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《Substitute》 Episode 21 plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open the social app, you can see discussions about “《Substitute》Episode 21 Plot Introduction”. This is definitely what fans are most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you about《Substitute》My thoughts and opinions on the plot introduction of Episode 21.

《Substitute》 Episode 21 plot introduction

《Substitute》Episode 21 plot introduction

Bai Chu met Wang Yi on the way out of Guigu. He surrounded Bai Chu with Guigu's second, third and fourth sons and asked Bai Chu to hand over the Guigu seal.Bai Chu made sarcastic remarks, and Wang Yi ordered Bai Chu to be killed.

Suddenly, the second and third children suddenly turned against Wang Yi and the fourth child, and their swords faced each other. Wang Yi was shocked.The second child handed the sword to Bai Chu, and Bai Chu killed Wang Yi to avenge his parents.Bai Chu deliberately let Lao Si go and asked him to report the news to King Qi.

All the content of the plot introduction of episode 21 of 《Substitute》 is here. I don’t know if these things are helpful to you and whether they can help you understand the development of 《Substitute》 better. If it is helpful, pleaseContinue to pay attention to the line class, we will bring more abundant article information.

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