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《Nine fairy masters at the beginning》Plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《Nine Fairy Masters in the Beginning》 is a very classic and refreshing short play. Each of the nine fairy masters has its own unique skills. The editor has brought you a plot introduction to the short play Nine Fairy Masters in the Beginning. There areInterested friends are welcome to come here and take a look!

《Nine fairy masters at the beginning》Plot introduction

《Nine Fairy Masters in the Beginning》 is a short drama about the journey of Ye Xiu, a twin soul, to become an apprentice and learn the art of immortality.Ye Xiu has nine fairy masters, including the Liuli Empress, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, etc. These beautiful masters love Ye Xiu deeply and enable him to fight against all the invincible opponents in the world of immortal cultivation.

The plot mainly revolves around Ye Xiu's journey to become an immortal.He awakens the God's Eye at the beginning, and any magical power technique is at full level for him.Not only can he quickly learn various techniques, but he can also easily absorb various powerful powers, such as Phoenix Flame, Suzaku Flame, Dragon God Soul, etc.Ye Xiu's journey to become an immortal is full of challenges and adventures. Under the guidance of nine fairy masters, he continues to break through himself and eventually becomes the strongest being in the universe.

The entire series will be released on January 26, 2024, and related videos will be released on multiple platforms.You can watch the serialized comic version of the show on Bilibili, which is updated every Thursday

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