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《kill me love me》What is the reason why Murong Jing and the heroine assassinated themselves?

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 16, 2024 Source:Network

《kill me love me》 has finally started. The plot is very sad. The male protagonist actually lets the female protagonist assassinate him. Why on earth is this? The plot of the story is very exciting. If you want to know more details, you can come to the line class to watch it.Take a look.

《kill me love me》What is the reason why Murong Jing and the heroine assassinated themselves?

1. 《Kill me love me》The reason why Murong Jinghe cultivates the heroine to assassinate him is because he wants to put her to death and survive, and wants to frame the blame on the prince and fish out the prince's accomplices.

2. Since the Qingzhou Fire, Murong Jinghe has cultivated his power through the secret factory, but the heroine does not know that he is the owner of the secret factory.

3. Murong Jing and training killers to assassinate him also reflect the crazy and cruel side of his character. Even if he attacks himself, he still has to find out the truth ten years ago.

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