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《the rise of ning》In which episode did Lu Jiaxue recognize Yi Ning?

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

“《the rise of ning》In which episode Lu Jiaxue recognized Yi Ning” is a topic of great concern to drama fans recently, because the drama has recently become popular on various short video APPs. I believe my friends have also seen it.There are few clips. Everyone is very enthusiastic about the issue of the rise of ning in the play - in which episode Lu Jiaxue recognizes Yi Ning. Let's take a look.

Lu Jiaxue was deeply aware of the lack of clues, so he sent his confidants to investigate the whereabouts of Luo Yining and Luo Shenyuan that day in Yuanjing Pavilion. Unexpectedly, the Luo family kept the matter secret and kept it secret.Unwilling to be reconciled, Lu Jiaxue decided to go into battle personally, vowing to uncover the mystery of the identities of Luo Yining and Luo Shenyuan.At this time, Luo Shenyuan noticed the depression in Luo Yining's heart, so he proposed to go out to relax, and cleverly set up a study-style workshop named “Minglantang” under her name as a token of his past kindness to Luo Yining's mother.feedback, but also provided her with a spiritual haven.Luo Yining was very happy about this, and the depression of living in the boudoir for a long time was swept away.She made a private plan to find a quiet place to live, vowing to find out the truth about her mother's death within a year, and then move with her grandmother to stay away from the trouble.One day, the two of them had wontons together at a market shop and talked about the future. Luo Yining encouraged Luo Shenyuan to enter an official career. Although he knew that the household registration problem was looming, he decided to help his third brother solve these worries.Walking in the market after dinner, Lu Jiaxue met Luo Yining unexpectedly. At that moment, his eyes were locked tightly. The beauty in front of him was his “sister”, and that feeling of familiarity instantly came to his heart..

《the rise of ning》In which episode did Lu Jiaxue recognize Yi Ning?

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