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《After landing on the moon, the aloof female chief engineer came to ask for help 》 Plot introduction

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《After landing on the moon, the aloof female chief engineer came to ask for help.》This is a very exciting fantasy short drama. The male protagonist can go to the moon to mine, and the cold female chief engineer throws himself into his arms. The editor will give it to everyone.We have brought you a plot introduction, come here and watch it together!

《After landing on the moon, the aloof female chief engineer came to ask for help 》 Plot introduction

《After the moon landing, the cold-hearted female chief engineer came to ask for help 》- is a sitcom that tells a series of stories that happened during the lunar exploration.

This short drama mainly revolves around the story of the aloof female chief engineer who came to ask others to take her to the moon after landing on the moon.A young man inherited an abandoned mine. When he was desperate, he discovered that the mine could lead to the moon. By mining rare ores on the moon, the young man reached the pinnacle of his life!

The plot contains elements of magic and science fiction, and the plot is compact and attractive.Audience reviews generally think that this short drama is very good, especially the third and twelfth episodes are particularly popular, making people want to watch it after watching it hundreds of times.

In addition, this short drama is completely free, and viewers can watch the finale in one go without paying.

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