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《kill me love me》 Episode 7 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, there is a movie《kill me love me》that has attracted everyone's attention and attracted a lot of attention after it was broadcast.I believe you will often see news and plot analysis about it on social media.In particular, the plot introduction of episode 7 of "Kill Me Love Me" aroused everyone's strong interest and curiosity.Therefore, today the editor has compiled the following content for you, hoping to provide it to you in more detail and richness.

《kill me love me》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《kill me love me》Episode 7 plot introduction

Mei Lin cleverly used the scar on her arm as a bait to successfully attract the attention of Nanny Shang, allowing her to take the opportunity to let Mei Lin rest%. In fact, she set a trap secretly, intending to fake a murder due to the destruction of Empress Dejia's precious embroidery screen.Suicide drama.However, the appearance of Murong Jinghe broke all these plans. He not only resolved the crisis, but also led an army to blame Meilin by destroying the Tutu of Xunzi, and temporarily imprisoned him in Honglu Temple.

Aunt Shang was uneasy because she was afraid that the matter would be exposed. Coupled with Murong Jinghe's tacit cooperation with Yue Qin, it was even more difficult for her to make a choice, so she had to report to the prince Murong Xuanlie in a hurry.Surprisingly, instead of punishing Nanny Shang, Murong Xuanlie rewarded her heavily, but secretly ordered her to be killed after she left, intending to frame her brother.

Meilin knew very well that the "Xunzi Tu" was of great significance to Murong Jinghe, so he secretly repaired the embroidery screen. Yue Qin even tried his best to help, not only giving him the embroidery manual, but also always accompanying him to guard it silently.After unremitting efforts, Mei Lin discovered the secret message of Queen Dejia on the embroidered screen, and invited Murong Jing to share the appreciation, revealing the true purpose of the queen's embroidered pictures - to protect her beloved son and hope for the future.This scene made Murong Jinghe deeply feel the affection and expectation of his mother, and at the same time he felt guilty towards Mei Lin.

Mei Lin firmly believes that relics can communicate yin and yang, and repairing the embroidered screen has become a common wish between her and Murong Jinghe.During the repair process, the tacit understanding and cooperation between the two made Yue Qin beside him feel mixed emotions.When the embroidered screen regained its luster, Mei Lin suggested that Murong Jinghe talk to his mother alone and reminded him to pay attention to his own safety.At the same time, Murong Jinghe deployed surveillance on Meiniang, suspecting that she was related to the princeling.

On the other side, Murong Xuanlie took advantage of Emperor Yan's doubts about Xi Yan's spies and recommended Yin Luomei to investigate the matter. In fact, he intended to drive a wedge between her and Murong Jinghe.Yin Luomei became suspicious of Mei Lin's identity and decided to test it herself.An undercurrent of competition quietly unfolded inside and outside Honglu Temple.

The above is the plot analysis and introduction of the plot introduction of episode 7 of 《kill me love me》. I hope it can help the majority of friends who follow the drama.In the future, the line class will continue to update the latest information and related content. I hope to participate in the discussion with the audience. Everyone is very welcome to pay attention to the line class.

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