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《Farming Bar 3》Guest lineup

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The broadcast of 《 Farming Bar 3 》 aroused great interest from the audience. Whether it is the storyline or the acting skills of the characters, people are immersed in it. Especially the recent news about the show 《 Farming Bar 3 》 the guest lineup isIt is the most discussed topic on the Internet now. Let’s talk about this topic below.

《Farming Bar 3》Guest lineup

iQiyi reality show - Farming Bar 3 - guest lineup: Chen Shaoxi, He Haonan, Jiang Dunhao, Li Gengyun, Li Hao, Lu Zhuo, Wang Yiheng, Zhao Xiaotong, Zhuo Yuan, Zhao Yibo, broadcast in February 2025.

Plot synopsis:

《Farm the land》In the third season, we will continue to stay true to our original aspirations and take root in the land!Spring is born and summer grows, autumn is harvested and winter is stored. Between the four seasons, the chapter of life continues.I want to continue farming intensively in Houdoumen for ten days. I also want to explore a broader agricultural world, cultivate new lands, meet new friends, and go to every place that requires ten days!

The above is the entire content of the guest lineup《Farming Bar 3》.If you want to know more about the detailed plot, the story behind the production, the character actors, etc. of this film and television series and want to explore, we will provide you with more information and intelligence.Please remember to follow us.

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