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《Substitute》 Episode 20 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 10, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, you can see the discussion about 《Substitute》 just by opening the social app, and among them《Substitute》 the plot introduction of the 20th episode is definitely the thing that everyone is most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you about《Substitute》Opinions and thoughts on the plot introduction of Episode 20.

《Substitute》 Episode 20 plot introduction

《Substitute》Episode 20 plot introduction

Lin Yu and Bai Chu met in another courtyard. Lin Yu asked Bai Chu to give up the order to kill Master Lu. Bai Chu refused and turned to leave, but Lin Yu held him tightly and tied his hands.Lin Yu sincerely apologized to Bai Chu and expressed that he did not want Bai Chu to be injured.

After saying that, he turned to leave but was stopped by Bai Chu. Bai Chu said that he had forgiven Lin Yu, and he knew that Lin Yu did not want her to be in danger again, but she knew that this mission was fraudulent and would never let Lin YuYu went into danger by herself. Now she is no longer the Princess Chen she used to be. This time she has to face it with Lin Yu.The two get back together.

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