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 4 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

The traffic officer at the liaison station took Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye to see Boss Ma and found that they needed to pass through Huoqiu if they wanted to go to Xinji, but this was an important town at the junction of Subai and several Kuomintang units stationed there.So Boss Ma planned to have the two of them pretend to be guys. Only in this way can they reach the new episode smoothly.

The next morning, Cai Zechuo cut his hair and basked in the sun to make himself as rough as possible.Later, Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye bribed the Kuomintang deputy commander Cao through the innkeeper. Fortunately, deputy commander Cao loved money as much as his life, so he let Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye sneak into the Kuomintang team, and both sides traded goods for mutual benefit.

After Tao Ge recovered from his injury, Huang Jibi took Tao Ge and Zhou Mo back to the Nanjing Inspection and Translation Office.However, not long after, Zhou Mo was sent to the front line by his superiors to perform tasks. Tao Ge was worried about the safety of his lover Zhou Mo. He believed that even if he went to the front line, he should be the one who should not let a girl, especially a girl with great radio talent, die.in danger.

On the other side, Cai Zechuan and Xu Zhengye, wearing Kuomintang military uniforms, followed the team from Huoqiu into the Soviet area. They happened to be caught by the Red Guards led by Shi Lanqing, who mistakenly thought they were Kuomintang soldiers.Although the two wanted to explain their identities, Shi Lanqing did not give them a chance and directly captured them back to the base. Thanks to the chairman of the Peasants Association, he appeared and exchanged codes with them, and their identities were proved to be his own.

Because the person who had been sent to respond had not yet returned, the chairman of the farmers' association told Cai Zechu and Xu Zhengye that the base area was still forty or fifty miles away from Xinji, so they might as well take a rest today and maybe they could see the person who responded tomorrow.The two of them considered that there was an urgent need to prepare for the establishment of a radio station, so they requested to go to Xinji immediately. It happened that Shi Lanqing was going to Xinji's women's training class, so they took the opportunity to see them off.

During this process, Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye arrived at Xinji and met the post-war memorial service. They learned that the large army lost the battle due to the reconnaissance company's misreporting of enemy movements, and suffered extremely heavy casualties.Looking at the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers and the mournful cries of the common people, Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye felt very uncomfortable. They were well aware of the frontline's desire for radio stations and wanted to start work quickly, but were told by Commander Wang that there was no radio station on the frontline.

Later, Xia Tian appeared as Li Guodong, director of the New Political Department, to support the two people in their radio station preparations, and told Cai Zehuan that revolution cannot be achieved by just a few mouths and a pen. It must be accompanied by the sacrifices of countless people. In this wayOnly the revolution will be victorious.What's more, in Li Guodong's view, the current shortage of supplies in the Soviet area is completely inferior to that of Greater Shanghai. They are facing layers of blockades from the Kuomintang and can only find ways to solve the difficulties on their own.

Because of this, Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye planned to look for useful components to assemble radio stations. Although Commander Wang did not know what components were, he said that he had experienced many battles before and had seized many Kuomintang materials. Maybe he could get some information from them.Some big discoveries.

Commander Wang arranged logistics to pull all the supplies from the warehouse. Li Guodong also considered the safety of Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye and suggested finding someone to take charge of their safety. Therefore, Commander Wang selected Xu Dapeng, commander of the reconnaissance company, and asked him to make up for his mistakes.At first, Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye didn't find the radio items, so they decided to rummage through the warehouse themselves, and sure enough they found some usable components.

Because the things were too old, many components were no longer usable. Cai Zejuan and Xu Zhengye could only try their best to make repairs. At the same time, they thought that if Qu Xiangdong and Song Xiaobo were also there, the four of them would discuss and find a solution together.As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Xiangdong and Song Xiaobo appeared in the new episode. The four of them worked together and successfully assembled “half of the radio station”, but unfortunately B443 was still missing.Xu Dapeng took everyone to find Battalion Commander Lei and learned from him that the wooden box was in the hands of Commander Wang. Commander Wang readily agreed to take it out.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 5 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Because Xu Zhengye had experience in assembling fifteen-watt radio stations in Shanghai, after they got the B443 from the radio, they couldn't wait to let Xu Zhengye assemble the radio. Sure enough, half of the radio was in good condition, and soon they received information about Chiang Kai-shek's order to the KuomintangNo important official of any agency is allowed to join anti-Japanese groups, as we adhere to the policy of "Anti-foreign aggression must first pacify domestic affairs".

Although the radio station could only receive reports but not send them, it was still a rare breakthrough for them. Cai Zejuan and others discussed organizing the received news into internal reference, and proposed to open a radio training class in the new episode.At the same time, the army commander called everyone to a meeting. Due to the lack of progress in the encirclement and suppression, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Military Commission decided to launch the Huang'an Campaign to disrupt the Kuomintang's military deployment in the Soviet area and planned to divide the troops into three groups.

In addition, Li Guodong specially reminded everyone that if a radio station is found in the seized materials, they must find a way to send it back to Xinji no matter what, even if it cannot be sent back, it must be protected.Tao Ge immediately sent the urgent telegram to Huang Jibi after receiving it. The telegram requested two divisions of the Kuomintang to rush to rescue Huang'an. Instead, Huang An's defenders were asked to go out of the city to rush for reinforcements. Huang Jibi was deeply confused and conveyed it as usual.

At this time, the battle of Huang'an started, and the Kuomintang suffered heavy losses. A telegram came from Nanjing to inform the division commander that the headquarters had sent troops to assist the 29th and 30th Divisions. The division commander was told not to be distracted and to annihilate the 11th Division of the Red Army with all his strength.However, seeing that the situation was over, Zhou Mo sent a coded telegram to Tao Ge and prepared to commit suicide.

On the other hand, the Inspection and Translation Office was found to have a Communist undercover agent. Tao Geyin was arrested by the inspection team and did not receive the telegram. Huang Jibi accidentally intercepted the contents of the telegram.Just when Huang Jibi called Dan Zeng to inquire about the situation, and wanted to guarantee with his life that there would be no problem with student Tao Ge, he didn't know that Dan Zeng was also taken away for investigation.For this reason, Huang Jibi answered the call of the inspection team and angrily questioned them for taking Tao Ge away without authorization.

The 73rd Division seized the high ground in one go and pursued the victory.After Shi Lanqing graduated from the women's class, she brought propaganda captain Du Hong and Red Guard member Wang Xiaojing to Xinji. They met Cai Zejuan and his group and offered to sign up for a communications training class. However, Cai Zejuan said that there would be an assessment in three months.If you fail, you will be eliminated.

At the same time, the fighting on the frontline battlefield was still fierce. The division commander ordered Zhou Mo to send a message as soon as possible to report the fall of Huang'an.Lei Shen led people into Huang'an City to search the Kuomintang, and promptly stopped Zhou Mo who was about to commit suicide, and brought back a complete radio station. The relationship with Xu Dapeng also eased.

When Huang Jibi heard that the Kuomintang troops stationed in Huang'an had been wiped out, he was filled with self-blame and guilt. He stayed by Tao Ge's bedside and couldn't bear to tell him about it.Tao Ge saw Zhou Mo's telegram message and guessed that Zhou Mo might have suffered a misfortune and was heartbroken. Huang Jibi couldn't bear to see it.

Now that there was a complete radio station, everyone was overjoyed. Li Guodong asked Cai Zejuan to send a message to Ruijin Central to inform him of the victory in the Huang'an battle, and he received a call back soon.Cai Zechuan and Xu Zhengye proposed that they need more accessories personnel, and Li Guodong said that he would help them find a way. The location selection is also very important, and it is also very important to find a place that is convenient for hiding.

After Tao Ge recovered from his injury, he returned to the translation office and looked at the photos of himself and Zhou Mo sadly. On the other hand, Cai Zejuan and the others intercepted a telegram through the Kuomintang frequency, and the content was all about magpies and tigers.Zhou Mo, who was in the prison camp, typed out the code with his fingers. He happened to be seen by Lu Shaowu, who was also a telegraph operator, and took the initiative to come over and talk to him.

After some screening, the Xinji training class officially started, and Shi Lanqing, Du Hong, and Wang Xiaojing were admitted.Cai Zejuan told everyone about radio waves, and Shi Lanqing knew everything about them and was very smart.The division commander was once reported by Zhou Mo for embezzling soldiers' pensions. Zhou Mo was not afraid of this division commander with a human face and a beast's heart, but he tried his best to persuade Zhou Mo to hide his identity for him, so that as long as he got out, he would be able to rise to prominence.

Huang Jibi noticed that Tao Ge had been absent-minded and emotionally unstable in recent days. Tao Ge also knew that he could not continue to be depressed, otherwise he would be sorry for Zhou Mo's sacrifice.After hearing what Tao Ge said, Huang Jibi was very pleased and said that he needed to use a new password now and his own password still needed to be improved. He hoped that Tao Ge would redesign a new one.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 6 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Li Guodong promoted the Red Army's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners in the prisoner camp, and made it clear that they would not torture or kill prisoners. Whether it was the Kuomintang or the Communist Party, the common enemy of both parties was the culprit who owed the people a blood debt, and was also the landlord who exploited the people. The Communist Party intendedIn order to let the poor people stand up and make the decision, if they want to stay in the Red Army, they will be very welcome. If they don't want to, they can also receive two silver dollars and go home.

In addition, Li Guodong mentioned that the Red Army was in urgent need of communication talents, and Lu Shaowu resolutely chose to stay. Zhou Mo was unwilling to let a black sheep like the division commander regain his freedom, so he reported his identity on the spot and watched him being captured.It was precisely because Zhou Mo heard Lu Shaowu's words and Commander Wang persuaded him to stay that he agreed to stay and serve as a teacher in the training class.

Because Zhou Mo was once a member of the Kuomintang, Shi Lanqing and others complained about her. Living in the same house made the atmosphere particularly awkward.When sleeping in the middle of the night, Zhou Mo sent a telegram to Tao Ge in his dream, tapping the password unconsciously with his fingers, which made Shi Lanqing very unhappy.Cai Zejuan and others received the information and recorded a lot of useful content. They believed that understanding the movements of the Kuomintang would be very helpful to the soldiers of the entire army.

Tao Ge spent all his sleep and food designing the password and used Green's formula. Huang Jibi thought it was not complex enough. He always felt that there must be math masters on the Communist Party's side.Soon, Xinji received a new telegram confirming that the Kuomintang had established a general headquarters for the suppression of bandits in Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, with Chiang Kai-shek personally serving as the commander-in-chief, and would launch the fourth siege against them. Cai Zejuan informed Xu Dapeng to quickly send the news to the headquarters..

The organization approved the list of the first batch of telegraph operators, and six people including Shi Lanqing, Du Hong, and Wang Xiaojing successfully graduated and became official telegraph operators.Cai Zejuan suggested setting up a maintenance team, which would be mainly responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment. Zhou Mo and Lu Shaowu were not allowed to have access to the radio station's core secrets due to their identities, so they were arranged to become maintenance personnel. Zhou Mo was unwilling to do so.

In July 1932, the Kuomintang officially launched the fourth encirclement and suppression campaign with the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area as the main target. This time the Kuomintang deployed 24 divisions around Hubei-Henan-Anhui Province with more than 300,000 troops and four aviation squadrons.Xinji, the capital of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area, was constantly bombarded. The Fourth Red Army retreated westward as a whole, and the radio station was also split into two. Cai Zechuan led the radio station alone.On the occasion of separation, Cai Zejuan handed Xu Xiangdong and Qu Zhengye a secret code book to obtain more enemy intelligence.

During the transfer, there was a problem with the radio station. Zhou Mo helped repair it and quickly restored the radio station to normal use.Zhou Mo missed his lover Tao Ge and unconsciously tapped the tiger with his fingers, which attracted Shi Lanqing's attention.On the other side, Dane took the initiative to come to Huang Jibi and said that he was currently serving as the director of the Intelligence Division. Many people were eyeing the Interpretation and Interpretation Institute and were willing to cooperate with Huang Jibi for mutual benefit.

Cai Zejuan, Xu Zhengye and others marched separately, climbing mountains and crossing rivers, and traveled long distances.Because the radio station was in urgent need of manpower for reporting, Shi Lanqing, Du Hong, and Wang Xiaojing took over temporarily and worked hard to copy the radio content.Cai Zejuan asked Zhou Mo and Lu Shaowu if they remembered the Kuomintang's internal call sign frequency and told them to use this frequency to receive messages.Lu Shaowu had never done electronic translation work before, so he recommended Zhou Mo to translate.

Now that the Kuomintang is using the code designed by Huang Jibi, even Zhou Mo can't translate it.Tao Ge took the initiative to ask Huang Jibi to know whether his password adopted the classical model. Sure enough, Huang Jibi said that he did refer to Chinese classical cryptography, so the Communist Party must still follow modern Western cryptography, and it is completely impossible to decipher the content.At the same time, Xu Dapeng sent a message to Commander Wang and others on behalf of Cai Zejuan, suspecting that the enemy was making large-scale mobilizations and that there would probably be a large-scale military operation soon.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 7 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Soon, Wang Zhensheng and others discovered that an enemy was approaching, so they sent Xu Dapeng and Lei Shen to escort the people in Ertai, but they were surrounded by enemies.Cai Zejuan ordered everyone to bury the equipment on the spot as a precaution. Commander Cai Zejuan was shot and died while covering the departure of the two station personnel. Cai Zejuan fell into deep self-blame. He studied code deciphering day and night, but still had no idea.

Shi Lanqing reported the incident to Li Guodong, saying that Cai Zejuan blamed himself for the combat losses and the death of Commander Cai. He always felt that his intelligence work was not done well, and others were worried about Cai Zejuan's health.Li Guodong was very pleased that the two stations were so united, so he conveyed the instructions of the commander. In order to protect the safety of all members of the two stations, they will be allowed to walk among the troops during the march in the future. The soldiers of the guard company are responsible for protecting their safety, and all equipment and baggage will be handled by the transportation team..

Not long after, the large army arrived at Huangchaifan, north of the river mouth.In the evening, Zhou Mo told Lu Shaowu that they were like bats in a flock of birds in the Red Army. However, Lu Shaowu didn't think so. He hoped that Zhou Mo could understand that they were both staunch Red Army soldiers now and should give up swinging.Uncertain thoughts.

Early the next morning, Cai Zejuan asked Lu Shaowu and Zhou Mo whether they had been exposed to work related to the Kuomintang radio code.Zhou Mo bluntly said that the Kuomintang invited cryptography expert Huang Jibi from abroad to design the password, shared Huang Jibi's mathematical encryption ideas, and suggested that Cai Zechuan should start with Huang Jibi.Cai Zejuan realized that Zhou Mo was too smart and was still worried about her, so he did not leave the radio-related matters to her. On the other hand, Huang Jibi asked Tao Ge to work with him to decipher the Red Army code.

Xu Zhengye brought the next step of action instructions and conveyed that the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Central Branch and the Fourth Red Army Command held an emergency meeting and decided to abandon the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and arrange for other troops to jump out of the enemy encirclement and go to the west of Pinghan Road to find the Red Army.Because it was top secret, in order to prevent leaks, Xu Zhengye informed them to leave early tomorrow morning.

However, Cai Zejuan did not have optimistic thoughts. He had lost contact with the radio station in the Western Soviet Area of ​​Hunan and Hubei for a long time, and he was afraid that something bad would happen.As Cai Zechuan expected, when everyone arrived at the garrison of the Red Army, they found that the Red Army had already evacuated and still failed to successfully join forces.At this moment, the main station called to inform that the large forces would return to the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area.

Dane was ordered by the commission to come to Huang Jibi and inform him that the Kuomintang intended to encircle and annihilate the Fourth Red Army. He hoped that Huang Jibi would encrypt the secret message and send it to various ministries.The Central Red Army State worked hard to decipher the secret report. After learning about it, Army Commander Wang Zhensheng ordered his troops to assemble urgently and march to the Nanhuatang area.

Because of this, Dane once again came to urge Huang Jibi to decipher the CCP's secret message as soon as possible.Huang Jibi repeatedly emphasized that he only worked in secret communications and did not understand their so-called political struggle at all.At this moment, the Fourth Red Army, with the intelligence support of the Second Bureau of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, immediately turned around and headed west. After five days of rapid march, the entire army entered the Xichuan area at the junction of Henan and Hubei through the Shahe and Xianghua highways, and got rid of the 400,000-strong Kuomintang army in Xiangzaoyi.However, the Fourth Red Army also lost the conditions to fight back to the Hubei, Henan and Anhui base areas and was forced to find a new foothold.

Cai, Xu, and Qu worked together again. Inspired by the country's meritorious service, the three were determined to decipher the enemy's electricity.Cai Zejiu intercepted the enemy's telegram again and found that the code had been changed. The three of them tried to decipher it again.After intercepting the message for the second time, Cai Zejuan's heart sank. He was worried that the previously deciphered message was a mistake, and that Commander Cai's sacrifice would happen again.

Wang Ying, who works at the translation office, wants to drive a wedge between Tao Ge and Huang Jibi, but Tao Ge is loyal to Huang Jibi.The Kuomintang troops marched along the road, only ten miles away from Nanhuatang. Enemies were also found in other places. Wang Zhensheng made emergency deployments to deal with the enemy encirclement. The sound of gunfire was close at hand. Cai Zejiu regretted that he could not provide more for the Fourth Red Army.Valuable information.

Superiors instructed the Fourth Red Army to quickly abandon Nanhua Sugar in order to retain their strength.Lei Shen was ordered to cover the safe evacuation of the radio station personnel, but found the enemy halfway, so he had to let Xu Dapeng lead the people to escape first, and they were responsible for covering.Because several elite units of the Kuomintang encircled and attacked, the Fourth Red Army was attacked from both sides and faced many dangers.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 8 plot introduction

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Seeing so many wounded people passing by, Cai, Xu, Qu and others felt deeply guilty. If they could decipher the Kuomintang's message as soon as possible, the Fourth Red Army would not be in such a situation.While Cai Zejuan was feeling guilty for his dereliction of duty, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Military Commission and the General Headquarters of the Fourth Red Army were having a heated debate over whether the Fourth Red Army should disperse the guerrillas or concentrate on breaking out.In the end, the general headquarters unified their opinions and concentrated their forces in the early morning of the next day to break through the Beishan Pass where the enemy's defense was relatively weak. Life and death depended on this move.

Xu Dapeng led the team to temporarily repel the enemy. After Commander Wang received the telegram from the headquarters, he believed that Commander Xu would make the right choice, so the next step was to prepare for a breakout.Cai Zejuan and others buried the equipment on the spot, but they didn't know that the Kuomintang troops were chasing them again. So Cai Zejuan got the idea out of the blue and sprinkled silver coins to lure the enemy and swallowed the code book.

Seeing that the national army was pressing forward step by step, Cai Zejiu was in danger. Fortunately, Wang Zhensheng and Lei Shen arrived in time to repel the enemy.Cai Zejuan felt distressed that the radio station was gone. Wang Zhensheng told Cai Zejuan that things could be intercepted again if they were gone, but if life safety was threatened, there would be no room for maneuver.In the Battle of Manchuang Pass, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army faced a desperate situation with no retreat, and finally broke through the encirclement at the cost of the lives of more than 2,000 Red Army commanders and fighters.

On the other side, Xue Pinxuan came to Shanghai with her children and saw the place where her husband Cai Zejuan once lived, and she was filled with emotions.Lin Chenhan reminded Xue Pinxuan that the situation in Shanghai was more complicated, and Xue Pinxuan wanted to know whether Cai Zejuan had joined the Communist Party. However, Lin Chenhan did not want his nephew to go to this point, so he comforted Xue Pinxuan not to worry too much and to return to Ningde as soon as possible for comfort. He would be there soon.Move away from Shanghai and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

Although the Battle of Manchuanguan was not successful, Huang Jibi felt that he had completely lost. He was even more curious about why the Communist Party was able to set up a radio station, train talents and design a code in a short period of time. He was full of expectations for such a group of people.Later, the radio station staff braved the heavy rain to walk on the cliff. During the process, someone almost fell. Fortunately, Cai Zejiao caught him in time.Shi Lanqing caught a cold and had a fever due to being exposed to the rain. Cai Zechuo covered her with his quilt to keep warm and told her that it was more important to protect herself at this time.

In mid-December 1932, Cai Zechuan led the Second Taiwan Army to follow the Fourth Red Army in its westward expedition of three thousand miles and stationed in Shangyuanguan Town, Chenggu County, Shaanxi Province. However, the Kuomintang's pursuers had been left far behind in Guanzhong.At this point, the Fourth Red Army finally got rid of the enemy's pursuit.In mid-February 1933, the Soviet government of Sichuan-Shaanxi Province was formally established, and the Fourth Red Army finally had a new base. However, regarding the enemy's code, Cai Zejue was like a man walking blind, still not seeing a trace of light.

Cai Zejiu and others were inspired and motivated by the great efforts of the state to decipher the enemy signals that Cai Wei failed to decipher, and sent people to collect a large amount of local information.Working day and night, the three of them were finally able to decipher part of the message. At the same time, Zhou Mo also confirmed through Wang Xiaojing that Cai Zejue had made progress in deciphering the Kuomintang code.

Tao Ge reported to Huang Jibi that Sichuan warlords Liu Wenhui, Tian Songyao, Deng Xihou, Liu Xiang and others had accepted the armistice and jointly dealt with the Fourth Red Army that established the Soviet regime in northern Sichuan.Huang Jibi was under great pressure and worked day and night to decipher the code of the Red Army radio station, but he never had an idea.

Wang Ying took the initiative to come to Tao Ge, and when her offer of help was rejected, she told Tao Ge that Huang Jibi had not really reused him.Tao Ge completely ignored it and revealed to Huang Jibi that Wang Ying was a little strange. Huang Jibi thought it was someone sent by Dane, but the top priority was not to pursue this matter, but to continue to crack the code.At the same time, Cai, Xu and Qu handed over the newly deciphered message to Wang Zhensheng.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 9 plot introduction

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Now Cai Zejuan and others can basically deduce the general content of the telegram by combining various pieces of information. However, there are still gaps in the specific number and marching direction, which have not yet been fully deciphered.Wang Zhensheng said that everything is difficult at the beginning, and it will be much easier as long as you turn to the first page. Since Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong are not as good at mathematics as Cai Zechuan, the next deciphering pressure falls on Cai Zechuan.

Although everyone still didn't know what was going on in the room, they heard the laughter of the leaders and thought something good should happen.On the other hand, Dan Zeng took the initiative to come to Huang Jibi, urging him to quickly decipher the telegrams from the Chinese Communist Party and to produce the results appropriately before presenting them to the committee. Huang Jibi was so upset by Dan Zeng that he directly pulled out the blackboard and reminded them of the information.If Chu had any idea, he would help immediately. When Dan Zeng saw this, he had no choice but to leave angrily.

Comrades lurking within the national army risked their lives and sent an intelligence report. According to the intelligence content, it was pointed out that Chiang Kai-shek had ordered Tian Songyao to supervise the suppression of bandits in the Sichuan-Shaanxi area, and had approved 200,000 yuan in funding and 1 million rounds of ammunition., taking advantage of the situation where hundreds of thousands of Sichuan troops had not yet fully gained a foothold, they launched a general offensive in time.

It happened that the keywords of the latest message deciphered by Cai, Xu and Qu were completely consistent with the intelligence. This shows that the current deciphering idea is very correct. Everyone feels very excited. As long as they continue, it will not take long to obtain more detailed intelligence.Content, you no longer need to rely on keywords to speculate on the movements of the national army.

Cai Zejuan told everyone present that they had climbed over the natural dangers to come here during the Chinese New Year, and they were fighting Tian Songyao's troops. They should be afraid of the enemy.Soon, Cai Zejuan intercepted another telegram. Since they didn't know Tian Songyao well enough, the three of them dug up the establishment and number of the Kuomintang troops. They also found Wang Zhensheng to inquire about the Sichuan army, and concluded that Tian Song asked Yang Sen and Liu Cunhou to send troops to cooperate with this encirclement and suppression campaign.Action conclusion.

In this battle, the main force of the Red 73rd Division and the Red 11th Division fought against the enemy's left column in Nanjiang. The 12th Red Division fought against the enemy's central column and right column in Bazhong. The 33rd Regiment of the Red 11th Division was deployed in the southwest of Tongjiang River.To alert Yang Sen's troops, the 10th Red Division was deployed in the northeast of Tongjiang to deal with Liu Cunhou's troops, covering the flanks and rear, and serving as a strategic reserve; the 218th Regiment of the 73rd Red Division was deployed in the northeastern area of ​​​​Nanjiang, to guard against Hanzhong.The general headquarters of the Fourth Front Army is located in Tongjiang.

Cai Zejuan monitored the radio station closely in order to obtain more combat-related information. Shi Lanqing advised him to take a rest but was rejected.Zhou Mo saw Shi Lanqing's worries and saw that she wanted to share Cai Zejuo's work, so he decided to teach her some basic things. Shi Lanqing was very happy to hear this.

With Cai Zechuo working day and night, the deciphering gradually made more progress.Because of the attack of Tian Songyao's troops, the first and second stations were separated again. One station stayed at the station, and the second station followed the march as the front line. Cai Zechuo immediately packed up his things and asked Xu Zhengye to burn some documents for him.

The frontline war benefited as a result. Wang Zhensheng once again lamented the importance of radio intelligence work, but Cai Zechuan said that it would take two to three days to completely decipher it.In the following time, Cai Zejuan raced against time to decipher the telegram, and immediately deciphered a telegram so that Xu Dapeng could rush it to the military headquarters.It was precisely with Cai Zechuo's telegram that the Fourth Red Army ambushed the Chinese army halfway and won a victory.

Li Guodong reminded everyone that the enemy's troop deployment was several times theirs, and they still had to be prepared for a tough battle. Wang Zhensheng guessed the direction and time of the national army's attack based on the keywords provided by Cai Zeji, and dispatched some troops to fight. Finally, Lei ShenLead people to repel the enemy.

Since the Sichuan Army was reprimanded, the entire army has used the code designed by Huang Jibi. Tao Ge revealed to Huang Jibi that Dane had recruited a group of mathematicians from outside, probably to replace Huang Jibi's position.Dane once came to congratulate Huang Jibi and said that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to commend Huang Jibi. Huang Jibi said that it was his duty and refused to go to accept the commendation because he had not yet deciphered the secret messages from the Chinese Communist Party.

Thor brought a telegram of victory, and the soldiers in the army were deeply inspired and very happy.Shi Lanqing passed by Cai Zejuan's room and saw that he was so tired that he fell asleep on the table, so he put clothes on him and drew his shoe size. This scene happened to be seen by Zhou Mo, who asked Shi Lanqing privately if he liked Cai Zejuan. Shi LanqingShy to admit.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 10 plot introduction

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Zhou Mo encouraged Shi Lanqing to boldly express her feelings to Cai Wei. Shi Lanqing's heart was pounding when he heard it, and he curiously asked her if she had such a sweetheart in her heart.On the other side, Cai Zejuan and others received the message again. According to the previous rules, they decoded the message and found that it was all garbled code, which meant that the enemy used a new password and needed to start over.

Since Cai Zejun played a key role in this battle, the commander ordered people to make bacon and give it to Cai Zejun. As a result, Shi Lanqing was about to send it to Cai Zejun, but found that he was so focused on deciphering the code that he almost burned his pants with the brazier.Cai Zejuan took this opportunity to give the finished shoes to Cai Zejuan, but Cai Zejuan didn't notice it was a pair of new shoes at all. It wasn't until Shi Lanqing took out the old shoes that he suddenly realized it.

Just when Shi Lanqing was about to confess his love to Cai Zejuan, he unexpectedly learned that Cai Ze already had a wife. He swallowed back what he wanted to say and ran to the room crying sadly.While on duty, Shi Lanqing was absent-minded and failed to respond to the enemy's telegrams. He even copied the wrong telegrams. Cai Zejuo became furious and criticized her in public and ordered Shi Lanqing to be detained for seven days.

Cai Zejuan told everyone present that the content of the telegram was extremely important. Even a small error would affect the enemy's entire combat order and affect the lives and safety of all soldiers in the army.Therefore, Cai Zechuo repeatedly reminded everyone that he is not making a fuss today. Their job is to concentrate and be meticulous. There is no room for any distractions and mistakes. Mishearing and misinterpreting a code, even a slight error will bring greater consequences to the entire army.Big losses, even catastrophe.

Lu Shaowu had never seen Cai Zejuan get so angry, and felt that seven days of confinement was a bit serious, but Zhou Mo said that if it were the Kuomintang, he would be shot for three mistakes like this.Considering that Shi Lanqing was in solitary confinement and someone had to replace her, Zhou Mo encouraged Lu Shaowu to find Cai Zejue and expressed the hope that the organization would approve the two of them to become official telegraph operators.

However, Cai Zechuan said that he has submitted an application, and the details will depend on the organization's inspection.Then Li Guodong and others came to Cai Zejuan and announced that the organization had approved Lu Shaowu to join the news team. As for Zhou Mo's need to continue observing, Cai Zejuan talked about it after returning.Everyone congratulated Lu Shaowu one after another, which made Zhou Mo even more disappointed.

During this period of time, Huang Jibi had been deciphering the Chinese radio station day and night, but still could not find the key clues.Tao Ge sent several documents to Huang Jibi and conveyed Dai Enzeng's meaning. Huang Jibi became impatient when he heard Dai Enzeng's name and said that he would decipher it within a limited time.

Due to the severe interception situation, Cai Zejuan lifted Shi Lanqing's confinement in advance. Xu Dapeng also revealed to Shi Lanqing that all her mistakes were blocked by Cai Zejuan.Shi Lanqing realized her problem and immediately ran to Cai Zejuan, preparing to apologize to him. But she also thought a lot more clearly, put aside her feelings for Cai Zejuan, and found a better man than him after the revolution.

On the other hand, Cai Zejuan continued to work hard to decipher the code, and suddenly he was inspired to think of the secret road that Huang Jibi might use.When Cai Zejuan came out of the room, Shi Lanqing first apologized and promised to become an excellent telegraph operator, which made Cai Zejuan feel very happy.Tao Ge reported to Huang Jibi the news that the Kuomintang had regained Nanjiang and Bazhong cities one after another, and comforted Huang Jibi that he did not have to blame himself for being unable to decipher the Communist Party's code.

On the other side, Cai Zejuan had completely deciphered Huang Jibi's code and promptly sent a telegram to the military headquarters, which recorded in detail the number of personnel, their equipment, and the direction of the attack. Yang Sen and Liu Cunhou's troops had been dispatched and now officially joined the three-way siege campaign.At dawn on the 13th, they will cooperate with Tian Songyao to besiege the Fourth Red Army from three directions: east, west and south. Their strength is more than ten times theirs.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 11 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Now Huang Jibi was still at a loss to decipher the CCP code, so he asked Tao Ge to put aside the work at hand and focus all his energy on collecting intelligence.Li Guodong told Cai Zejuan that the leaders were very happy that he cracked the enemy's code, which was of great significance to future strategic deployment. He believed that Cai Zejuan's contribution could be written into the military history of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.Cai Zechuan said that the workload of the radio station was too heavy and there was a shortage of manpower. He hoped that weekends could be added to the news team, but Li Guodong still felt that Zhou Mo should be inspected again.

At this time, the second station intercepted the enemy's telegram and found that the enemy had fallen into the trap of the Fourth Red Army. It really thought that the Fourth Red Army had abandoned its armor and was defeated.Wang Zhensheng laughed and said that after Tian Songyao occupied Tonghua County, he got carried away and thought that the Red Army could be eliminated in a snap. Little did he know that the Red Army had already planned to take action.

Shi Lanqing heard the sound of artillery fire coming from the east and was curious as to why Tian Songyao was surrounded from three directions: south, west and north, so why the battle started from the east first.Cai Zejuan said that what Commander Xu wanted was not to face the battle head-on, but to solve his worries. Liu Cunhou wanted to seize the opportunity to attack from the east, so he simply used a trick to give the opponent a head-on blow, so that he would not dare to attack easily, and then concentrated all his troops.Deal with Tian Songyao's three armies.

In the following days, Cai Zejuan continued to decipher enemy signals, and the headquarters quickly made response decisions based on the intelligence, and the three-way siege was successfully defeated.The Fourth Red Army's troop resources increased significantly, they were reorganized on the spot, and they signed a non-aggression agreement with Yang Hucheng.Li Guodong delivered a speech to the military instructors regarding the anti-three-prong siege campaign. Everyone was surprised that the intelligence was accurate and timely, and played an indispensable role in this victory.

Later, Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong came to Cai Zechuan and announced that the Northwest Military Commission had decided to reorganize the radio station and set up an electronic affairs department. Qu Xiangdong would be the director of the electronic affairs department. There would still be two radio stations under it. Xu ZhengyeHe was appointed as the director of the first station, and Cai Zejuan was appointed as the director of the second station, responsible for radio technical reconnaissance work.However, Shi Lanqing felt that it was a bit unfair. The victory in the battle was obviously due to Cai Zejuan, but in the end, he still stayed in his original position. Qu Xiangdong explained that the director was responsible for uploading and distributing information, and only Cai Zejuan's radio technical reconnaissance was the most popular.

Soon Cai Zejuan received a telegram and learned that the Sichuan army suddenly changed its general to Liu Xiang. Tian Songyao's strength was seriously damaged, and Yang Sen and Liu Cunhou could only try to protect themselves.The battle to attack Wanyuan began, and the two sides were in a stalemate. Cai Zejuan once again intercepted the enemy's telegram and learned that there was insufficient food in the city.

Battalion Commander Lei led his troops to attack Wanyuan City and used a loudspeaker to shout inside, causing the Sichuan army to surrender and win without a fight.Cai Zejuan was furious when he learned about the shouting incident and believed that this was a serious intelligence leak. Once the Kuomintang knew that the password was forced, they would immediately change the password, and all previous efforts would be in vain.Wang Zhensheng and Li Guodong understood that they had not thought carefully and could only seek remedial measures.

On the other hand, the situation of the Kuomintang was unfavorable. Tao Ge firmly believed that Huang Jibi's code would not be deciphered, and concluded that there were spies within the Sichuan Army.Sure enough, Cai Zechuo also thought of this method, and came up with a trick: soldiers are always willing to deceive, making the Sichuan Army brigade commander mistakenly believe that there was a spy inside, and reported it to the Kuomintang.Because of this, the Kuomintang did not change the password. Dane came to see Huang Jibi in person and conveyed that Huang Jibi had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. Huang Jibi was very surprised.

Although the news team was understaffed, Zhou Mo was still not qualified to contact the radio station.After Liu Xiang became the commander-in-chief of the national army to suppress bandits, he reported to his superiors his plan to prepare for the Six-Road March, and was very confident that he could wipe out the Fourth Red Army within three months. Huang Jibi felt that this was a big statement, and the real danger to the party and the state was that they acted independently.warlord.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 12 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Liu Xiang's reconnaissance plane discovered the location of the Fourth Red Army's frontline headquarters and radio station, and it is expected to send six bombers to destroy them at 6 o'clock today.After Cai Zejuan learned of the telegram, he immediately informed Wang Zhensheng and Li Guodong and arranged for everyone to evacuate urgently within half an hour and hide in the woods on the mountain.

However, after a while, there was still no movement. Just when Wang Xiaojing thought that the intelligence was wrong, she suddenly found six planes flying over and bombing.Tao Ge mentioned this matter to Huang Jibi, suspecting that the telegram had been learned by the Red Army, but Huang Jibi reminded Tao Ge not to make random guesses. Due to the recent consecutive defeats in the war, he decided to change the new password.

At the same time, Dane once approached Huang Jibi and expressed that the higher authority approved the change of password and ordered the entire KMT army radio to be silent for 48 hours.Dan Zeng pretended to be unwell and deliberately took amphetamines in front of Huang Jibi, and gave the medicine to Huang Jibi on the pretext of concern. He was not so kind because the doctor had told Dan Zeng that although amphetamines could indeed help focus,There are very serious side effects, and you can only eat a quarter of a tablet at most.

On the other side, Radio 2 had not received any telegrams from the enemy for more than 40 hours. Cai Zejiu guessed that the radio station would not be silent for long, and a new password might be changed next.Zhou Mo saw that Cai Zejuan was worried and found out about it through Lu Shaowu.Sure enough, when the second station intercepted the enemy's telegram again, it was already a message encrypted with a new password. Cai Zejuo quickly ordered someone to notify Xu Zhengye and Xu Xiangdong.

Now that the enemy has changed the password, it means that most of Cai Zejiao's previous work has been in vain. More importantly, the Red Army is temporarily unable to detect the enemy's deployment. The tense war makes him dare not relax for a moment, and he tries to crack the enemy day and night.new password.Although the deciphering work was in trouble, Cai Zejiu soon had an idea. He guessed that in such a short period of time, the enemy might not have replaced the entire encryption system, but had made changes in the original encryption method. Following this idea, he once againHe wrote and calculated and finally successfully deciphered it.

In the latest telegram, Cai Zeji learned that Wang Lingji could not attack Bijia Mountain for a long time, so he wanted to take advantage of the thick fog to cross the Zhou River and attack Xuanhan and Daxian, and confirmed the exact time.After that, Wang Lingji sent a telegram every day bragging about his victory to Liu Xiang. Wang Zhensheng decided to take advantage of the situation and resorted to a trick: go up to the house and take out the elevator.

Later, the second station intercepted the news and learned that Wang Lingji actually took his young wife home for the New Year, and directly handed over the command to the chief of staff. Wang Zhensheng believed that the time had come and fired the first shot against the six-pronged siege.Cai Zejuan led the second station to monitor enemy power 24 hours a day, providing a large amount of intelligence support for the Fourth Red Army's command and decision-making. Therefore, the anti-sixth route siege campaign ended with the greatest victory in the history of the Fourth Red Army's war. Wang Lingji left his post without authorization and was arrested.He was dismissed from his military post and placed under house arrest in Chengdu.

Because Huang Jibi was unable to decipher the CCP code, he could only rely on amphetamines to support his body. Later, he asked Tao Ge to submit his resignation report for him.Wang Ying called to report to Dai Enzeng, but Dai Enzeng believed that now was not the time to resign and told Wang Ying to continue to keep an eye on the situation.

The Northwest Military Commission held a commendation meeting for the anti-Sixth Route Siege in Maoyu Town. Xu Zhengye said that the Central Military Commission's radio station had been unable to contact him for a long time, so he could only ask Cai Zejiao to pay more attention to the enemy's movements and provide protection for them to go to the northwest.Cai Zechuo missed his family in his heart and did not know when they would be reunited. However, he knew that in order to be reunited, he needed to win the revolution, and he hoped to wait until this day.

Not long after, Xu Zhengye received a call from the Second Bureau of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission. It turned out that the original plan for the transfer of the Central Red Army was to go to western Hunan to join forces with the Second Red Army and the Sixth Red Army to establish a revolutionary base. However, the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission discovered thatThe enemy had already deployed heavy troops in western Hunan, so they had no choice but to abandon their previous plan, change their route to the Sichuan-Guizhou border and establish a new revolutionary base.

At the same time, Tao Ge received the telegram, but he was unable to decipher the CCP code. To them, it was just a newspaper.Tao Ge revealed to Huang Jibi that the commissioner had not yet responded to the message of resignation, and Huang Jibi was exhausted.Cai Zeju arranged for everyone to continue to monitor the enemy's movements, work day and night to figure out the enemy's troop deployment, and make great contributions to the Central Red Army's crossing of the Wu River and its march into Zunyi.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Now the Second Bureau of the Military Commission has sent a message again. They have given up their original plan and are heading west. In the revolutionary base area established on the border of Sichuan and Guizhou, the Fourth Red Army will actively support the Central Red Army from both strategic and intelligence aspects, and make every effort to achieve the meeting of the two armies.Target.Cai Zejue was very happy when he heard the news.

Dane once came to Huang Jibi and expressed that the committee did not agree with his resignation, and deployed troops on the south bank of the Yangtze River in order to completely annihilate the Party Central Committee on the banks of the Chishui River.For this reason, Dane reminded Huang Jibi that the interests of the party and the country should be placed above all else, and asked him to withdraw his resignation in a strange way. There were still three days to strengthen the telegram code, and Huang Jibi felt physically and mentally exhausted.

With the intelligence support of the two radio stations, the Red Army successfully broke through the natural barrier of Wujiang River and achieved its first great victory after the Battle of Xiangjiang River.In response to the actions of the Central Red Army, Cai Zejuan worked day and night to decipher the message. Xu Zhengye told Cai Zejuan that Commander-in-Chief Xu was having a meeting to discuss. The Central Red Army asked them that the Fourth Red Army should go north to attract the enemy's attention. The two stations should closely monitor the enemy's deployment.

In order to truly gain trust and become a radio operator, Zhou Mo deliberately caused a battery short circuit while repairing radio equipment, causing a sharp rise in temperature in a short period of time, resulting in an explosion.Lu Shaowu asked someone to get a new battery, without noticing that Zhou Mo had been observing secretly until everyone discovered that the battery was smoking, and they instantly became a mess.Seeing this, Zhou Mo ran out with the battery in his arms, and was eventually knocked unconscious. Cai Zechuo and others hurriedly chased him out and ordered people to take Zhou Mo to the hospital. Fortunately, Zhou Mo was only slightly injured and not seriously injured.

The Second Bureau and the Second Station of the Military Commission successively intercepted the national army's telegrams and found that the telegrams had changed their codes. Qu Xiangdong believed that the Central Red Army was about to cross the river, but the enemy changed the codes at this time, which was obviously targeted.Cai Zechuo then returned to the room and continued to decipher the code all night long.

Because Dane had come to put pressure on Huang Jibi, Huang Jibi kept taking amphetamines to stimulate his brain. Tao Ge was very worried when he saw it, feeling that the new code had been activated and there was no possibility of the Communist Party deciphering it again.However, Huang Jibi had long seen Chiang Kai-shek's face clearly and knew that he could not relax at any time and anywhere.

Thirty-six hours passed in the blink of an eye. Combining the deciphering ideas provided by Guo Qigong, Cai Zejuan forced himself to decipher the content and informed Xu Zhengye to quickly send a report to the Second Bureau of the Military Commission.Soon, the Central Red Army learned of the deployment information of Pan Wenhua and other troops, and promptly made strategic adjustments to postpone the northward crossing of the Yangtze River. On January 15, it crossed the Chishui River eastward and quickly advanced toward the Tongzi area, striving to create a new base area on the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border.

On the other hand, Zhou Mo used the bitter meat trick to gain the approval of Cai Zejuan and others. Li Guodong personally came to praise Zhou Mo for his sacrifice to save others and announced that Zhou Mo would officially join the news team.Not long after, the Central Red Army, with the joint intelligence support of the Second Bureau of the Military Commission and the Fourth Red Army, won a great victory in the battle of crossing Chishui. The rendezvous between the two armies was imminent, but Cai Zejiao fainted due to overexertion.

After examination, the doctor confirmed that he was suffering from malnutrition and asked Li Guodong to find a way to increase nutrition for Cai Zejiu.Li Guodong said that there will be a lot of work for Cai Zechuan in the future, so he must have a good body.When the police chief heard about Cai Zejuan, he asked Yongzhong to take the hare back to replenish Cai Zejuan's body. Who knew that Cai Zejuan had returned to Radio 2 and continued working without telling the doctor.

At this time, Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong both came to see Cai Zechuan, and another secret message was intercepted here. The content was that the enemy had dispatched two regiments, which meant that Chiang Kai-shek and the others could not sit still at all, and the fighting chance was fleeting.Zhou Mo received the telegram from Tao Ge while no one was paying attention, and suppressed his excitement.The second station moved in the heavy rain, and Zhou Mo caught a cold and developed a fever. Cai Zejiao asked everyone to rearrange the duty schedule and asked people to change Zhou Mo into warm bedding to ensure a quick recovery.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 14 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

There was heavy artillery fire outside the camp, and the Battle of Jianmen Pass started again. Cai Zejiu received a telegram and learned that the battle of Jianmen Pass was not going well. The defenders were well-equipped. The Red Army had failed to charge several times. The battle had already killed a regiment of the 31st Red Army.The troops were lost, so the front line asked the two stations to closely monitor the enemy's radio waves to prevent the enemy from tailing them.

Zhou Mo stayed in the camp and missed Tao Ge, and asked Du Hong for advice on how to apply to join the party, planning to reunite with Tao Ge after gaining the trust of the Central Committee.Yongzhong caught fish in the river and asked the cooking team to make some fish soup and serve it to Cai Zejue. However, Cai Zejue felt that he could not eat alone, so he decided to call everyone in Ertai and let everyone appease their appetite.

Dane once took the initiative to come to Huang Jibi and questioned him angrily. He also used the Fourth Red Army to secretly cross the Jialing River to stimulate Huang Jibi, saying that the party-state's troop deployment had been informed by the Central Government and that they had changed direction at the end of the road.Huang Jibi had no idea that the Chinese government, with so many talented people, could decipher his own code in a short period of time, and was greatly shocked.

Zhou Mo took advantage of the opportunity to be on duty alone, adjusted the call sign and frequency band, and contacted Tao Ge in time, which made Tao Ge overjoyed.Seeing this, Lu Shaowu went over to change shifts with Zhou Mo, saying that the duty was to let everyone take turns to rest. Zhou Mo could not refuse, so he had to leave first. As a result, Lu Shaowu discovered something strange.

After Tao Ge confirmed that Zhou Mo had become a prisoner, he was very excited and hurriedly told Huang Jibi about the incident. He also had a plan in mind, that is, they could not decipher Zhonggong's code for a long time, so they simply used Zhou Mo's convenience to ask her to helpGet the Chinese password book and even the key.Only in this way, Zhou Mo became an undercover agent arranged by Huang Jibi in the Central Government, and returned to the party state after meritorious service.

Lu Shaowu thought about it and decided to report Zhou Mo's situation to Cai Zejuan, saying that Zhou Mo was sitting alone in front of the radio station and did not send a report.Cai Zejuan told Lu Shaowu not to doubt his comrades without evidence. This would not be conducive to unity, so he asked him to go back and rest without telling anyone.Early the next morning, Zhou Mo came to Cai Zejuan to apply for party membership, and Cai Zejuan promised to submit her application to the party branch for discussion.

For three consecutive days and nights, Jianmen Pass was still unbroken. Commander-in-Chief Xu sent troops to support, and the Fourth Red Army would launch a general offensive at Jianmen Pass.In the end, Deng Xihou could not withstand the attack, and the Fourth Red Army successfully broke through Jianmen Pass. Everyone was extremely surprised, except Zhou Mo who couldn't believe it and found it incredible.

In March 1935, the Fourth Red Army broke through Jianmen Pass and began the Long March.Cai Zejuan and his teammates from the Second Station, carrying heavy telecommunications equipment, embarked on a long journey with the 31st Army, the main force of the Red Fourth Front Army.When Shi Lanqing saw an abandoned baby in his new station, he had no choice but to take it back first. Cai Zechuo thought of the son he had never met, so he asked the lesbians to take turns taking care of him to see if they could find someone to adopt him.At the same time, Xue Pinxuan personally taught her son to read and read, cultivating him to have patriotic feelings like Cai Zechuan.

The radio station was suddenly damaged. Zhou Mo proposed to take it back to his room for inspection, but Cai Zejuan did not agree. Instead, he took it back to the room for repairs and arranged for Lu Shaowu to adjust the frequency for monitoring.Cai Zeju then reported the situation to Wang Zhensheng and Li Guodong. Li Guodong gave Cai Zeju a novel, and he used the novel to pretend to be a codebook to test Zhou Mo.Sure enough, Zhou Mo believed it was true and prepared to contact Tao Ge.When Cai Zecheng told Du Hong to be on duty, he deliberately gave Zhou Mo the opportunity to be on duty alone.That night, Tao Ge took the initiative to send a telegram to Zhou Mo, and Zhou Mo also monitored the contents of the telegram.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 15 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Due to Cai Zejuo's deliberate arrangement, Zhou Mo sneaked into his workshop under the pretense of going to the bathroom. After searching around, he found the book - Wanping Bells.She speculated that the person who could carry such a popular leisure book with him was probably an emissary of the Red Army and carried an important key.However, Zhou Mo did not realize that he had been exposed to Cai Zehuo's surveillance and was stepping into a trap step by step.When she returned to the radio station, she found that all her colleagues had left, leaving Du Hong alone.

Zhou Mo asked Du Hong to go to the cooking class to get some food for her on the pretext of being hungry.After Du Hong left, she impatiently sent the book disguised as a code - Wanping Bell - to Tao Ge.Unexpectedly, everyone suddenly appeared the next second, and Zhou Mo was arrested on the spot, with both the person and the stolen goods.Although she tried her best to deny it and insisted that she was just delivering information for her family, Lu Shaowu's surveillance records ruthlessly exposed her lies.

Facing the truth that was about to be revealed, Zhou Mo desperately mentioned her contribution to the Red Army and begged everyone to be kind and let her live.Cai Zejuan also felt heavy in his heart, but he knew the serious nature of the matter, so he decided to leave everything to the military for decision and ordered Zhou Mo to be taken away.Shi Lanqing was deeply saddened by this, but Cai Zechuan understood. He knew that if Zhou Mo had not gone astray, he would be both a teacher and a friend to Shi Lanqing, and sadness would be inevitable.

Tao Ge, who received the telegram, firmly believed that the Wanping bell was the key to deciphering the code and immediately reported it to Huang Jibi.He firmly believed that this was a message sent by Zhou Mo with his life, and it must be deciphered as soon as possible.Although Huang Jibi felt embarrassed, he still agreed to try.Tao Ge immediately ordered Wang Ying to search for the book, but learned that he needed to collect all versions of the Wanping Bell to be successful, and the task was arduous.

At the same time, Xu Dapeng successfully found an adoptive family for the child, and Cai Zejuan personally named the child Liu Dianbo at the suggestion of Shi Lanqing and others.The Cai family has been searching for Cai Zejiao for many years without success. Cai Zhisheng misunderstood his father as a villain because he saw Xue Pinxuan crying while reading the letter, and became dissatisfied because of his lack of father's love.Cai's mother was even heartbroken after hearing the news.

Zhou Mo's departure made the atmosphere at Radio 2 become dull and depressing, and all colleagues who had friendship with her felt sad.Lu Shaowu felt deeply sorry for Zhou Mo's experience.However, bad news came one after another - Xu Dapeng reported that Zhou Mo jumped off a cliff and died during the escort.Cai Zejuan requested punishment from Wang Zhensheng and Li Guodong, but was only criticized internally.

Lu Shaowu fell into deep self-blame because of this. Thanks to Cai Zechuan's enlightenment and comfort, his mood gradually improved.He plucked up the courage to express his desire to join the party to Cai Zejuan, which made Cai Zejuan very happy.Seeing that Lu Shaowu worked hard and performed well, Cai Zejuan believed that he sincerely wanted to stay in the Red Army, so he encouraged him to write an application for joining the party.

On the other side, Huang Jibi and Tao Ge's work on deciphering the Wanping Bells was progressing slowly and anxiously.Dan Zeng finally found various versions of the Wanping Bell and revealed that the party-state had mobilized ten mathematical elites to form an encryption team to assist in the deciphering work.However, Tao Ge lost control because he never received a call back from Zhou Mo and resorted to drinking to drown his sorrows.

Pan Qingqing questioned Huang Jibi's motif theory, believing that if one could grasp the motif of the party-state, one could easily decipher all its encrypted information.This view aroused Huang Jibi's interest and triggered his in-depth thinking.Tao Ge became even more furious after seeing Huang Jibi unable to attack for a long time and even planned an internal struggle.Huang Jibi was surprised to find that Tao Ge seemed to be no longer the person he was familiar with.

At the same time, Cai Zechuan also emphasized the importance of discipline within Radio 2 to prevent incidents like Zhou Mo from happening again.As the enemy's codes are constantly updated, the difficulty of deciphering them is also increasing.In order to meet this challenge, Cai Zejuan decided to let Lu Shaowu and Shi Lanqing join in the deciphering work.Although the two felt anxious and uneasy, they gradually mastered the deciphering skills under Cai Zechuo's careful guidance.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 16 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

When sorting out and rewriting this content, I mainly focused on maintaining the original meaning, optimizing the sentence structure, using more appropriate vocabulary, and correcting typos.Here is the modified version:

Lei Shen suddenly came to report that he had discovered a Sichuan army unit. There has been no movement yet and it is suspected that adjustments are being made.Wang Zhensheng was doubtful about this. At the same time, Cai Ze also deciphered some important information about the enemy and confirmed the fact that Wang Longyun asked Chiang Kai-shek for help.He immediately informed Wang Zhensheng of the situation, and after learning the information, the headquarters responded quickly and asked the Fourth Red Army to immediately seek a breakout to the southeast to coordinate the actions of other troops and create favorable conditions for joining forces with the Central Red Army.condition.

In April 1935, Xu Xiangqian, the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Red Army, issued an order.He instructed the 31st Army to advance towards Gannan to contain the southern part of Hu Zong.At the same time, he also ordered the Ninth Red Army, the Thirty Red Army, and part of the main force of the Fourth Red Army to launch a comprehensive offensive against the Sichuan-Shaanxi region centered on Jiangyou.This action officially kicked off the Jiangyou War.

However, the Red 31st Army, which was responsible for opening up the Gannan Passage, made slow progress in the battle with Hu Zongnan, who was several times larger than itself. Due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves.Although they repeatedly requested military support, the headquarters did not give a clear response.They could only hold their position and wait for reinforcements to arrive.Soon after, Wang Zhensheng and others received news of Jiangyou's victory, and they quickly informed the headquarters of the good news.After Cai Zejue learned about it, he immediately began to convey the request for help to the headquarters.

Within the Fourth Red Army, Zhang Guotao and Xu Xiangqian had serious disagreements over the 31st Army's fourth telegram requesting reinforcements.Zhang Guotao advocated the establishment of Sichuan-Shaanxi base areas and believed that the 31st Army had completed its set tasks and should withdraw in time.Xu Xiangqian, on the other hand, insisted on obeying the strategic policy of the Party Central Committee and advocated the rapid opening of the Gannan Passage to achieve reunification with the Red Army.The dispute between the two was fierce and difficult to reconcile, and they eventually broke up.

Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong were worried and disappointed about the future of the Fourth Red Army. They were worried that this internal disagreement would affect the reunification of the First and Fourth Red Army.At this time, Cai Zejuan was nervously waiting for a reply in front of the radio station, but unexpectedly discovered that the enemy had changed the password.He quickly deciphered the enemy's troop arrangements to surround the Red 31st Army, and the headquarters immediately agreed to the 31st Army's retreat plan.

On the external battlefield, Dane once had conflicts with Huang Jibi due to problems with his cooperation.He angrily asked Huang Jibi whether he had forgotten his previous commitment, and accused Huang Jibi of having his code deciphered again by the Chinese Communist Party, which had caused huge losses to the party and the country.However, as the situation changed, the conflict between the two was temporarily alleviated, but it was not completely resolved.

While the Central Red Army is preparing to forcefully cross the Jinsha River, it is hoped that the Fourth Red Army can respond and take action at any time.This made Cai Zechuan's work burden heavier. He worked day and night, and his body gradually became exhausted.Despite facing tremendous difficulties and pressure, he still worked tirelessly, hoping to contribute his strength to the revolutionary cause.In the process, he not only discovered clues to the enemy's password change, but also successfully deciphered the enemy's new password through association and verification, providing important intelligence support for the operations of the Fourth Red Army.

The above content is mainly a sorting and rewriting of the original text, aiming to retain the original meaning while optimizing the language and structure.Please note that due to the length and complexity of the content, there may be some details that require further refinement and adjustment.

《Secrecy breaking》Episode 17 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

The main force of the Central Red Army cleverly captured Jiaoping Ferry on May 3, and then calmly crossed the Jinsha River for seven days and nights.Just two days later, the Kuomintang army trying to intercept the Red Army on the south bank of the Jinsha River arrived, only to find that the Central Red Army had already crossed the river and entered Sichuan.Immediately afterwards, on May 12, the Red Army held the crucial 6th Political Bureau meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Huili, Sichuan. This meeting further confirmed Mao Zedong's command authority and made an important decision to immediately go north., and at the same time joined up with the Fourth Red Army.

Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong assisted Cai Zejuan in obtaining and deciphering Huang Jibi's password, and the news spread quickly.Soon, the second station intercepted the new secret message and instructed the troops from all parties to prevent Zhu Mao from going north in Dadu River and other places, and to launch an encirclement and annihilation campaign.In response, the Central Red Army responded quickly and successfully attacked the enemy at Anshun Pass. Then they decisively divided their forces into two groups to quickly seize the Luding Bridge, successfully breaking the enemy's encirclement and suppression plan.

With the help of timely and accurate intelligence, the Central Red Army and the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army led by Li Xiannian successfully joined forces in Maogong. The joining forces of the two armies created extremely favorable conditions for the new revolutionary situation and greatly improved the morale of the commanders and soldiers.The subsequent Lianghekou Conference determined the strategic direction for the two armies to move north together. However, Zhang Guotao had a hidden conspiracy. Although he agreed at the meeting, he had other plans in private.

Faced with the complex situation, the Red 1st and 4th Red Front armies made decisions and chose the strategy of going north via Songpan Grassland.After going through hardships, Cai Zejun's right army finally got out of the woods, but the left army failed to move north as expected.After the Battle of Baozuo, facing the approach of the Kuomintang troops, the Red Army had to make major adjustments. In the process, some of the troops split due to various reasons, which brought new problems and challenges to the entire war situation.

《Secrecy breaking》 Episode 18 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

A call from the Third Bureau urgently instructed the troops belonging to Red Fourth to immediately change direction, go south to join the left army, and cross the grassland again.Facing this order, Cai Zejiu had no choice but to lead his troops back.On the way, when they saw the remains of the fallen soldiers, everyone took off their hats to pay tribute, and their hearts were filled with sorrow. A funeral was held for the martyrs. At the same time, Cai Zejiu became deeply confused about the bright future that he once believed in.

During this difficult march, Cai Zejiu developed a high fever due to overexertion and the invasion of wind and cold.Upon seeing this, Li Guodong decisively ordered him to suspend all work and wait for treatment after leaving the grassland.As night falls, Lu Shaowu accompanies Cai Zejuan, giving him a firm belief that the darkness will eventually pass and dawn will come.

On the other hand, Zhang Guotao believed that the Central Red Army's move northward could no longer shoulder the important task of leading the national revolution, and the prestige of the Central Red Army had dropped significantly among the Red Army ranks.Therefore, he quickly announced the establishment of the Provisional Central Committee and openly raised the banner of separatism.Encouraged by the Red Fourth Front Army's initial victory in the southward campaign, Zhang Guotao further strengthened his determination to break away from the Party Central Committee and insist on going south, but he did not realize that this wrong line was leading the Red Fourth Front Army into a huge crisis.

After the Fourth Red Army assembled in Zhuokeji, they once again embarked on the journey south, crossing the Jiajin Mountains where conditions were extremely harsh.A blizzard raged, signal poles were knocked down by strong winds, and radio signals were intermittent.Liu Yongzhong unfortunately died in the severe cold in order to keep communications open. However, the messages he sent with his life revealed Liu Xiang's detailed deployment of the Sichuan Army and provided key intelligence for the Fourth Red Army's southward operations.

Subsequently, the second and third bureaus met, and Xu Zhengye conveyed to Cai Zejuan the decision of the headquarters: after occupying Lushan County, they would launch an attack on Mingshan and Qionglai, with the intention of seizing the Western Sichuan Plain.However, Cai Zejuan expressed strong dissatisfaction with this decision, believing that this move was too risky and might cause the troops to be surrounded by Liu Xiang and the Sichuan army and pay a heavy price.Despite his objections, Cai Zechuan had to continue organizing intelligence monitoring work. The team stood firm in grief and provided key information to the front line.

Unfortunately, the Fourth Red Army was attacked from three sides on the plains of western Sichuan, and the two main regiments were completely wiped out. Wang Zhensheng was filled with grief and anger.Although the general headquarters ordered the evacuation of Baizhang Pass, the policy of going south has not changed.In the heavy snow of cold winter, the soldiers moved forward with heavy loads, exhausted both physically and mentally.

Fortunately, Xu Zhengye brought the news that the Communist International would intervene to resolve the differences between Red 1 and Red 4, and emphasized the importance of the anti-Japanese national united front, which gave Cai Zechuan and others a glimmer of comfort.Although Zhang Guotao has not yet made a clear stance, this is undoubtedly a positive signal.

However, the Kuomintang General Suppressor did not relax its pursuit of the Fourth Red Army.After staying in Baoxing for more than a month, the Fourth Red Army encountered a fierce attack by the main force of the Sichuan Army.Despite heroic resistance, they suffered heavy losses due to lack of ammunition, food and grass, and disparity in strength. They were eventually forced to evacuate Tianquan, Lushan, Baoxing and other places to find new living spaces.

At this time, the Second Bureau received a telegram stating that Zhang Guotao had been forced to cancel the Second Central Committee and that the Fourth Red Army would move north to join the Central Committee.This news melted the ice in Cai Zejuo's heart like a spring breeze and rekindled the fire of hope.However, new crises ensued: Xue Yue, Pan Wenhua and other troops were still in hot pursuit, and the Fourth Red Army was besieged in the mountains of western Sichuan.

Faced with a desperate situation, pessimism emerged among the team.Wang Xiaojing was worried about not being able to get out of trouble and was frustrated; Xu Dapeng angrily blamed division and wrong decisions for leading to the current predicament; while Dan Zeng took over as the director of the Interpretation and Interpretation Institute and appointed Tao Ge as the chief of the telecommunications unit to strengthen intelligence work..In the midst of hardships and hardships, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army still persisted in moving forward, looking for a way out of the predicament.

《Secrecy breaking》 Episode 19 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

Since the Fourth Red Army was pursuing troops, they were running out of ammunition and food, and they were at the end of their rope, the situation was not optimistic.The radio station captured during the Battle of Huang'an malfunctioned. It was the radio station used at the weekend. Shi Lanqing reported to Cai Zehuan that he had recently received a frequency signal frequently, which always contained the words “homing” and so on. Cai Zehuan guessed that “tiger, magpie”It does not refer to the Kuomintang, but the title between Zhou Mo and his contacts.

Because of this, after Cai Zejuan discussed with Xu Zhengye and Qu Xiangdong, he immediately went to Wang Zhensheng and others, saying that he could use Zhou Mo's name to convey important information about the Red Army's combat instructions to Tao Ge, and use false information to mislead the enemy., thus escaping the siege strategy. This plan was supported by the headquarters, and Thor led the Sharp Knife Battalion to march southwest.

Because sending this information required familiarity with Zhou Mo's techniques, Shi Lanqing had been in contact with Zhou Mo for the longest time and decided to give it a try himself.Sure enough, Tao Ge was very excited after receiving the information and immediately reported it to Dai Enzen, insisting that Zhou Mo was only pretending to surrender, so he would provide such a channel and would never betray the party and the country.

However, Dan Zeng did not fully believe it, and was curious about how Zhou Mo approached the radio station. Tao Ge said that Zhou Mo was a rare radio talent, and the Central Government must have wanted to instigate Zhou Mo, so Zhou Mo simply used his plan.Dan Zeng still did not believe it and ordered Tao Ge to be imprisoned. The Kuomintang general called Dan Zeng for a meeting. Based on the frontline reconnaissance and the identification of the highest intelligence department, it was concluded that the Fourth Red Army was indeed going to evacuate from the west, indicating that Tao Ge had obtainedThe secret message is authentic and trustworthy.

Dane then released Tao Ge and personally found him to tell him the good news.Soon, Dan Zeng received a call and learned that the commissioner had made the latest strategic adjustments based on Zhou Mofa's intelligence. The personally signed message was on the way, so he asked Tao Ge to encrypt the message as quickly as possible to ensure that it could not be intercepted within two days.Let the enemy decipher it and wait until the third day to achieve the desired result.

Cai Zejuan waited anxiously and was not completely sure that the enemy would take the bait. Xu Zhengye comforted him not to worry.Finally, after the enemy station was silent for a long time, the sound of radio waves suddenly rose. Cai Zechuo intercepted the enemy's radio and discovered that the enemy's troop deployment had been adjusted.The second round followed the large troops in a light movement and broke through to the north. The Red Army finally broke through the defenses in the Chuankang area.At the same time, Lei Shen led his men to fight a bloody battle with the enemy, blocking the enemy to buy time for the large army, and sent Stone back to deliver the message, and he and the soldiers died heroically.

The Sichuan Bandit Suppression Command telegraphed to Chiang Kai-shek that the Sichuan-Kangkang Red Army continued to advance northward. Because Xue Yue's troops were transferred to the north bank of the Dadu River, the encirclement and suppression campaign failed. The Fourth Front Army had fled north into the Jiajin Snow Mountain.Precisely because the Kuomintang was burdened by false information and missed an excellent opportunity, the Intelligence Department was ordered to come to the Interpretation and Interpretation Institute to hold accountable the people involved.Dane was facing punishment, and Tao Ge also chose to commit suicide at this time.

Two months later, Cai Zejuan and others received news that the headquarters would soon issue an order to prepare the entire army to set off for Qinghai and Xinjiang in five days. However, it stands to reason that Red 2 and Red 6The legion should arrive in the next few days, but it has not yet been seen. Qu Xiangdong believed that it was an order from Zhang Guotao, and as a soldier, he could only obey the order.

Cai Zechuo pointed the direction to everyone while passing by the stream, telling the story of Shi Dakai, the wing king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, who was defeated and captured at the Dadu River. He used this story as a metaphor for the failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising, not only because of foreign enemies, but also because of internal strife and strife.Shi Dakai, even a wise and courageous person like Shi Dakai, was still ostracized by suspicion and eventually fled Tianjing, ending up in a miserable state.On the other side, Xue Pinxuan was worried too much and became seriously ill. Cai's mother invited a doctor to see her. The doctor bluntly said that the disease was caused by accumulation of time and the disease penetrated into the internal organs, so she had to do her best and obey fate.

《Secrecy breaking》 Episode 20 plot introduction

《Secrecy breaking》Full episode plot introduction

That night, Cai Zejuan wrote a letter to Xue Pinxuan in his notebook to soothe his thoughts. He knew that he was in the smoke of gunfire and had to tighten his nerves at all times and not slack off in the service of his country and nation.But Cai Zejiu also cares about Xue Pinxuan and is eager to reunite as soon as possible. He believes that his heart will always be connected with Xue Pinxuan.

On July 2, 1936, the Second and Sixth Red Army Corps joined forces with the Fourth Red Front Army after a month's march, and were later renamed the Second Red Front Army.On July 6, the two main forces of the Red Army marched north hand in hand, and Cai Zejuan also suffered from illness and once again set foot on the crisis-ridden grassland.

Dane was able to escape because Tao Ge committed suicide in fear of crime, and he mocked Tao Ge as the damn scapegoat.At this time, Chiang Kai-shek sent a secret telegram and ordered the Inspection and Interpretation Office to immediately telegraph Lu Dachang: The Red Army is in full force and is spreading. One part has arrived at Awa and the other has arrived at Huangsheng Pass. It seems to be invading Longnan. It is hoped that the expedition will be strictly guarded.Report.

Nowadays, Cai Zejuan's abdominal pain is becoming more frequent. Shi Lanqing and others asked Cai Zejuan to rest first. If there is any information, leave it to her and Lu Shaowu to decipher it.Although the two learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, they had no chance to practice it, so Cai Zejuan took a night's rest and once again dragged his sick body to crack the enemy's defense preparation plan.

Wang Zhensheng received the contents of the telegram and immediately launched deployment. However, even so, Erlang Mountain and Min County were still difficult to conquer and could not be conquered for a long time.Cai Zejue was not surprised to hear the news, it was expected. However, his health was getting worse and worse, and he was vomiting blood. He could only record his regrets about his wife's broken promise in a notebook.On the other side, Xue Pinxuan was also critically ill. When she was dying, she believed that her husband must have had difficulties in not coming back for so many years. If there was an afterlife, she hoped to be husband and wife with Cai Zejuan again.

In the end, the Red Army won the Battle of Mintaoxi with tragic sacrifices and successfully entered Gannan, thwarting the national army's attempt to prevent the Red Army from advancing northward and creating favorable conditions for the three main Red Army forces to join forces.Zhang Guotao's old tricks sprouted and he wanted to split the westward march. The Second Bureau intercepted a telegram. The content was that the Kuomintang division commander invited everyone to a wedding banquet because his wife gave birth to twins. Shi Lanqing and Lu Shaowu felt suspicious. Cai Zejiu guessed that the Kuomintang troops came from the west to support them, but in QinghaiThe swamp makes it difficult to march.

Cai Zejuan passed out and Dr. Fu Lianxun came to see Cai Zejuan. Due to the shortage of medicine during the march, he had to stay in bed to recuperate.A secret telegram intercepted by the Second Bureau from the Qing Navy lords to Chiang Kai-shek revealed that the road to the west was extremely dangerous. With the unanimous resistance of the Red Army Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, Chief of Staff Liu Bocheng, Commander-in-Chief Xu Xiangqian, Political Commissar Chen Changhao and other senior commanders, Zhang Guotao was finally forced to give up.He made a plan to march to Qinghai and Xinjiang and chose the Sunshine Avenue heading north again.Cai Zejuan's tense heart finally relaxed, but overexertion caused him to fall into a persistent coma.

Xue Pinxuan wanted to have a few words with her uncle Lin Chenhan, so she asked her mother to take the child out first.Lin Chenhan knew that Xue Pinxuan was terminally ill, but he could only comfort her to calm down first. Xue Pinxuan said that she had thought about finding her husband, but the world was in chaos and there was nowhere to go. She believed that Cai Zechuo would definitely come back, and there was a custom in Ningde that thatEven if the couple were buried together, they would be buried together. However, if one of them died early and the life or death of the other spouse was not known, they could not be buried. Therefore, they asked their uncle to build a mountain tower with ventilation on all sides in front of the joint tomb. They would place their own coffins in it first and wait for Cai Zehuo's return before burying them..

Now that Xue Pinxuan died of illness in Ningde, Cai Zechuo was still seriously ill. The Second Bureau had to continue marching to Min County, so they sent him to the local Baima Temple to seek help. However, the chief lama told him that Cai Zechuo's body was exhausted and the medicine was ineffective.Cai Zejuan tapped the Morse code with his fingers and wanted to return the code book to the organization. According to discipline, the letter could not be kept and he asked them to help destroy it.In the end, Cai Zejiu became ill due to overwork and died in Baima Temple at the age of 29. Everyone was extremely sad.

On the eighteenth day after Cai Wei's death, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army met with the First Front Army of the Red Army in Ning County and Jingning County, Gansu Province. The Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, which lasted for two years and fought in 14 provinces, ended successfully.Not long after, Li Guodong, the only person who knew Cai Wei's true identity, died in the battle. After that, no one knew that Cai Wei was Cai Zechuan from Ningde, Fujian.

Since then, the hero has been sleeping in a foreign land, and his loyal soul cannot return to his hometown. Because of the special nature of the hidden front, he changed his name. He never thought that this change would cause him to remain anonymous in Jiuquan for more than 40 years. Until the founding of New China, Cai Zejiao's former comrades still missed him. AfterWith the coordination of the Central Working Group and the efforts of many parties, the descendants of the Cai family brought back Cai Zejuan's remains from Zhuoping Village, Min County, Gansu Province in May 1998, and buried them with his wife Xue Pinxuan.After nearly sixty-two years, the martyr Cai Wei, formerly known as Cai Zejuan, has finally returned to his hometown. History will eventually remember the glorious deeds and noble spirit of the unknown hero Cai Wei.

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