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《My ex-wife spent a lot of money to get back together, but I’m not interested in money》Plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《My ex-wife spends a lot of money to get back together, but I'm not interested in money 》- This is a popular drama. Many friends are very curious about the plot. The editor has brought you a summary of the story and wants to know the overall plot.Come and have a look, my friends!

《My ex-wife spent a lot of money to get back together, but I’m not interested in money》Plot introduction

《My ex-wife spent a lot of money to get back together, but I'm not interested in money》-is a short drama with an urban workplace theme. It tells the story of the protagonist who faced his ex-wife's request to get back together with a lot of money, but refused because he was not interested in money.

The poor boy Han Fei was wearing a green hat on the spot by the goddess who was kneeling on the spot.For some reason, the ex-wife spent a lot of money to get back together and hoped to rebuild the old relationship with the protagonist, but the protagonist chose to refuse because he was not interested in money.

The plot is full of workplace struggles and emotional twists and turns. The protagonist always adheres to his principles and values ​​when facing the pursuit of his ex-wife and other temptations.

This short drama was loved by the audience for its compact plot and profound themes.The audience was attracted by the protagonist's attitude of insisting on himself and not being moved by money, and considered this a valuable spirit.At the same time, the workplace struggles and emotional entanglements in the plot also let people see the difficulties in urban life.

The above is the plot introduction content compiled by the editor about - My ex-wife spends a lot of money to get back together, but I am not interested in money. I hope it can help friends who like - My ex-wife spends a lot of money to get back together, but I am not interested in money.If you find it helpful and want to know more, don't miss the editor's subsequent updates.

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