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《The story of pearl girl》character relationships

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, there is a film - The story of pearl girl - that has attracted everyone's attention and attracted a lot of attention after it was broadcast.I believe you will often see news and plot analysis about it on social media.In particular, the relationship between the characters - The story of pearl girl - aroused everyone's strong interest and curiosity.Therefore, today the editor has compiled the following content for you, hoping to provide it to you in more detail and richness.

《The story of pearl girl》character relationships

《The story of pearl girl》The play is adapted from Tan Tianyin's novel《Kunshan Jade Prequel》.

《The story of pearl girl》character relationships

Dragon Boat Festival:The female slave in the Pearl Extraction Department and the apprentice of the eighth lady in charge can appreciate treasures and distinguish the quality of pearls.According to what Yuchi Wuyi said, his mother was the eighth lady, and his father was a man who was captured and unyielding, causing his face to be disfigured. His identity is unknown, and his life experience is a mystery.

Ye Zhongxue:The gang leader of the Kunlun Mountains has blue eyes and is described as angelic. He should have met Yan Zijing in Gulistan, and he was friendly to the Dragon Boat Festival for the first time.

Yan Zijing:A jewelry merchant who left Hotan in the Western Regions three years ago and now returns for revenge. He and Yuchi Wuxin have known each other since they were young. This time, they said they were visiting Prince Nuomin, hoping that he would suppress the bandits. There must be something wrong with his life experience. His close sister Lan died in the Western Regions, maybe becauseGangster, now sick and brought into Gulistan together with Dragon Boat Festival.

Yuchi has no intention:The family is in decline and hopes to revitalize. He has known Yan Zijing since childhood. He hopes to establish a white jade kingdom in Hotan like the Hepu pearl collectors, so he hopes to leave Duan Wu, who has the ability to appreciate jewelry, to help him.

In the early Tang Dynasty, a young girl fishing for pearls in Hepu escaped from the pearl field in order not to be insulted. At a critical moment, the poet Zhang Jinran came to help her escape.In order to find out his life experience, Duan Wu joined the Sogdian merchant Yan Zijing's caravan, relying on his flexible mind to make a lot of jewelry business, and gained a deep friendship with Yue Yunxiu, the lady of Nianyu.Jingdian opened the door to the jewelry world, but Duanwu was involved in the life and death situation set up by Yan Zijing and almost died.

In order to find out the truth, Dragon Boat Festival went to Yangzhou and became famous for his “tortoiseshell armor”. He created the mirror platform with Yue Yunxiu, used jewelry and horse gear to break through the restrictions of local jewelers and occupied a place in the guild, and made colored glaze and sesel toColored jewelry was introduced to Yangzhou, where white jewelry is popular, broadening the local aesthetics and becoming the leader of the industry.And by chance, she and Zhang Jinran reunited, and the two of them will no longer miss each other.

But on the day when she finally became the leader of the guild, she was beaten to the bottom by her former ally Zheng Zhiheng. Fortunately, Zhang Jinran rescued her when her life was hanging by a thread. After escaping, she confronted Zheng Zhiheng, once again made a comeback, regained the leader of the guild, and ledYangzhou Guild reaches the peak of jewelry art again

Okay, this is all about the relationship between the characters in The Story of Pearl Girl. If you like to follow dramas and watch dramas, please continue to pay attention to the line class. We will bring more exciting content in the future.It will help you understand the mysteries of the plot more deeply and better appreciate film and television works.

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