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《Marriage of a General》Plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《The General's Marriage》The short drama is a short drama that is currently on the air. The overall plot is very exciting. Many friends want to watch this drama. The editor brings you the General's Marriage.The plot of the short drama is introduced. Friends who like it are welcome to come here and watch it together!

《Marriage of a General》Plot introduction

《Marriage of a general》ancient version of daughter-in-law bullying mother-in-law, bloody but superior

Su Yuehua and her son Yue Xiaoting returned triumphantly after defeating the enemy. Their son asked Su Yuehua to be granted a first-class title as his wife, but his daughter-in-law-to-be Chi Qingqing mistook her for a foxy girl. They brutally tortured her in the wedding room and dragged her to the streets.show to the public.

At the critical moment, her son finally arrived and decisively broke off the engagement with Chi Qingqing. Unexpectedly, the Chi family had colluded with Fan Bang. In order to protect her country, Su Yuehua summoned Youfeng Laiyi to fight side by side with her son to repel Fan Bang again and successfully defended Daxia.territory……

The above is all the content related to the plot introduction of - The General's Marriage.However, there are a lot of great moments in this show as well as parts that may confuse viewers.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the storyline and surrounding information, we recommend that you continue to take our line lessons. Subsequent updated content will better help you watch and follow the drama.

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